What A Mess....My Version

Allan in NE

Well-known Member
Appears that this joker is cut proud. Vet says not, but it's sure lookin' that way........:>(

Guess I'll just wait and see if they cycle again.

Always did think that he acted more than just a little "snorty". :>(




Vet says that their notes show that they got 'em both and that sometimes they'll cover anyway.

I've sure never heard of that, but I'm not horsey either. :>(

Allan, A Cousin of mine had a ol ropin horse that was "Proud Cut". This ol sucker was surenough pretty snorty too. He still had enough of the blue cords to do his business, but had no real bullits, only shooting blanks. Like you said time will tell. I'll bet your ol horse is the same.
Kinda reminds me of a story of a rancher who raised horses, had to go to the Dr. for wife said he needed an operation!,
Having Steered countless bull calvies, and haveing that thought in his head, he relunctly went to the Dr.
When he got there to the Dr.s office, for the consult he asked the Dr if He (the Dr.) could leave him "Proud Cut" LOL!
John A.
That's exactly what the vet said.

What has me concerned tho, is that the mares seemed to have settled.

Will know in another week for sure, I guess. Sure not gonna haul 'em 50 miles for a check. :>(

Our Rottweiller was the same way. Breed like crazy and keep the 2 female dogs from going nuts, but bo babies. Our gelding goes to our yearling and 2 year old when they are in heat. I've never seen him actually breed, but he thinks about it. And the girls sure adore him.

Man goes into Dr's office and asked if he could be castrated. Dr says are you sure? Man says yes. Dr says OK, I have a no show I'll work you in. Man is laying there afterwards, when the now show walks in and says Doc I know I am late but can you still circumsize me? Man laying on table says dang that's the word I keep forgetting.
We had a Freisan here that was the same way...since the SOB had hooves as big as frisbees he'd tear the crap out of any mare he mounted.Had to keep him in the round pen because he was so big he'd destroy anything between him and a mare- and all this from a gelding.
HAd great ground manners otherswise, but tossed some of the best riders in the country when under saddle. i sent that ba$tard packin'...I think he's pulling a carriage now.
Good lookin' animal...hope you work it out

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