How did we get so screwed up?


Well-known Member
If you owned 1000ft of Lake Michigan frontage , why can't you then pump water out of "YOUR" frontage and sell it? If you own 2000 acres of prime deer habitat , why can't you sell the deer (butchered or alive)??? Did you know it is illegal to pick wildflowers on state land? Did you know it is illegal to fill in a natural swamp on your own land? I could go on and on but it all leads to one big question. Why , then , is oil,nat. gas, underground water etc drilled for , pumped out and sold and traded on the stock market strictly for the profit of a few like it was a privately owned / produced commodity like wheat etc?? You can't pump a swamp dry but you can pump an underground water supply dry selling bottled water for profit. These natural resources don't just reside under the property they are extracted from any more than the lake water just resided on "your" frontage! Natural resources should NOT be "for sale" and as for the cost of developing them , the tax dollars we are wasting overseas would get all the product we need to where it is needed. True , our country is not a island but if we can't even ballance our own check book or provide for our own "family" then how can we even hope to compete in a world economy??
Funny How you can own your land, but you can do what you want with it, I have apx 28 parts tractors at my dads place, he lives in the country far away from any main road, I have them all lined up, facing the same way, against the tree line of his woods, vitually out of sight to the public eye, we mow in front of them, behind them, none are leaking oil, but the county came out and told us they have to go or else we have to put them inside, See if we put up a building for them, our taxes go up, if we clean them up and make our place more "presentable" our taxes will go up because our property value would, They told us someone complained about them, but we have had the same neighbors for over 30 years. I told me dad next time they come out, tell them they are trespassing. I hate our government. Nothing is really "ours" anymore. dont get me wrong I love the usa, but the usa"s ego, and greediness is getting the best of me nowadays, thats just my rant. Good day.
I don't care what you think, somebody complained. They are there because somebody put a call in.
They do alot of flying over the county to check out places from the air to see what trouble they can cause people, They told me that themselves, said they found around 400 cars in a guys woods by flyin over that they didnt know about, now he has to get rid of them. Just some pencil pushers behind a desk thinking of ways to irritate people if you ask me. Id like to see them get grease under their fingernails or at least their hands dirty once, just some city boys that want to make things all pretty if you ask me
400 cars can be a health hazard, lots of stuff to leak out and pollute the ground water, and provide breeding spots for moskitoes. That's a junkyard. 28 parts tractors, I think you could put up a good argument for keeping them as necessary to your business.
Pretty related to what you're saying-- Glenn Beck said today that we could be producing oil from our huge coal supply for $40 a barrel, but our own government won't let us! We could make enough to be independent! It's an OUTRAGE!!! I feel like our country has been HIJACKED!!!
Back in the '40s and '50s old Harry S. sent troops to Greece and then to Korea to contain the big "C." It's easy to see the containment failed because it's here among. The only reason this country won't ever be truly communist is because they haven't figured how to tax government land/property. Maybe Bronco Bama has something in mind.
I ran over a Mallard duck's nest cutting hay, felt bad about it, would have felt better if it would have been the toes of 7 ducks unlimited members, I am not against saving habitat but those jerks lobied congress so I can't even tile a small wet spot, those idiots should know ducks nest on high ground not in the bottom of a slough, we have 4 stock ponds we dug 3 of them doesn't that count for anything?
There was a WWII movie that most guys seen a 1,000 times, and so have I, and all of a sudden I'm drawing a blank on the name, but you'll figure it out quick enough. Oh yeah, I apologize in advance for drawing a blank. Anyway, Henry Fonda was sure the Germans were running low on fuel and after our fuel, so they had to be somewhere in close proximaty to our fuel, just had to locate them. He gets some young pilot to take him up in a Cessna in the fog, and they fly around trying to find the German panzers. But since is foggy, all they can do is fly a little, cut the motor and listen, start the motor and fly a little more, cut the motor...over and over again until he heard the sounds of the panzers through the fog. AHH HAA!!! Located the panzers about the same time they located him and shot him down. Remember that movie? Again, I whole heartedly apologize in advance for...drawing a blank on one of the greatest WWII movies ever was, but gives me an idea...

...the next time you notice a Cessna or Piper Cub circling around the property cutting and restarting the motor and taking pictures and stuff, open up on him with panzers and field artillary from the woods line, and give that pencil necked county auditor a reason to doo-doo all over himself up there. Yep, you'll get into trouble and stuff afterwards, but at least the neighbors will come down to the jail to reach through the bars to pat you on the back for a job well done. Grin

Funny how this subject comes up more and more frequently. I have a several acres of wooded Pondarosa pines. I wanted to add a simple 35x40 pole barn and because that part of the property boarders the Deschutes National Forest I have to do an enviromental impack report . For 27 trees.

Used to be that the government was to serve the people , for some time now its the people that serve the government. Reminds me of a movie , years ago called the Forbin Project.
The extraction of oil, gas and other underground "minerals" is governed by the archaic mining laws, which were really intended for precious metals and were written by and for the benefit of the mining interests of the nineteenth century.

Water is a different deal, but the laws governing underground water still don't treat it as a non-renewable resource (which it is in many parts of the country).
It sure has been hijacked. The politicitans are wrecked it for all. If those damn arabs convert oil to euros then the US is screwed.
I keep reading on this site on oil drilling in North Dakota, Montana. I hope that this will really let oil flow in our own country and put an end to the arab sheiks and OPEC.
Want to know "who" highjacked this country? The good ole American Consumer, thats who. Folks here always put quality last, and price first. Would rather buy cheap junk that lasts for 1 year rather than a quality product that will last for 20 years or longer. Why do you think Wally World is absolutely full of China/foreign junk? All the made in USA stuff in the local Wally World Super Center would fit in my F-150 pickup. USA companies are into giving the consumer what he wants, that is cheap foreign junk. We have lost our manufacturing base, lost our ability to stand alone, are now absolutely dependent on China and other questionable foreign countries for the clothing on our backs, the food on our tables. Until we get a government that will stand up and tax the living h**l out of companies that send mfg and tech jobs overseas, and apply heavy import duties on foreign goods, we will continue to be dependents of the world. We are quickly slipping into third world status. Tom
Can you spell bureaucrats?

"You will never understand bureaucracies until you understand that for bureaucrats procedure is everything and outcomes are nothing." - Thomas Sowell
I'll Add. It was someone you know that lives close to you. Has Anyone ever stopped to ask if you would sell them one? Or a Scrapper that was interested. If so then you do know who complained.

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