Summer Is Gettin' Away

Allan in NE

Well-known Member
Don't know where the time goes; before ya know it, we'll be pushin' snow again. :>(






Is that this year? On the new (old) combine, or the one from last year? Good looking crop, and nice pictures. Especially like seeing the Northwest Nebraska National Forest in the background of a couple of them. Seeing all the good hay put up, and now this good looking grain crop, its getting harder for me to stick to my advice- "don't quit your day job."
Nice pics Allan. Yes, winter will be here before long :(, but I'll use my 1943 Farmall H with the #30 loader and snow bucket to push that snow away.


Took those pictures this afternoon 'bout 4pm. Had to stop because of my "real" job, but that's where the money is. I sure can't make any from the dirt, that's fer darned sure.

That's the old F. I still gotta go into the injector pump on it (been putting that off for 2 years now), but otherwise, she's a 10. Really a nice old machine.

Hope to maybe get that F2 goin' this fall/winter. :>(


Lanse, one of the most valuable parts of your schooling is acquiring the knack for accomplishing something that you really don't enjoy doing. There are a few lucky people that just enjoy learning school subjects just for the sheer joy of learning. The rest of us had to "vow to endeavor to persevere" (to steal a line from the movie "The Outlaw Josie Wales"). You don't have to like it, but develop enough toughness to handle it and do it. You will find that toughness will come in handy when you join the adult world of hard knocks. By the way, if it is any consolation, I hated school with a passion!
You wanna race??? I want to get the WC (who still needs a name) into the field by next summer-and it sounds like you want your gleaner in by then too. Are we putting money down??/ :)
"enough toughness to handle it"

My theory there is to zone out in class and manage to pass anyway. Its all over at 4 in the afternoon anyway. I kind of just exist during the school year. Boring, Long, Pointless, and dull. Summer is always worth the weight.
Well, not totally pointless - you learned to read and write and that lets you join in on the forums (unless you were born reading and writing! Don't laugh. I have a nephew that just knew how to read without any training. When he was four, his dad took him to the garage with him. He looked over at a box on the counter and said, "Dad, that box says carburetor". His dad like to have fell on the floor.). Amen to the worth of summer when you are a teenager. Now that I am retired, I finally get to enjoy that feeling of total freedom once more.
Lanse, as much as you won't believe it, there will come a time where you will wish you would have paid more attention, worked harder, and learned more. I'm telling you, I was top ten in my class, and now that I am in college, I wish that I would have learned more in high school. Biggest regret is not taking calculus in high school. And, college is a whole nother world, it will sneak up and tear you apart if you aren't diligent. Trust me, learn this lesson now before you have to learn it the hard way.

JoshuaGA (Much dumber than I was a few years ago)
i think i should go back to school-i cant even spell carborator. Or something.

Yep, thats the one good thing that came out of it-but to be honest i'd rather by my normal self then spend 10 years in school. I still hate school.
(quoted from post at 18:07:42 07/28/08) "enough toughness to handle it"

My theory there is to zone out in class and manage to pass anyway. Its all over at 4 in the afternoon anyway. I kind of just exist during the school year. Boring, Long, Pointless, and dull. Summer is always worth the weight.

I see, and just how much does summer weigh? Or is it actually worth the wait?

School is quite important for everyone... School and education do something important for us, they teach us about different opportunities in the world and offer us choices for our lives. Not too many years ago there were a lot of people who didn't realize there were other choices out there and just went ahead and followed in the parents' footsteps. Some of those people are now realizing they had a choice and feeling a bit depressed about being stuck where they are.

Stick with your education, you will need it in tomorrow's economy!

Back on topic, summer is getting away... I have to go to school on Wednesday this week for three days to prepare for students to show up on Monday, August 4. WOW! Summer went fast!

I'm already looking forward to Labor Day vacation so I can go to Rollag and see, hear, and smell some old iron!

Looks like a decent crop there, Allan - how many bushels per acre?
Lol yep, until then though. I can live with myself not paying attention, im working as hard as i can for my tractors, and i can live with not being top 10 in my class.

As much as i dread MORE school-collage is important. I guess worth it. But important.
I'd a sworn all summer long that it was gonna do and easy 50.

Took some hail that I didn't know about until I was in it today. So, looks like it's doin' right at 32 or so. :>(

Hope the straw doesn't get hailed out before I can get it up too. :>)

(quoted from post at 18:36:45 07/28/08)Took some hail...

That really stinks when the big white combine of the sky gets there before you do...

Dad finally got around 1.40" of rain, but with 70mph winds that knocked down the riper wheat on the hills. So now he has a poor crop from a drought with half of that knocked over.

Good luck with the rest of the harvest!
LOL Thats OK. I try to tone myself down as much as i can and not be rude-i really do try.

Youtube dont work for me with duialup. Oh well.....
Sheesh, boy send some of that dry weather for a bit would you ?

I had to call in some back up on friday, so much rain, hit a soft spot, first round mowing near the 20 acre pond, neighbor came over with the jd 4440 and pulled out my bucket of bolts, he's real happy with the corn, over 8' tall, but boy you just can't get to them oats, now the darned geese are back into it and the deer are matting down spots, awesome stands too, he said our 7 acres looks better than the other 40 or so he did in the back fields, he just put the grain head on, figures he should get 3 tandem loads of grain, that is if it would just stop raining so he can get it before the critters or hail, was good to chat with him after pulling me out, nothing like these guys with 50 years of farming under their belt, great to hear some local history from someone who spent a lifetime in these fields, before they ruin em with houses.

Sure is a nice stand there, that must have put a smile on your face after last weekend's meltdown !
(quoted from post at 18:31:21 07/28/08) Lol yep, until then though. I can live with myself not paying attention, im working as hard as i can for my tractors, and i can live with not being top 10 in my class.

As much as i dread MORE school-collage is important. I guess worth it. But important.
There is a lot in life that is more important than tractors. Not that tractors are not important,but anyone with any age on them will know what I mean
Theres ALOT more to life then tractors. School is important-but that dont mean i have to like it.
Most of the important lessons in life I learned working with dad on the farm. Too bad our society doesn't give degrees in it. If you want to get ahead in life without having a bunch of money to start out, get an education--with you for life--can't be taken away. In todays world a good trade may be even more secure. Do the best you can at whatever you do!!
Bachelor of Science-Mechanical Engineering
Journeyman Tool&Die Maker
Master Electrician
Nice lookin sample in the truck, Allan. Can't beat those old Gleaner conventionals for doing a good job in wheat. Jim
Several of you commented on hail. I insured my wheat this year for $600 per acre. Sure let me sleep easier at night.

didn't have any hail, harvested a little over 50 bu/acre and was very happy to pay the hail insurance premium with the wheat check.

How are ya liking your ol' "Silver Seeder"? I'm on the lookout for another combine in good operating shape. I'd really like to have another John Deere 105 of 95 or something of that vintage. They all are going to be used in our vegetable seed crops (mostly spinach) and maybe a little bit of barley or wheat now and then.

I know the others have weighed in on this so I will also.

I didn't much care for school when I was your age. I got picked on a fair bit and the few times I tried to defend myself I wound up being the one in trouble. In school I weighed 300 and stood 6'5". Went on to college and got through that also, Bachelors degree from Iowa State.

Now looking back the only regrets I have is that I didn't apply myself more. In college the nontraditional student were the ones who really applied themselves. I know why now it's because they had been out in the real world and saw how difficult things were there without a decent education. You will be a lot better off getting the education as a young man. If you wait, life will get in the way and make things real difficult for you to get the education you will need.



No, this is the F.

Haven't had a chance to turn a wrench on that F2 since about May. Seems like there just isn't enough hours in the day anymore. :>(

Here's my take on it;

What you do right now, sets the stage for the remainder of your life, which is still quite the long haul, a lot longer than your school years. college included.

The reality of this is, what you do now and in your late teens-early 20's will absolutely make the difference in the quality of life you live later on. Trust me on this, I lived it already, and it ain't getting any easier today. Once those years are gone, they're gone.

In as much as many of us did not like school, distracted by other things, and it's real easy at your age, you have to realize the sacrifice of these distractions, stay focused, embrace your current job, which is school, and do your best to get as good as grades as you can, because it helps open doors later on. At your age you should be testing the waters and make a serious attempt at figuring out what you would like to pursue later in life, 99% of the people I know who had this focus were very successul in life, be it sports/athletics, business/career etc. Getting things done early can be the springboard that gives you strong momentum for success, being behind is nothing but misery. Not everyone knows what they want to do, and this is normal, but not something you want to sit back and ignore either, the more you do now to figure these things out, the easier it will be later.

It's fair to say that a college education provides no guarantee, especially today, however by doing the best you can in school now, will help provide more options at the collegiate level, if you figure out a career or something you want to pursue, you already have that solid foundation, ( hence working to keep those grades acceptable now, vs. having to do make up work later to meet the requirements of a college you may want to attend later ), a lot of people attend community colleges ( and there are some great ones ) to better their grades, cause they did not get it done in high school.

Once you have that education, no one can take it from you, it's work just like any job, but it's short in duration in comparison to the big picture. It provides a solid foundation to work off of, pursue a career you would like, and strategically plan to get the valuable job experience you need to build a solid resume, that along with a good work ethic, and postive attitude, will carry you a long way in life, it all starts right where you are now. You'll have all kinds of distractions, don't mean you can't enjoy some of them either, but when it's time to work, you work, stay focused and get the tasks at hand done everytime, the other things in life will always be there, but not nearly as important as the work you do in your own behalf, only you can do this work and you have to make the conscious decision to do it. Squeaking by, riding coat tails so to speak, may get you through, but that is all it will do.

Why do I write this, well maybe it will help you avoid ending up at a dead end job, which you may hate 100x worse than school, it took a few crummy jobs for me to realize it was high time to get that college education, and work at something that will build a solid resume, it paid off, by the time I was 28 I was making over $50,000 and a few years later, I was over six figures, prior to that move I made, the outlook was dismal, dead end low pay jobs. About the only jobs that paid were construction, unionized vocational, factory or trade jobs, driving truck, some decent jobs out there, but hard to get one, unless you knew someone, like many fathers did for their sons, got them in the construction trades, teamsters, or similar. Even UPS paid a lot better than most jobs, that and state jobs were about it. Nothing wrong with any of these situations if it makes you happy, but if you want more and don't have the credentials, it sets the stage for misery, add a wife and kids to that, oofla, just not good if you know what I mean, there are a lot of people ahead of you by just a few years, that are starting to find these things out on their own, good to have that inside information now !

One other thing, never screw up your finances and or credit, and regardless of whatever you do, and keep a clean record across the board, it keeps doors open, vs closing them, one misguided step, one wrong move, so many times fueled by haste, your peers and many other things, good to remember to always think first, it could save or make a huge difference in your life.

Well you've probably heard all this crap before anyway, and I'm really not one to lecture, just reflecting back a little to help out, there is a lot of truth to it, the older you get the more you realize it, now heck, with school back in a few weeks, best get back to enjoying summer now, have a good one !
SE PA was hit hard on Sunday with hail the size of golf balls. Ruined one farmer's corn and pumpkins. Hal
Lanse,I"m sure you are getting tired of the advise by now but you should feel great knowing that you have so many friends that care. We have all done things we didn"t enjoy doing, but seems like the only regrets I have looking back was when I didn"t do my best. I have had to fall back on my education recently. My wife and I owned a restaurant in Van Horn, Texas called The SmokeHouse Restaurant and Auto Museum. We made a comfortable living until a fire totally destroyed our livelyhood. Fortunate for me I had a teaching certificate and was able to take my life forward coaching elementary physical education. My brother just closed his restaurant due to the economy and doesn"t have the degree to fall back on. One thing I have learned is that things change. Prepare yourself the best you can and don"t try to go it alone. I remember my college coaches suggesting that I get an elementary certification so that I would be able to coach the little guys. I thought oh no more schooling! Sure glad I did. Thirty one years later I am using that certification for the first time. Do your best Lanse. God has a plan for you too. Mitch in Texas
It sure makes nice windrows for baling. One of my co-worker's was alway's saying when July 4th was here summer was over. It doesn't feel that way here today. Suppose to be in the 90's with about that much humidity. Hal
Let me give you some advice I'm a sophomore(16).
I honestly hate school , most people do. I just man up and go through it, trust me on this if you sleep through school you'll end up like one of the guys workin' at the local auction, dummer than a 6th grader, just tough it out, event though the school government system is as close to communism as most want come close too. 2.I know this sound weird but don't be good all the time goof around in class and in the hallways but don't anything extreme. My friends and I do the second all the time.

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