grandpa Love

Well-known Member
Some of y'all will never know the joy of pulling Farmall Cub equipment out of waist high grass and weeds,and the 2-3 days later have your sock and underwear lines covered in chigger bites!! Stupid little red bugs!! They love me, but my wife almost never gets any?? How far north do these things live?
I have never experienced the joy but one of my linemen did many years ago. Think we were working in Iowa. Never heard of them before that.
Strange little creatures! Never know when or where you'll get them!

They seem to like fresh meet, I seem to get them worse when I'm away from my home stomping grounds.

When I was a kid, had an aunt and uncle from North Carolina, when they would come down to Texas to visit we would all get together and go to the same places, do the same things. They would be attacked, none of us would get a single one!

But that's not always the case. When I was a young teen, had a pipe break in a vacant house on the same property we lived. Didn't know about it for several weeks so by the time we found it, the grass was very tall. I didn't have sense enough to mow it first, so jumped in pulling off siding to get to the leak.

Worst case of chiggers ever!!! And this was early spring, before the heat was on. I was miserable for weeks, completely covered. Nothing I could do but wait it out!
I took My 54 chevy to the car show in Spencer Iowa this past sat. and came home with them -- sat in the shade in the grass -- itch-n things -- rubbing them with rubbing alcohol seems to help -- Roy
They love me here in SD. Cortisone 10 (cream) works wonders for me to stop the itch. I got bit up awhile back & was not into any weeds that might harbor the vermin. I just walked across a gravel parking lot adjacent to a weed patch. Native Americans up in this part of the world called them No-see 'ems.
We have them in northwest Iowa but nothing like you have them in the south.. My first experience with southern chiggers was when I laid in the grass under a combine in Cordell Oklahoma. A few days later after we had moved to Woodward Oklahoma I had them all over my waistline and back. This was when I was first introduced to Calamine lotion. The itch went away after an application but it wore off fairly quick. After that experience I always threw a tarp under the combine or parked the combine in the wheat stubble or on a graveled spot if I had to lay on the ground. Most of the crew had a few on their legs while we were in that area.
The little buggers are alive and well in southern Wisconsin. Cortisone cream is the best remedy, insect repellent from the waist down if you are going into an infested area.
I get bit by the miserable things every summer. Ive tried bug spray, tucking pants inside boots doesnt matter I still get bites. One of the few things I still like about winter is there gone till spring!
Triple antibiotic with PAIN relief helps with the pain and also any infection from itching..
Got mine in Missouri just south of the Iowa border two weeks ago. Still not healed.
Got them July 4th at tractor show here in Ohio perhaps 100 mile or less from johninnewhaven
I live in Northern KY; I used to get them as a kid, but not any more. I think Mom used a product called Chigger Rid- it was a liquid in a bottle. Mark.
="grandpa Love"](reply to post at 09:22:31 08/16/21)


The common to North a (east of the rockies).

A species of the mites and ticks family.
(quoted from post at 11:03:24 08/16/21) I live in Northern KY; I used to get them as a kid, but not any more. I think Mom used a product called Chigger Rid- it was a liquid in a bottle. Mark.

That is good stuff. Little bottle lasts forever because you only use a drop at a time.
(quoted from post at 06:31:07 08/16/21) They love me here in SD. Cortisone 10 (cream) works wonders for me to stop the itch. I got bit up awhile back & was not into any weeds that might harbor the vermin. I just walked across a gravel parking lot adjacent to a weed patch. Native Americans up in this part of the world called them No-see 'ems.
Chiggers are not the same as No-see-ums
We don't have chiggers in West Michigan. I do have a heavy growth of itch weed or nettles on my property. If I'm not careful I can get into them. Them give me a red rash and itch like crazy.
Deep Woods Off keeps most away - not the regular Off but get the Deep Woods. If you have bites and do not want to put cortisone on you, try CereVe cream and it works pretty well. CereVe is at Walmart, Target and Amazon.
Never had them here in my portion of SEWI. No ticks either, though my dog's vet assistant argues otherwise. Heaven forbid I should know the area after living here almost all my 43 years. I attribute the lack of ticks to the abundance of birds & plethora of ants. Now the deer flies here are something else. Horse flies are around, but not too aggressive. However, in an average year the mosquitos will suck you dry in no time & fly off with your empty body! That's one of the few things I'm thankful for this year. It's been dry & relatively skeeter free. When we were so wet in 2019, you could usually hear a constant buzzing of little wings everywhere you went. Even over my tinnitus!

I've heard of them and have been all over the US from MI to FL out to WA and south to TX wheat harvest 5 years from west TX to N MT. Either I have never got them or I'm that stupid. Worked under trucks combines, and crawl in to work under the head or feeder house,or grease truck with no issues with them. But then I never saw a rattle snake either. I would have thought with all the desolate and isolated areas there would have been one some place.
Get you an old sock. Fill it about half full of sulphur. Put it in a zip lock bag and keep it in your truck. When you are going somewhere just dust yourself down with it from the knees down. You won't get any chiggers and you don't have to spray down with chemicals. I use it to stay chigger free.
absent, for deer flys i use bright blue plastic buckets and coat them with pestick, i buy it from gemplers by the quart. i mount them above my golf cart and it catches them like crazy. you can rig up something on a lawn mower or tractor, or even tape a blue solo cup with some on it to your hat. works great. the deer flies attack the bucket when it is moving.

North Tx has chiggers in abundance. Sulphur is a time tested chigger repellant. Sawyer Permethrin is an exellent repellant applied to clothing. A much cheaper source of Permethrin is Gorden's 10% Permethrin sold at tractor supply diluted 1 part in 10 parts water. Wet clothing and alow to dry before wearing. A single treatment last's 6 weeks or 6 laundyings. Also works well for ticks and mosquitos. I have dedicated garments that i treat and only wear when needed. In the truck and tractor tool boxes I carry treated leggings made from old pant legs for emergency use. It take's 2 weeks for chigger bites to heal so I'm determined to prevent all i can.

This post was edited by da.bees on 08/16/2021 at 05:38 pm.

We have more than our fair share. Don't lay down in pine straw they will eat you up. I get in a tub add Bleach to the water it gits'em...
IF, IF! you never scratch them they quickly go away.
Scratch the bite & the irritation runs away with it.
I kill them with clear nail polish & will power.......
IF, IF! you never scratch them they quickly go away
I learned that over 70 years ago. Nail polish helps too I think.
Chiggers love me too. Wife mentioned it to an older farm lady. She swears by unscented ban roll on antiperspirant. I've tried it on many different bug bites, bee/wasp stings, shingles. It relieves the irritant, swelling, blisters. It works surprisingly well for me.

As far a northern lower of Michigan. Them little fellers just love me! Now we're moving to Tn where there are even more!
Dad hauled gas in tandem tanks. My mom always had the same dream. Truck accident that caught fire. The only way she could identify his body was the chigger bites on his legs. Was not how he died though.

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