Question for YTdot

(quoted from post at 06:10:32 07/10/22) Just wondering what is the proper way to tie this load down.

You don't have to. It forms a cradle naturally and stays put as long as the tote doesn't develop a hole.
Might as well just strap it to the roof and go at that point. Put a Vertical prop in to hold the roof up. On second thought don't bother it needs to thin the gene pool.
Where is SVCummins, not a single post since April 17? I hope he is okay and just busy. This may have even been to dumb to get him to reply with a Barney but he would pull them out for about anything. What worries me is how many people running our government would be okay with giving the ..okay go ahead and lower it approval..?
As a teenager one of the places I worked was Lowe s. They started me in outside lawn and garden as a loader. There were quite a few people that had no idea how much their vehicle could hold, and how much stuff actually weighs.

We d get a guy with an S10 or Ranger who would want a full pallet of landscaping bricks or something similar. Sometimes it took putting in the bed of truck for them to see how much the suspension was going down as the forklift lowered it. We had one guy take a load like that with the suspension on the bump stops and the tires all bulged out.

We d also get the occasional guy in a Cadillac who would want us to stack wet sod on a blanket in the backseat. This was in Florida, so people buy the squares of St Augustine grass.

I m assuming the Focus video was just a stunt, but people do things almost that stupid in real life.
(quoted from post at 16:26:56 07/10/22) As a teenager one of the places I worked was Lowe s. They started me in outside lawn and garden as a loader. There were quite a few people that had no idea how much their vehicle could hold, and how much stuff actually weighs.

We d get a guy with an S10 or Ranger who would want a full pallet of landscaping bricks or something similar. Sometimes it took putting in the bed of truck for them to see how much the suspension was going down as the forklift lowered it. We had one guy take a load like that with the suspension on the bump stops and the tires all bulged out.

My college roomate worked at Menards and same thing. Had a guy pull in with a HF orange 4x8 utility trailer and he wanted a pallet load of landscape block put on the trailer.

Guy got irate when Todd refused to do it and just went out of his mind. Finally, the assistant manager was called over and told the guy he was going to break his trailer. Guy called him a pansy @ss and said put it on, I'll show you sissy boys.

So Todd set the pallet on the trailer and blew both tires and broke the axle. Said it was pretty funny the guy had to do the walk of shame into the store to buy two tires...
For jollies,, I worked at Homer Despot for a couple of years. The one that really sticks in my mind is the F150 that pulled in one evening. Three guys and a girl in the cab. Ladder rack on top, with a four foot stack of ladders on it. The back end seemed low, and looking in the bed, had about a ton or so of sand in it (1/2 ton truck???).

They proceeded in side and got a pallet of cement. 40- 80# bags. 3200 pounds. They loaded it into the back of the pickmup, I hope they were VERY close to their job. The rims were 1 off the pavement and the tires were bulged flat.

They arter have a cruelty to pickmups groups that would take that truck out of those cruel hands....
Yep, once filled up a pearl white/sale-tag-still-on Escalade with bags of composted manure. A well put-together female owner wouldn't let me take the time to put
down plastic. Stunk to heaven in there.
(quoted from post at 07:05:56 07/10/22)
The vendor is just as stupid as the buyer.
But greed over rules.

Why does it always have to be corporate greed?

Can't it be the customer's fault? Sounds to me like he INSISTED that he'd "done this dozens of times" to the forklift operator.

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