My knees also have been giving me fits and was concerned that I was going to fall and embarris(sp) myself and even cause injury.Then Irecalled aan old remedy I had used before with great results.It's called BLACK STRAP MOLASSES ,and in about three days I began to have relief from my sore knees.I take one tabelspoon full morning and night.Now they seldom are even sore.You can read about it at highly recomend it.Except for it's bitter taste. Igot mine at a health food store.Let me know how it works for you and good luck.
Thanks for the post. I'd heard about the molasses thing years ago but had forgotten. CRS I guess. Think I'll try it. I've heard it's the sulphur in the molasses that helps lubricate the joints.
If it is the sulfur in the molasses, msm (a sulfur derivative) may give you the same relief without the bad taste. It can be found any place that sells vitamins and herbs.
Can't be sulpher ,because I forgot, it's supposed to be,UNSULPHATED black strap molasses.Haslots of manganese,copper,iron,plus lots of other minerals.The website I mentioned gives the list. Also satisfied customers.
I would look into WHY your knees hurt. Maybe you need orthotic inserts in your shoes, or you have arthritis. You've fixed the pain, now find the cause and fix that. I take Glucosamine and Chondroitin myself, my knees don't hurt, but they're starting to pop and crack.

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