selling stuff


Well-known Member
I sold a old farm truck to a guy about 2 weeks ago. He came and put a small deposite on the truck and said he would be back on the weekend to get it and pay the rest of the money. He has called and told me he would be there 4 times. 4 times I have set and waited on him to show up when I could have been doing something else. 4 times he didn't show up and didn't call and let me know he wasn't going to make it. I called him saturday at 1pm. He was supposed to be there at 12:30. He didn't show up and didn't call. I have tried calling him to see what was going on and now he won't answer his phone or return my calls. What would you guys do. I want the truck gone but don't want to be too mean. I have costs of advertising and everything already wrapped up in this deal and have turned away about 30 people because he put a deposite on it and said he wanted it. Any thoughts on whats the right thing to do in this situation.
After all that, I'd sell it to the next guy who came along with the money... if the guy who gave you the deposit shows up, give him his deposit back... if he doesn't show, you have that much extra.
I have too much patience. Have three tractors stored at my house for going on ten years now, and finally had to track the guy down. He moved to another state and said he would pick them up last spring. Hadn't heard from him since. Seems he lost the farm and dropped them off at my place so the bank wouldn't get them.

I would give him 30 days. Folks are so wrapped up in stuff these days. He must not need the truck real bad yet, or ran into problems with money.
Do the right thing, send him a certified letter stating when he needs to pick the truck up or it will be sold, and then after selling it give him back his money.
That's why I see more and more people getting tough on their sales. They want a deposit and give a TIME limit and then it is NON-REFUNDABLE.
I like you are too trusting and forgiving. But it seems like you have tried plenty to get ahold of him. So I would do like the others that say enough is enough and the next guy with the money gets it !
the answer is RESPECT, for all buyers and sellers.
Too many guys want to manipulate the other, and
often chicken out on a deal. Fair dealings, and
bargaining in GOOD FAITH, are essential to any deal.
I hate cowards and cheapskates. Be fair at all times. If you cannot be honest, then stay in the closet, where you belong. It is Un-American to cheat and lie.
Next time, have the buyer sign a simple contract spelling out when payment in full is due, and that the deposit will be forfeited if that date is not met.

Also, specify a length of time the item is allow ed remain on your property, ever after payment in full has been made, before it is subject to sale or disposal.
Must have bought it with out his wifes approval.
He is probably beat up so bad that he is ashamed to show up. Or just doesnt have the money.
I sold my wood splitter --- the guy said he would put down $100.00 dollars and come back in a week to pay the balance ---

MY Receipt to him was simple -- One hundred dollars down and the Balance of _____ in 5 days as of the date of the receipt -- No Show -- I keep the Splitter and the $100.00 ---

just use common sense -- that it goes a long way ...
Couple years ago my brother was selling old Drakes truck, had it out front of house with for sale sign.
Guy come by gave $500 on a $1500 dollar deal. Never showed again he waited a couple months don't know what happened jail, died ?
Yup, thats the way to do it. Take the deposit and give them X amount of days to pick it up and pay the remainder, or else they forfiet all money and the next buyer gets it.
I bought a corn planter from a guy on ebay back in the spring. I paid for it and told him I would get there as soon as possible. It was planting season and I was up against the clock.

He emailed again and asked when I'd be there, I told him as soon as this one man operation found a spare day.

By and by, I emailed him and told him I couldn't tear away to come get it and didn't know when I could. He could keep it, junk it, sell it or whatever. I never heard another damned word from him. But, that's OK...I paid my debt and if it was in his way...he could do as he pleased. It may still be there for all I know.
have some old farm implements, guy said he wanted them, said he was a MAN of his WORD, ok ill hold for you ..... that was 4 months ago and still nothing!

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