In Addition to What's This World Comming to......


My recent experience with a thief.
This spring, I planted flowers at my late wife's grave and added 2 l.e.d. butterflies and dragonflys. Five weeks ago, discovered some low-life had stolen the led lights. Got mad, wrote a letter to the local weekly paper. Believe it or not, the lights were returned last week!!! Never over estimate the power of the press!!
You an't seen nut'n yet --- they could have taken your late wife --- then what would you say ????? It has happened ......
to just reiderate that, a guy in our county year and a half ago was caught digging up graves and keeping the skulls, he"s back in jail now.
I have heard this is happening in this neck of the woods too. Flowers have been missing only to be found on another grave. It's really sad and heartless. Jim
i dont think we have seen the worst yet. with price of gas and everything. i feel things are going to get alot worse before things get better. where i work they steel any thing not bolted or welded down. we have used a whole roll {very large} of wire to rewire irrigation systems. we rewired one and two weeks later they stole it again. one weekend they stole 5 batterys and the cables out of equipment on the lot some was customers cost over two hundred just in parts to replace the battery and cables in one truck
the big thing around here now is steeling of cat convertors, elspecially from new cars in the dealer lots. they use cordless sawzalls and have at one point taken up to 6 from a lot in a night.
Years ago when I had a day job I ran a 600 bed work release jail and controlled a county vehicle impound lot. Well, we had some grave robbers in the news and wasn"t long before detectives put what looked like a body bag along side the fence in the impound lot. One end of the bag was kinda rounded out like it had a volley ball or something in it. It quickly picked up the name "the head of the impound lot." Local newspaper got wind of it and was coming out for photographs and interviews. Somehow the detectives found out and the head of the impound lot disappeared.

6, is that all?

Local news around here was tell'n about a county school bus garage got hit. They got every converter off every bus they had.

That florists name needs to be plastered all over the place for what they did. That florist would be out of business in no time.
A guy by the name of Ed Gean in Wisconsin was robbing graves and hanging them in his wood shade -- using the skin to make lamp shades --- that was back in the 60's -- when he was arrested - they found a human heart cooking on his stove...
Cats can go anywhere from 80-200 bucks ,junk . Lot of thieves are selling them on E-Bay , or have scrappers they can esell them too . I think e-bay should ban them , and scrap yards should have photo ID and registration for sellers . They have been hitting empty houses here while people are rebuilding from the flood . Wiring , plumbing etc,,,they take it all . Time to string one or two up and make an example outta them .
I think he got caught when he took it one step further and started killing people. When the arreseted him he had a local woman gutted out, hanging on a meat hook. Yikes!!
Coworker came out of a bar after work thurs. and sees a guy crouching by his truck.He circles around the CVS store and sneaks up on the guy,kicks him in the butt as hard as he can and knocks him to the ground then punches him in the face.The thief runs away without the gas can and tubing.Only thing was it was a blue kerosene can with about two gallons of his gas in it.Coworker is also completly psycho former Marine.The guy was lucky to get away.
Wasn't it Wisconson a couple years ago that two guys dug up a young girls grave to have---Well lets just say it was very discusting what they were going to do! Imagine a parent finding that out after just loosing a daughter.

All the crazy people aren't in jail!

No guys, I'm NOT making this up--it was on the news. Besides it is so sick no one could make that story up!

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