High Cost Of Doing Business

Allan in NE

Well-known Member
$29 part failed.

I just figured up what it has cost as a result.

Can someone recommend a good depression medication? I don't feel so darned good. :>)


Walmart probably didn't have that in stock did they.

Should have checked radio shack.:)~})

Are you up and running now?

Not yet,

With any luck, maybe around 11 am or so if that server gets here. Still got to get it all set up and back online.

Oh yeah. And I also ordered another couple of "spare" parts.

I'd sure like to get back to being "happy and carefree". :>)

Yes Sir,

And, that's the exact reason that I'll freely and openly acknowledge that you are wayyyyyyyyyyyy smarter than I. :>(

Hang in there Allan. Sorry you got comp problems but it could have been worse. One of your tractors could have burned or something like that. All joking aside hope you get it up and running soon.-Bill

I look at it this way.:

With all this jackin' around on this silly computer, it has saved me the angony of waiting for the wheat to dry down enough to combine and store in the bin.

Think it is gonna be WAY dry by the time I get back out there. :>)

I'll come work on your Server if you come here and fix the stupid Adobe Acrobat Standard 8.0 crash when using the Text box tool issue that I'm having. I remember when Adobe made good programs but that seems to have changed. Adobe does the finger pointing game although I have to tell you it does sound like a driver conflict of some kind. Uninstalling 8.0 and going back to the tried and true 6.0 does not work because the problem then manifests itself in version 6.0 although it never did this until after 8.0 was installed. So i'm knee deep in registry cleaners and removing rouge acrobat folders and files. I'd take a simple server rebuild over this any day.
Computers are the best thing that ever happened to me as far as generating a decent living.

However, there are days when I wish we were still horseback. :>(

I also have days when I wish I didn't know that computers even existed. But then I realize that if I didn't have this stupid box sitting in front of me, I would have to join the ranks of the homeless and street beggers.
Yep, and all the fellas that came from the horseback era warned us that we'd become dependent on these damned things.............but we said "now way" and "you cant believe how much easier these things make life"................

They said "you'll forget how to talk to people 'cause you can do yer bankin, yer bill payin, and yer buyin all of the computer"............

If our computers go down at work, we're screwed too.......

Maybe they weren't far off??....................
"Those P/C boards keep me employed for 36 years. I still don't know why they work. Stan"

Electronics are easy to explain..It's easy..all those little chips have smoke in them, they'll work just fine untill the smoke finds a way to excape, then they DIE..If we could only figgure out a way to put the smoke BACK in again we could recycle them...
Seems like Allen's problem is that the smoke leaked out slowly over a long period of time so he just didn't notice it...Maybe a if we had a senitive smoke alarm built into the computer box it would warn of inpending failure?
So Allen, all of your posts have peaked my interest, what do you do? I sorda assumed you were just a farmer from most of your posts, but then you have gotten all bent out of shape on your computer going down...just makes me wonder.
Good Luck on the PC
Had a 6 inch hyd hose burst on my tractor a couple years ago. They think it is worth $129, but it's just a short hose with special bent metal ends, what it costs & what it's worth are 2 different things....

Anyhow, only cost $4000 to rebuild the tranny from the frozen bearing it caused.

My "official" title is CFO.

But really, all that means is that I try to keep the toilets running while the computers do all the actual work.

I ride the information hi-way as a contractor.

Allan, I am curious what you non farm business is. My email is open if you"d want to fill me in, off forum. Some one said you were selling pictures of cute little fuzzy animals, but I aint buying that one.:)>})
1. When ya load up that first load of wheat for the elevator; place said part just in front of RH inside dual on the ground.
2... Drive to mill.
Part WILL be fixed.
Allan, I always keep a couple of spare computers on hand. I try to keep at least one fully loaded and ready to run as a server. I don't know if that is feasible in your business.
That almost looks like an RS232 connector pinned out. I missed it, what is it? I worked last night and tonight rebuilding a PC that works as a telephone for a 911 PSAP. There, everything on their LAN or Domain is VOIP and uses to NICs teamed at 100 Meg each for voice and data. And if I could just figure out why another board that processes much of it including ANI and ALI isn't working, preventing the software from initializing and taking off when all of the drivers are loaded correctly, and I know and proved its not hardware, I'd be a happier guy. Good Lord, I've built, formated, rebuilt that thing so many times, my head's going to explode. Tried another hard drive from another position just to prove the hardware good, it worked. Then I made the mistake of cloning a drive, renaming the position for the domain, changing IP addresses, adjusting INI files and you name it, so it'd work, and it did until I fired the one up that I cloned it from and they became the same 911 position at the same time because something's imbedded somewhere in one of the million INI files that's pointing back the same name to the DNS DHCP server that said "OK, both of you guys are the same guy, so here's the same IP address on the same domain. That's not a good thing to happen at a 911 PSAP. Phones just aint phones anymore and haven't been for years. Good Lord, tomorrow's another day, and they're only down one position out of 12 tonight.

Wanna hear about the time I tested once piece of equipment in one PSAP but used it in another PSAP about 30 miles away in a whole other town? Countywide each individual LAN joined as a WAN with wide open routers...until I did that. That sure got fixed fast. Turns out these servers remember MAC addresses, so after testing that piece in one PSAP, then driving like 30 miles away in a whole different town, plugging it in and turning it up...it went out on the WAN and found mama (the server) that recognized its MAC address and became the pipe that both towns quickly began getting each others 911 calls over. Thats not a very good thing to have happen either. No one got hurt, no one died, and I'll never do that again...and now the local routers block IP schemes that don't belong locally. Cripes, I'm just a phone guy according to the IRS and my daytime boss.


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