I'm just enjoying the nice evening here at the farm. Got several little chores done and had a nice time sitting on the porch with my wife watching the sunset. Got online and saw the posts about some guy being a jerk but didn't let that spoil my great day. Don't realy see how folks can get distracted from all the beauty around us and zone in on an insignificant issue. I try to stay above all that petty bickering. Walked out to the barn and checked the horses. All looked great including the one with a bit of cut on her leg. It seems to be healing nicely. Thank heavens for a good Vet who cares. Any and all of you are invited to come to the farm and enjoy this with me any time. Just give me a heads up to stock the fridge and schuck a few more ears of corn. This is a great place and I am honored to share it...............One thing though If you do visit, be aware I have a couple a pigs running around loose near the barn. Got to watch your step...........don't wanna step in the "Roberto T"
I hear external_link is tryin to catch up with McCain's war record, so he's having his wife hang him in the closet and beat him each night. Nice on the farm here too.
Hey Skybow where is the farm at . I'm up here in North Central IL. If your close i've been know to do such things. I extend the same invitation to all.

A bit wet here, but that hay I have down will sure be clean. Spent some quality time with the kids in the barn cleaning out the gutter, they really aren't as enthusiastic about the job as I'd expect, but we got it done.

Don't step in any "Roberto". Any time he's stepped on he DEMANDS that the stepper be chastised. His DEMANDS must be met or he'll use his amazing intellect to verbally rip the stepper to ribbons!
Up on route 34 east of Mendota. Little town of Earlville. The storm just missed us this morning . where you at on 80?
I am right next door to Ottawa in Naplate. The town of Taverns! But I grew up North of Ottawa 1 miles west of Pitsticks.
We got the storm! It wasn't to bad though. It looks like we are going to get alittle more.
Whats new in Reddick? I am originally from South Willy. I plan to bring my 1936 Adams grader with the I-12 power to the tractor show this coming Sunday at the park in SW. Usually a neat little show-are you going?
hot and humid here in reddick. the japanese beetles are munching away on the corn and soybeans, had 4 inches of rain last week at the farm i have south of rt 17, had 2 inches 2 miles north at the other place. but all in all the crops are looking good. i may swing up that way sunday and poke around. maybe i will see ya up there!!

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