strangest thing in the field

my neibor and me went walking through his cornfield today and she must have been 10 foot high and thick well we get about 500 feet from the road and we see this red thing in one of the rows we get about 20 feet from it and it is someone in a blanket i think its a body as we see a foot sticking out my neibor yells and this women gets up bare bottom and runs the other way. kinda wierd stuff.

I can't imagine the pain that would result from running through a 10ft tall corn field naked. More like Field of Nightmarish Abrasions.
Drug user?

Only one person.. or could there have been another that wasn't seen, perhaps running in front of her?

im not shure if there was a secound person or not but i doubt it as we looked at the blanket for a little while before aproaching. i would believe it to be a drug user as we have problems with drug deals in our area. there is a dead in road about a 1/2 mile from where we live and they go down there open the door and leave and about 10 minutes later another car goes down and does the same thing.
Always makes ya wonder. That one leaves you with more questions than answers.. why no clothes if drugs?

Any homeless people in your area..

Thats a classic. Cant say I ever took on of my girlfriends into the cornfeilds, back 40 hay feild sure, but never corn. Well, if she was naked, she has to have a fellow around there some where. Hoping she wasnt left there drugged and assaulted and just ran cause she was scared. Lot of creeps doing weird things to ladies these days. Maybe she was waiting for one of ya and the 2nd dude scared her off!!
Prolly some Wiccan gal celebrating the summer sun god of fertility naked in a sun-drenched confield!
This woman was 10 ft high and thick? I think I'd get outa her way if she came runnin' towards me, bare bottom or not.
well i checked on wikipedia and i think that if she was useing a drug such as coccaine during the high it says body heat can increase causeing the user to loose clothing and after the high body heat drops but is what im still trying to place toghether is we found no clothing and how would she find a pretty new blanket in the field. i could almost agree maybe that she was some member of some sort of cult or something and may be worshipping the sun or something. it is literally all to wierd. its like trying to put toghether a 1000 piece puzzle with only 999 pieces. but if anyones wife, daughters, or sisters is missing a blanket i'd give it back.
could have been out partying with friends, and they dumped her out after she passed out, who knows? way back when i was about 17 or so, my sister gets home from work, we were all sitting out in the yard, she yells, mom mom, theres a body up the road in the ditch. so dad and i get in the truck and drive up there, sure enough, in the ditch by the corn is a body layin there. i walk up and kinda poke it a little, and he moves some, turns out the kid about 20 or so had a fight with his step dad, dad beat him up and threw him out of the car. so he says he has friends in the nearby town, we load him in the pick up and drive him to town, meantime, mom calls the sherriff unbeknownst to us, we drive by the house with the kid, toot the horn and keep going. sherriff shows up at home, asks mom where is the body, she says my husband and son just went by with it in the truck!! WHATTT!!!! says the sherriff, dad and i get home, the sherriff is waiting in the driveway for us. WHAT THE H*LL did you do with the body the sherriff says. i said to him we dropped him off in town. YOU DID WHAT???? the sherriff says. oh i said he wasnt dead yet. cop wasnt happy he wants me to take him to the house we dropped the guy off at. ok you follow me i told the sherriff. we drive into town and get about 4 houses away, the kid is out in the yard with a shot gun, guess he was going to get the step dad. i stop the truck, walk back to the squad car and said to the sherrif, there is the dead body in the front yard with the shot gun, i'm outa here!!!!
Early Tuesday morning was supposed to be the prime time for the Perseids Meteor shower. Could have been some star gazers out in the country away from the city lights, headlights, etc. to watch the meteors among other things. There will probably be more meteors tonight in the northeast sky.
if i would have caught her it i'd be writing dear penthouse instead of ytmag. but i think the little lady would have shot me dead.
that is one of the most amusing stories I've seen on here (or any other forum for that matter). I can just picture you and the sheriff in that conversation, assuming you're not pulling our leg. :wink:
Some like to roll in the hay, but us invisible folk prefer corn. Did not enjoy the interuption, however.

Invisible Man

Seriously, that's some weird stuff!

its a true story. i always seem to have weird things happen to me. another one, when my wife and i were dating, i was driving her home one evening, there was a guy in the ditch along afield, waving a tee shirt, kind of bloodied up. i was afraid to stop, it kinda looked like a set up maybe with somebody hiding in the field, so we drove to town and went to the police station. i told them what i saw, they sent a squad out there. cop couldnt find the guy and asked if we would go out and show him where. we drove out there, cop was about half a mile too far north. there was the guy still there. turns out him and his buddies were out drinking, they stopped along the road to "drain the lizard" well, another car full of drunks drove by and accidently hit this guy, they took off. so his buddies left him and chased after the other guys. he went to the hospital with a couple broke bones. other car got caught, they got busted for dwi and hit and run.
I've had a few weird things happen as well. Just last year I was getting on the freeway in a rural area. Saw a mini-van down in the ditch off the ramp. Stopped on the side, went down and found a nice youg man trying to jack it up to change a tire (broke the bead when he slid off the ramp, probably going too fast for the cloverleaf design of the ramp). Anyway, I told him to hold on, it will be easier to change up on the shoulder, backed my 4x4 pickup in front of him and was on my back hooking up a chain underneath his front end when I heard "howdy, what's going on?"

It was a State Trooper. Looking up I explained I was just helping to change a tire. Young man didn't say much. I kept hooking up the chain. Trooper said "Stop and get up", which I did. He went right over to the young man, asked him if he was armed ("No"), started to frisk him and I MEAN FRISK HIM. My wife hasn't touched me like that in a while. :wink:

Asked him if he'd been in jail ("Yes sir, out on parole for B & E"). At this point my jaw kind of dropped. Asked him when the last time he smoked weed. "Few days ago". Another jaw drop. He asked if he could search the car. "Yes, sir". Trooper reached in, came right back out with a little metal box of mints, opened it and there was some weed. Another jaw drop. Told the boy to turn around get down on his knees and he cuffed him. I asked if he wanted me to pull the mini-van up on the shoulder and he said "No, that car's mine now, you can go and have a nice day".

The whole episode took like 5 minutes, but that was the weirdest thing and the most psychic trooper I've ever seen. I could have been a serial killer for all he knew, but he zoomed right in on this nice, polite young man and pegged him. I often wonder what the legal outcome of that was.

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