garden and farm crops in your area?


hows your gardens and farm crops looking in your area?
im in south west indiana, an dwe just had a 2 and a half inches of rain.

crops and gardens were planted early, and into good conditions, for the most part, we were dry early

things are looking very good, but i havent been out from my area much,

so whats it like in your neighbor hood?

Last year same time


I am in south central Indiana and we just go 1.75 inches of much needed rain. I got my corn all planted in April and beans done mid may. Everything looks good after this rain as it was getting dry.
Most of the garden is doing well but it has been to wet and to cool for some stuff. Plus due to the wetness the weeds in the garden are doing well and cannot be pulled or till in due to it being to wet. Hay looks good but again to wet to cut and bale it and calling for more rain next week. I'm at he Lake of the Ozarks MO
Corn tasseled and putting ears on, garden was doing good but since Friday till today we have had 8 inches of rain and still raining. We are 20 miles east of Austin.
Mid Michigan, poor. Too dry and too cold. Had frost late last week. Not good at all. Heat in the forecast, but no rain in the seven day. Might be my last year in the cattle business if things don't turn around. Pastures are even poor.
About the driest May on record here in Central VA,I had about 1/4 inch total the whole month of May.Pastures and hay very dry,garden looks real good a I have gravity flow water line coming off the mountain here to water the garden.
Se IN, has had 48 hrs slow soaking rains , about 1.6 inch, most of that was taken up by ground & crops. Corn / soybeans off 0.13 on CBOT today but still near market records especially compared to 2020 prices. Don't see how prices can hold up like this unless they are having a drought in IA or Brazil we don't hear about. These rains came at a critical growing time. Several hay fields are laying wet in fields.
Things are burning up here in Southwest Michigan. The Vegetable and Fruit Farmers love this weather because they can control the water with trickle irrigation. The Corn and Bean Farmers are hurting without irrigation. The water table is low, my pitcher pump only pumps air now. My irrigation pond is down two feet. No rain in sight for at least another week, with sunny skies and temperature near 90 during the day.....
Garden is a little slow. Cooler than normal.
Farmer's corn planted April 3 was stunted by frosts and freezes, but they are coming back. A little slow.
Need warmer and sunny days.
It's been cool enough, I haven't need AC. I did turn it on once to reduce humidity.
Strawberries are doing good.
All the spring planting went fairly smoothly here in South Central Ontario, things have been rather dry. Weather has been bit of a odd one with snow on 28th of May, and a couple mornings with frost in low areas after the snow. Hay crops like cooler weather and we had frequent rains throughout April and early May, so hay stands are decent and winter wheat looks good. All of the emerged corn looks like there was no frost damage. There has been a lot of early hay done this past week. Rain came over night Wednesday and showers today, and we are all pleased to see it. Going to need more rain next week, because as I said, it is trending dry and cool overall
In Southern California we probably will not get rain until Oct, Nov. My garden is doing fine, but is watered with city water. Stan
Your in the 90s up there and here in Missouri there where record cold highs set just a day or so ago. Never got to 70 till today. June 1st and 2nd where below 70 high was in the mid 60s
We started baling alfalfa/ grass hay 2 weeks ago since it was pretty dry. Didnt rain for 2 weeks until last Friday. Just got another 2 tonight. I will start mowing the Timothy hay tomorrow night as the heat wave will be here by Saturday. The 2nd cutting of alfalfa is looking good now. Glad I jumped on it so early. Boy is that dry cool weather beautiful. Neighbors corn is starting to look better but it has got to be several weeks behind in growth height.

Just getting by on rain but been cool. Going to be hot this week and we will need rain by next week or things will be hurting again. The long term forecast calls for rain next week and we will need it. Corn is up and doing ok in spite of some frost burn last week. Hay is ok but not great, been too cool and dry. Oats is looking great and about a foot tall. I will spray that for broad leaves this weekend.
Here in KY we had a weird spring, 80s then 50s and frost then 90s now in the 70s. I got my hay done last week some thin some thick. I baled 44 4x5 rounds and 52 squares. Usually get 60 rounds. Garden beans are coming up good first crop of sweet corn about 8 potato's are doing real good. Just got an inch of rain so everything is nice and green will have a second cutting this year.
Cold,dry and windy earlier. Now getting (almost) record heat. all crops are behind. some of my corn sat in the ground for a month before it emergad. I was worried. We are in a profound drought,acctually in the 3rd year. This year being drier than the two/three before. before.Irrigation supplies are down,some folks in the upper drainages are already out of water.the cities are considering domestic water restrictions.
April and May were very cool and wet..Heres my neighbors corn planted 2 months ago..It should be waist high or taller by now..They will probably side dress this in a day or two and it will take off...They farm my place..Its finally drying up to where the hay can be baled and the soybeans planted.
(quoted from post at 20:55:35 06/03/21) hows your gardens and farm crops looking in your area?
im in south west indiana, an dwe just had a 2 and a half inches of rain.

crops and gardens were planted early, and into good conditions, for the most part, we were dry early

things are looking very good, but i havent been out from my area much,

so whats it like in your neighbor hood?

Here in the Fargo, ND area its dry and hot. Today it was 105 mid afternoon. If not a record its gotta be in the short list. I have lived here fro 24yrs and there is only a handful or so of times in all that time it cracked 100. Dry. The Sheyanne river nearby is pretty low. Humidity to pretty low. I am not up on what the local crops are doing but if my yard is any guide, they need rain.

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