Dad really made me mad today. OT if you couldnt guess

Dad went and bought one of them dam mitsubishi little pickup/coffin on wheels made in japan, gave 5 grand for that piece of crap, But what really fries me is when he needs parts for it or something needs fixed he will cry a baby when he has to wait a month for something and pay 10 times what its worth! This crap is really starting to bug me, folks say I got such a deal!!! I am so smart!! I just paid half the price for this piece of jap junk and then when it comes to repairs or parts they get mad at me saying im stickin it to them on the price, or why arent you done yet? You know what YOU BOUGHT THE DAM THING FROM THE CROOKS OVERSEAS, NOW DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!!! Save yourself and your country, spend the extra money for quality!!!, availability!!!! AND INTEGRITY!!! If you did buy some overseas piece of crap cuz you are a genius, then dont gripe to me when the $hit hits the fan! Some more names that come to mind, valtra, belarus, yanmar, fiat, cheap knock off japanese generators, small engines, and yard equip. Some of you know what I am talking about. End of Rant.

This thing is what he got.
I use to work for a dealer that sold valtra, A buddy of mine that worked with me went to the factory to see their operation, New Hollands were coming off the same production line. A name does'nt always mean everything.
The thing about this very point is that more and more people in the US are doing the same stupid thing. "I got a really great deal" or "Well it's made here in the US" .......WRONG they assemblem them here at best, don"t ever let them kid you!. The real bottom line is that the money is NOT going into this countries economy!!!!!! it is ALL being sent back to the homelands while we sell off more and more of the US's assests such as port of entries ect. The future at this rate?.......there will never be another war on this soil with foreniers,....they will eventually just walk in and say "WE OWN YOU!!!!" you will now answer to our countries rules. The only war you can ever hope for here is a revolution to take this country back from the government lushes that have it!!!!!!!!! Be American-Buy American as much as you possible can!!!(yes I realize that to some extent there are things coming in for everything from foreniers even from the American made ,but at a much lower rate then the whole vehicle)......Don't hand it to them w/o a fight!!!!
I agree with you to a point about the "World Economy" concept, but when I was looking through some of my old 1951 Farm Journal magazines the other night and the only imported item I could find in the advertisements was the Nescafe coffee. I found that intriguing.I kinda liked that concept back then, American made stuff made by American workers sold in America.Now we are just the world policeman and not respected.
Sooner than you ever imagined, you'll miss the day when your dad will be around to make you mad. Don't let anything he does get you too upset. He's earned the right to do what he wants. After raising 3 kids of my own, I can testify there were plenty of times they did things to make me mad. It works both ways.
Hate to say it, but that lil' bugger will probably be so reliable that 5 years from now you'll wonder how you ever lived without it.

I felt like a jacka$$ when I bought my Satoh tractor, but it was the right size and it was $1800....I've tried my darndest to bust it in 10 years, and it just keeps plugging along. When it needs a part, we work around it (thanks, NAPA!). Turned down $2500 for it last week-

My old yama-bomber golf cart has so much compression leakdown that I have to safetywire the oil cap on it to keep it from blowing off- but a day on the farm without that riceburner would create howls of woman-noise that I'd hear at the real job.

6 trillion japochines can't be wrong...I guess it really is a global economy!
I had a post yesterday about what is happening to the the USA, one person said about the Micro-breweries is whats causing Budweiser to sell out. Find your local micro-brewery get a twelve pack and sit back and enjoy a American made beer. That's what I did last night. At the time I had a solution to all the problems, but now this morning the same problems are there plus one more, my head hurts. Maybe you can talk your Dad in trading it in on a Toyota, they are made in Texas. Have a good day
Folks don't always like what kids do -- and kids don't like what folks do --- so you learn by your mistakes (if then)
why are you complaining (before) anything happens to that new truck ?

why don't you ask your Government why they let the Crooks over Seas (make and sell) 90% of what you buy today in any American Store !!!!!
How can valtra's be coming off the same line as new holland? Two completely different companies not having anything to do with eachother. Different cabs, different engines, different transmissions, front axle, rear axle, all different.
Yeah, it is called a global economy, but when they have all of the money, then who rules. It is starting to look like a monopoly game to me.
Dad making son angry and son making Dad angry is the general cycle of life. Don't get too worked up about it.

The longer I live, the more I realize that Dad was right about some things. Of course, I was right about some things, too.

I can tell you this much, I have not had good luck with so-called "American made" vehicles from the remaining three. I'm quite satisfied with my Honda, though (made in USA, from USA parts).
Stop being mad at your dad and deal with the politicians, beaurocrats, and government with their tax duties on both sides that brought it to this. Oh don't forget greedy union maffia run labor too? All that had ushered in foreign owned manufacturing and drove other companies out of this country for cheaper labor! Is that all your dad's fault too?? Don't think so.....
"The real bottom line is that the money is NOT going into this countries economy!!!!!!"

They don't pay their American workers? Their American workers don't spend their paychecks in the local economy? These manufacturing plants don't pay local property tax, payroll tax, Workers Compensation Tax, and profit taxes in the American locations in which they operate? Let me guess, these plants don't spend a dollar locally to have the plant maintained, the lawn mowed, the snow plowed (for those up north), office supplies, lunches, fuel, electric? The plants weren't built with American labor and materials? I guess I must have missed the day they explained this in business management.

Profit may go back overseas. Profit is the small piece of the pie that is left at the end of the process and after the product has been sold. Usually it is 10% or less for large corporation. To say that a foreign owned plant in the US doesn't contribute is misleading at best, misinformed more likely.
(quoted from post at 07:08:45 06/07/08) yes, the inheritance,

Some of you guys really are petty, Inheritance, you think I give a crap about 5 grand? Yea dad and I have at out once in a while thats the way it is, there would be something wrong if we didnt. Maybe I am more concerned than angry, Dad is one of those guys that turns into the place without looking or signaling or anything (everone knows hes gonna turn there, he has been doing it for 40 years!!) I have always worried he was gonna kill someone someday, now with this this trap He is gonna kill someone and himself! and this all following a conversation with a customer who was cranky about how much a shaft for his belarus tractor cost after I had spen DAYS trying to track one down for him so we could get his machine running again asap! Just lights my fire once in a while.
Might want to check and see what "Tax incentives" were given to get the plant. Might want to check to see why so many are built in "right to work" states. Might want to go back to the start of the union movement and see if you can pick out a "FEW" parallels.
Folks, we're living in a different time and a different age, deal with it, you can be part of the problem or part of the solution. Do you want to go back to steel wheels on tractors with pipe stand seats and mules or get with the program? CT
When I bought all American made Ford Ranger they taking the dash out of one just like to replace the kilometers with Miles Funny I thought they were made here.
My friends new Chevy truck said made in Canada BUMMER.
If you can find anything that is all made here and is Union built on top of that then buy and put it up on a shelf for all to see.
Guess what Chrysler owns a big share on Mitsubishi.
(quoted from post at 15:17:51 06/07/08) well have you ever owned a belarus tractor?
No sir, not ever, I work on farm machinery and vehicles for a living, and I have had them apart from one end to other, By no means a terrible machine, my gripe is, and I have seen it on this forum a million times, crying and whining about the economy then buying some off brand machine to save a buck..........then cussing someone because they cant get the machine fixed, or it cost a ton of money to find some part that no one has or can get and have it shipped from another country. then have the gall to complain about the mechanic was taking too much time or charging them too much money! It was the mechanics fault that they bought some piece of overseas crap that parts arent readily available for. Are overseas products here to stay,, most definitely, and yes there are good products with excellent support that are from overseas. But in the case of this little pickup, I know where this is heading, Its all the rage to import these things right now..............but will parts and support be available in two years? Then when the thing drops dead, guys like me are the ones listening to the the whining!
(quoted from post at 07:58:00 06/07/08) Stop being mad at your dad and deal with the politicians, beaurocrats, and government with their tax duties on both sides that brought it to this. Oh don't forget greedy union maffia run labor too? All that had ushered in foreign owned manufacturing and drove other companies out of this country for cheaper labor! Is that all your dad's fault too?? Don't think so.....
would not fully blame the unions,how about the greedy CEO,s and VP,s that run a company into the ground and get millions in boneses for pi$$ poor performance.
is it chrysler owns mitsubishi or really that mitsubishi owns part of chrysler? Just wait till chevy finishes closing down its plants, then we'll get to see whats made in america.

Farmer boy: Two unrelated brands on the same line? Happens all the time. There is a factory up the intersatate a little, in Hesston, Ks. The other day the local paper carried two pictures of the line inside - one guy putting the auger on a Massey and the other picture, same place, was of a guy putting the tires on a Cat combine. It's an odd world now.
Calm down or your're going to have a stroke.
It's an off road vehicle. Where's he going to turn? Into the wrong barn door.
(quoted from post at 19:10:30 06/07/08) Calm down or your're going to have a stroke.
It's an off road vehicle. Where's he going to turn? Into the wrong barn door.

They are not off road in this state, He went and picked up the plates for it today, Top speed about 60 mph! He took it on a 120 mile round trip yesterday!

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