Morning Routine


Good morning everyone! I wish to share my regular morning routine with you. After breakfast, I read the newspaper on-line. Minneapolis Tribune. Then I go into this web site and read all of the new posts. Really enjoy the daily tractor posts! I have posted some things at times and have always received very good advice. After visiting Yesterday's Tractors, I go into Facebook and Facebook Market. That's it, have a great day everyone!
-Quick look at news to see if anything major is happening
-Play a few games
-Cruise through YT
-Wait for the sun to come up
Hi Del,

The daily tractor posts are always interesting to me, also. It amazes me how my experiences with operating old tractors and equipment is often similar to those of other people in other parts of the country. I've moved to town, now, so I don't have the same routine I had in those days, but it is still very much a part of who I am. I don't read the paper any more, and I find I have a better outlook on things since I quit. I try to keep in mind the words of that great philosopher, Porter Wagonner, who said: What is to be will be, and what ain't to be just might happen.

Del????????? Is this the Del who used to frequent these forums? I think that Del was an N guy? Really up on electromechanical challenges. Always enjoyed his (your?) posts.
Thank that you mention it, I do recall the event. Always liked his candor....course with the smarts he had, he could afford to make jokes about complicated matters.....just fun for him.
Watch the local news and first 20 min of GMA while I drink a cup of coffee.
Go out and check on chickens, feed cattle and barn cats.
Go for 10 mile bike ride or exercise for 45 minutes in my basement gym.
Eat my oatmeal, while I check e-mail and check this site.
Make any phone calls I need to make and take care of any business.
Go back outside and do what I do.
I don't do facebook anymore. In the beginning, I liked to skiff through facebook feed and see what people I didn't see on daily basis, were up to. But it got to the point I was sifting through to much garbage and B.S. to see anything worthy of seeing/reading. Crap like, a dailey joke I could find myself on the internet, what someone ate for supper (every single night), pictures of what they did that was SO routine or basic it wasn't worth looking at, or sharing other peoples related garbage stuff.
So, I gave up/quit doing facebook. And I don't miss it.

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