Broken Barn--

big tee

Well-known Member
This was on the news yesterday about 20 mi. from me--Moving a large barn and the beams shifted while coming on the highway-they took excavators and got it off of the road in dump trucks--Do not know if the sheriff wanted it off of the highway before dark or what. Sorry don't have the video of the excavator destroying the barn

It was a big barn.

My next door neighbor had a barn about that size moved about 30 miles.

They waited until the dead of winter so the ground was frozen solid enough to bear the weight.
Big Tee looking on the YT map it looks like the area around you is laid out in mile square sections. So had they blocked the highway they could have just set up a 3 mile detour on a gravel road around the area? Wonder if the owner had applied for proper permits? Usually moving companies like this make sure all that is covered. Seems to me like it would be quite a loss for the owner to have to pay the movers to get it to that point to then have it destroyed.
Beams that long should have had some bridging welded between them to prevent the deflection in the pic. The beams deflected first, causing the building to shift, IMHO.
I wonder who will pay for that big mistake ? Hope the mover had good Insurance , very costly mistake on some body s part. Azpeapicker
(quoted from post at 17:16:16 12/03/22) Thats sad. Should have bolted that beam into the trailer deck.


Bolt to what trailer deck? They use beams between the tractor/power unit and rear boogie arrangements, making a "trailer".
Looks like more prep work could have avoided the situation. Thats a shame. Big barn still in very good condition by the looks of it. There was a guy around here that specialized in jacking up old structures and moving them. Never remember about hearing of a failure. Moved all types of large buildings. But then again that was his specialty.
The house we live in was moved here about 23 years ago from about 20 or so miles away. It is a 1 1/2 story house. It was moved in January in the middle of the night. Other than a few minor cracks in the plaster, no problems otherwise.

I agree with Scott730. It is easy to see in hindsight, and there are no specific rules for any given load, but it is apparent that the lean was too much for the surface area of the interface. Probably the old phart guy that knows how to eyeball this kind of thing was out sick. Or maybe a young new hot rod guy told the senior guy that he was full of it.
I sure hate to see that happen as barns like that are getting to be few and far between....About 50-60 years ago there used to be a moving from Carthage,MO that moved numerous homes-buildings in my area..They did some amazing stuff and were real good at it...Its been many years since I've seen something moved in my area..
The house we live in was moved and put on this basement with mules in the winter time. Then they built onto the front of it to cover the rest of the basement. The guy we bought it from said that when they moved it he was so excited. Because he would have his own room in the new basement. But the room that was his was in the part of the basement were they had to add on to the house. So when he woke up the first morning he was getting snowed on.
If you want an interesting read about building moving. Track down the story about moving the Gem theater in Detroit some time ago. It was one of, if not the biggest move. The story is great.
If not some cross pieces welded between the main beams then they should have had some they could wedge in and tighten some chains around it to bind the 2 together. Will be a costly issue for both Owner and mover. Insurance will probably cover it though will be costly.
Here is another. Moving the Potsdam NY train station. Made of sandstone blocks. I was there at the time and would go by and look at the work being done.
Train station move
(quoted from post at 19:16:46 12/03/22) If you want an interesting read about building moving. Track down the story about moving the Gem theater in Detroit some time ago. It was one of, if not the biggest move. The story is great.

Moving the Hatteras lighthouse is the biggest move I know about.
Many years ago when I lived up in Cleveland Ohio I saw a mover move a multi-storied all brick wing (5 or6)stories from one building several blocks maybe a 1/2 mile and set it in between another building making it look like a letter E and the weight was so heavy they moved it on railroad rail set sideXside. It took a long time because they spent a great deal of time just moving the rails. One of the biggest moves I ever saw!! Jim in N.M.
I lived in Detroit when the Gem Theatre was moved. I went and watched it several times from the the actual moving the install. It was fascinating. I even took our two young daughters and they were impressed.
Yes,it seemed like it was L O Tilton and sons from Carthage..They spent lots of time in Nevada around 1965-66 moving houses when Hwy 54 was relocated thru Nevada..
This was before my time, but I heard stories about a grain elevator that was moved up a VERY steep hill! Maybe some of the others here from the Mankato, MN area are familiar with it. Took place at the Rapidan Dam.
That barn looks like my cow barn- gothic arch. Mine is engineered 2X6 studs that go from sill to peak and were formed from 1X2 strips glued together. Grandpa said post WWII, when the original barn burned down, that beams to rebuild a post/beam barn were unavailable if not out of budget. This barn and several others in our area were almost a kit- bolt the two trusses together at the peak and stand them up. The hay loft floor joists hold it all together.

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