OT: what age to give gun to son?

Gun guru

Well-known Member
My son turns 8 in February. I am thinking that when he is 9 buying him a bolt action .22. How old were you guys when you were given your first gun? I was 13. Of course the gun would be locked up in my safe all the time. And my son would have 100% supervision by me when he had the gun in his hands.
Well, my Daddy gave me a BB gun when I was 8, then a pellet/bb gun deal when I was 10 I think. He buoght me a 22 when I was 12, a few months later he bought me my first shot gun.
i got my first gun when i was 11. but that was when i was finally allowed to actually hunt instead of just be there for support and help dragging deer out of the woods

but i got a big gun for an 11 year old, a 30-06, which was alot of gun for me to handle but i could hunt anything so it was GREAT.
I was 12 - a 20 Gauge - single shot - I still have it - I`ll be 62 in Nov.
If he is mature for his age and understands its not for play - go for it.
I got a BB gun when I was 6, a .22 when I was 9 and I bought a 20 ga pump when I was 12. It depends on the kid and how mature he or she is. My oldest son was 10 when I bought him a .410 but my youngest was 13.
Well I am 39 and when I kick the bucket my son will get all my guns. I agree that a .30-06 is way too much gun for an 11 year old.
I talked to a buddy of mine on Friday night, he owns 60 guns, rifles/shotguns/pistols. I wouldnt want that many due to the extra homeowners insurance to carry on all of them for theft.
I had BB guns from around 8 or 9 until I turned about 12. Dad never let me have a .22 because he was afraid of the range, but he let me use his shotgun. My wife bought me my first .22 when I was around 35. If he's mature and responsible and under supervision, I see no problem.

Larry in Michigan
I had BB guns from around 8 or 9 until I turned about 12. Dad never let me have a .22 because he was afraid of the range, but he let me use his shotgun. My wife bought me my first .22 when I was around 35. If he's mature and responsible and under supervision, I see no problem.

Larry in Michigan
When my son turned 8 he got a .410
I felt that a couple hundreds yards of backdrop was much safer then a mile or more for a .22
I am always glad to see responsible parents give guns to their children, along with proper training and supervision. In the abundant times now, most kids will never get the chance to ever hunt or even shoot a gun. Thr education system brainwashes kids to think that guns are evil.

I personally think that age 10 is a good age to start with a real firearm, under adult supervision. Your son is lucky that he has parents that want him to have a gun.. I always felt sorry for the kids of gun-hating parents.
when i was about 8-9 bot daisy BB gun, single cock low power, so low I could shoot it into milk cartons and BBs could be retrieved and reused ( was my allowance money buying them), about 12 when I got .22 pellet gun that could be pumped multiple times, shoot thru heavy plastic can with dirt in it, dump out, find lead pellets and reform on end of 16 penny nail ( still buying with my allowance) at 13 got shotgun and help with ammo after I proved I could be trusted to act responsible, still have all three guns and thats been over 40 years ago :) Mark
I can't remember ever not having a gun, so maybe 6 or 7? My parents gave me a Browning "Sweet 16" for my 16th birthday, but I had both .410 and 12 gauge shotguns as well as a .22 rifle long before that, and pellet and BB guns before that.
I got my first gun when I was around 10. It was a Crossman pellet rifle 22cal. I had that for about 3 years and then I got a sears bolt action repeater which I still have today. My self I prefer to start then off with a gun that is less deadly like the pellet gun then go up slowly. At least by doing that you have an idea if the kid will handle one correct
Hobby farm
I think I was 6 or 7 when I got my first BB gun, then I got a pellet gun at 8 or so. I didn't get my first 22 until I was 18, but I have been shooting them since I was 10 or 12, shotguns since I was 15 or 16.

Maturity level not age.Have him take hunter safety course first,take it with him.
Still got that Crossman pump up .22 cal pellet gun,10/22 Ruger and Winchester model 12 Dad gave me.Wish he was still here.Mark
I mean no offense by my answer but it depends a lot more on you and your parenting skills than the age of the child. That's proven out every day on the streets by a lot of "kids" even as old as 25! A lot of the "kids" in prison should have their parents right along with them. I'm sure youare not one of those "parents" or you would not even be on here asking the question. Kind of like asking at what age to let them start driving the tractor. Same answer!
An older cousin who'd outgrown it gave me a BB gun when I was probably 7 or 8. Then when I was 10 I began using my dad's 12 guage pump. I'd been pestering him about it, so he finally let me fire it, thinking it would knock me on my butt and I'd forget about it.

I shot a can off a post, then went out in the corral and shot a jack rabbit.

I bought a .22 with my own money when I was probably 12. I still have it and my dad's 12 guage. Plus a bunch more. About half handguns and half long guns. I won't say how many in public 'cause I don't want my wife to know.
About the same age when I moved up from a Daisy BB gun to a Crossman 760 BB gun. A couple of years older when I was given one of my Dad's .22's and a .410. These days my mother has both of them back and uses them for varmints at 73ish. She still maintains she's 29, but I calculate like 73...ish.

Good deal though. You keep it locked up, you're with him when he learns to use and respect it, as well as break it down and clean it. I see no problem with that, and think its a good idea, since you asked. Thanks for asking.

Shifting gears slightly, I had an Uncle who became blind in one eye due to pounding on a .22 bullet with a hammer, the story went. Later in life he was able to drive a car, but still...If these 2 sentences saves one kid's eye in this country, it's worth it.
My Grandpa gave me a Sears 22 bolt action for Christmas one year. I had a used bb gun up to then. The 1 pump low power type. I didnt like the 22.so traded it for a Winchester 22. I was about 16-17 at the time.

Be careful and have fun.
Well my two sons are 12. One has a .22 lever action and the other a 12 ga. shotgun. So far they have been safe and respectful of them. They really love to shoot and its time well spent together. However I'm always with them, it depends on their maturity. It's been fun for me, hope it's the same for you.
I did something almost as stupid. I was bout 12 at the time, I was pounding the cap out of the end of a shot gun shell with a punch using my leg as a table. The cap went off and blew a hole in my leg. Dad wasen't very happy about that. Stan
County gun safety program (usually 10yrs old) then continuous supervision. My son has a .410 double, an antique (1905).22, and a Browning 12 autoloader. He is 14. (hit 15 of the first 25 clays thrown). All are locked up, and he has no idea where the keys are. JimN
Depends totally on the kid. While parenting has a lot to do with it, kids are all different. I got my first gun .22 Mossberg semi auto, when I was 6 and got to go deer hunting with my dad and his buddies when I was 11 (1 month shy of 12) with a .243.

My kid on the otherhand will be 9 next month and he hasnt shot a gun yet, he's not ready.
Hey there;
Got my first .22 for my 13th birthday 62 yrs ago
still have it, course moving has taken its toll.
My cousin's and I used to shoot at the primers in
50 cal. cartridges with our BB guns (crazy kids).
I still remember being able to buy 30.06 by the
case at surplus stores in 1947-50, my how time flies. Anyhow it's nice to see a parent wanting to teach their children properly. If you think
he's able to handle the responsibility, go for it.
God Bless
I bought my first 22 a model 72 win at age 12,(extended family rule) a 30 30 win at 14, 22 ruger bearcat at 16 a 7mmrem mag at 21.and Ive average at least one per year since the last a mint 1917 endfield.
Recieved the first one ( model 7 savage in 223) as a gift this past christmas age 64.
Yes I still have them all.
my kids got guns on 12th birthday and I've start on the grandkids at age 12
The maturity and experience of the kid being around things that are dangerous and how well he obeys instructions concerning them determines when he's ready.In my case,raised rurally,under my dad's supervision I Begin by shooting his Remington 241 22 auto before I got a Daisey Red Ryder for Christmas at age 6.At 9 I got a 410 single shot,by 11 I was squirrel hunting alone with it or the 241,not really alone,Dale,my Black&Tan squirrel dog was with me.At 12 I got a 16 ga Stevens double barrel,which I killed a eight point buck with that year.I regressed to a Daisey 25 pump for the bb battles my friends and I engaged in.It was back and forth between being responsible with real guns and totally irresponsible with bb guns.My mom always asked "that thing isn't loaded is it"upon entering the house and made me show her the empty chamber.Our guns were kept on a rack in the dining room or in my bedroom.I'd opine that if the guns have to be locked away only to keep them away from the kid,he may not be quite ready for one of his own.
Never too young to buy one for as long as you keep it locked up and only get it out when supervised. Trust me you want to keep it under wraps for a few years. If some of their buddys come over then they can't be sneaking a peek at it which could lead to a bad situation. Hearing protection is a MUST I am paying the price for not learning this early ! They say eye protection is needed too,but now that I'm older I HAVE to have it or I can't see. Saftey lens in regular glasses now. Never used anything before,lucky nothing happened.
My child just turned 7 today. We bought him a cricket .22 for Christmas this year. He does very well with it. Of course he cannot even look at it without me right by his side. But we had a long talk about gun safety and he respects the gun very well. He is a VERY good shot as well. I would say if you are comfortable with your child having one then they are ready.
I got my first pellt gun in the 5th. grade.

Got my first .22 when I was 15 but I had been shooting other guns since I was about 13 or so. Always under his supervision though.

I bought my Son a 20 gage single barrel shotgun for his first birthday.I figured that if something happened to me before he was old enough to shoot it, at least his first gun would be from me.

I never pushed him to hunt but always took him with me dove hunting and a couple of times deer hunting.I figured that he would tell me when he was ready and I would know if he was ready.

When he was 9 he told me he wanted to dove hunt the next year so we broke out the 20 gage and went over and over gun safety and taught him how to shoot.He has shot several doves each year. He is always at my side and I monitor him very closely.

He is 12 now and is saving up for a pump shotgun.

Last year he told me he wanted to kill a deer.

New guns were pretty pricey so I bought a youth stock for a .308 I had and gave it to him.

He can easily handle the recoil and is pretty accurate as long as he uses a rest.

He killed a spike, 2 does and an 8 point with a 14" inside spread.

All were 1 shot, 1 kill.

You will know when he is ready.

One other thing you may want to consider is buying him a lifetime hunting and fishing license.

There is usually a pretty good discount in cost if you buy before age 12.

Ford Man
I gave Zac a Daisy Red Ryder anniversary edition (with the medallion in the stock) when he was 6, and asked him to keep it NIB- of course, he was out shooting at pie pans later that day.
When he was 9, I gave him the same gun my daddy gave me when I was 9- an H&R breakdown single shot .410. We shot quail, rabbits and squirrels together while he had that gun, and he took his first (and last) deer with it shooting a rifled slug when he was 11.
He's turned into a world traveler now- in Peru at this moment- and I think he's the better for owning that little shotgun. Hope I'm around to see him give it to his boy.
I got my first shotgun( a bolt action 410)when I was 14 although I had been going along on hunting trips with my grandpa since I was about 10. I think my son was around 14 when I bought him a 20 gauge pump. He had a bb gun since around age 8. I taught him the basics of gun safety with it. As long as he has supervision all the time then I don"t see a problem.
I started shooting my dad's .22 Savage single shot bolt action at age 10. My grandpap's 12ga single shot at age 13. Got my first .45 auto at age 17. I don't know how many I have now, but the ol' .45 auto is the most reliable and accurate in my hands of all my handguns. I got my first .45 46 years aco this month.
Mr. Bob
NRA claims to insure all your guns included in membership. Don't know if there is a limit. Had my first 12 gauge single Iver Johnson at 12. Broke had to fix it to fix when 15. Slow process and no help. Learned a little. Rotc in high school gave me all the 22 shooting I could handle, travel, competition. Became one of the top shots at SW high school in Detroit.

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