Wacko Posts


Well-known Member
I had to get back in the habit after being out of it for a year or so. When I look at the title of a post I think hummm, that could be something interesting, or, I better see if it is from that OT guy whose posts pretty much never interest me. 9 times out of ten it is his so I just go on by.
Have you been looking in the mirror today? Reads a little on the wacko side to me.
Good point, if its something that doesn't interest you or from a person you don't like, why waste your time right, I sure agree. I try my best to help when I
can and be polite and courteous with no name calling or hating, a person has a right to their opinion religion and politics, even if its opposite from mine AND
NOT be ridiculed for it grrrrrrrrrrrr.. Unlike some who must always argue or criticize or always be right others wrong, I have no need or desire to waste my
time on some prefect stranger on the internet, let them live in peace, to each their own, live and let live yayyyyyyyyyy

You have a great day now, best wishes, thanks for sharing, God Bless you, God Bless America

John T
I just think that anybody who disagrees with me is free to exhibit his
I was gone for two years. Since I came back, I thought it was two of them, but if you say just one, OK.
I must be missing something, tho I understand your message, Im not sure I can find an application for it here.

I completely understand what you are saying. When I look at a topic I always scroll down first to see who has added comments. If its certain individuals I will
pass it by. Some people on here treat this web site like it is their own and seem to feel the need to comment on just about everything. Maybe they should
actually start their own. Rarely I do start a thread anymore though I didn't anyways. I to have thought about dropping off completely.
This is just like any other coffee clutch. I was on Yesterdays
Vacuum Cleaners the other day and there werent any posts
about Vacuum Cleaners!
I agree.
There's a couple of them.
I actually think they sit around and watch
TV all day then report the news here.
I seldom click on their posts
I agree JT why would I or anyone, care,be upset or whatever what someone else makes a post about and some others enjoy making comments on the posts?Either read,enjoy, post a comment or just move on to something else,real simple.
Here's a thought ... start your own board. That way anybody who thinks differently than you, well, you just remove them. You can have daily conversations with other people who think like you.
Trouble is, they've driven so many of the old crowd away with their nonsense, if they quit, nobody would be posting anything. That's the only reason I haven't said anything about it. I don't know if you'll ever get the old crowd to come back.
(quoted from post at 12:19:50 07/13/21) Here's a thought ... start your own board. That way anybody who thinks differently than you, well, you just remove them. You can have daily conversations with other people who think like you.

Kind like Mark Whatsizname?
I read the tittle of another post on tractor talk this morning;

"Surging BS"

Had to chuckle to myself as I thought about how well that tittle describes this site some days.

Were all big boys here and should by now have a thick enough skin to not let the small stuff bother us but what we don't know is the current mindset or circumstances of the individual posting a reply.

Maybe they just lost a family member or their job or are going through some other personal problem and are just trying to pass time while they get themselves back together.

Myself I have been stuck inside for the past week after loosing a finger and crushing another, my hand is full of pins and stitches so all I can do right now is drink coffee and plink away at my keyboard until it is time for the next round of painkillers.

The other morning I got up and started reading posts on here and a few of the posts and or questions got me thinking what kind of idiot or fool is this guy, fortunately I didn't type anything until after the pain killers kicked in at which time it was like the commercial about you need a Snickers bar.

All was well and none of what I had read earlier seemed like a big deal anymore.

Every year you can pretty much predict what the weather around the country is just by noting the number of cranky posts and replies on here.

Sometimes it is not easy but try not to ever let the small stuff to get to you and you will be a happier person for it.
But look at the bright side...it gives some of you something to complain about! That's really what you are hoping to achieve isn't it?? I have been on this site since the late 90's. I have never been too concerned if a post is OT or not. Does it really matter? If you don't have time to look at the post to determine if you want to read it or not, should you really be on here in the first place?

As far as driving people off, if anyone thinks the reason all acceptable people left because of off-topic posts, then I have a bridge to sell you. Looks to me like you need to get a life and quit worrying about things in life that really make no difference. There are plenty of things right now that do. Bob
Ever think the guy may live alone and this is his only human
contact? Lighten up!

It takes all kinds and Im not knocking those who do, I just see no point in arguing with some perfect stranger over religion or politics or even respond and give them the attention they may seek. It seems some want to dislike another who votes different or has a different opinion. I find it easier to just ignore them which I often do. Some are know it alls and always right and others wrong, love to criticize and call names, always negative, jump to argue or post an article someone wrote which they seem to think proves them right YEAH RIGHT, so I choose to just leave them in peace.....

Best wishes God Bless, stay positive stay happy yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I dont allow others to drag me down to their level

John T

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