Bill Gates TerraPower


Well-known Member
Carbon Free energy source.

Now a firm launched by Bill Gates in 2006, TerraPower, in partnership
with GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy, believes it has found a way to make the
infamously unwieldy energy source a great deal nimbler and for an
affordable price.

The new design, announced by TerraPower on August 27th, is a
combination of a "sodium-cooled fast reactor" a type of small reactor
in which liquid sodium is used as a coolant and an energy storage
system. While the reactor could pump out 345 megawatts of electrical
power indefinitely, the attached storage system would retain heat in
the form of molten salt and could discharge the heat when needed,
increasing the plants overall power output to 500 megawatts for more
than 5.5 hours.

Bill Gates claims this reactor can't melt down like the old reactors.

I'm betting pigs will fly before TerraPower will get a green light form
the carbon free people. Place your bet.
I agree, George.

I'm a proponent of nuclear power (as well as coal) but cannot see either being allowed by the whakos.

(quoted from post at 06:17:37 02/18/21) Carbon Free energy source.

Now a firm launched by Bill Gates in 2006, TerraPower, in partnership
with GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy, believes it has found a way to make the
infamously unwieldy energy source a great deal nimbler and for an
affordable price.

The new design, announced by TerraPower on August 27th, is a
combination of a "sodium-cooled fast reactor" a type of small reactor
in which liquid sodium is used as a coolant and an energy storage
system. While the reactor could pump out 345 megawatts of electrical
power indefinitely, the attached storage system would retain heat in
the form of molten salt and could discharge the heat when needed,
increasing the plants overall power output to 500 megawatts for more
than 5.5 hours.

Bill Gates claims this reactor can't melt down like the old reactors.

I'm betting pigs will fly before TerraPower will get a green light form
the carbon free people. Place your bet.

I have read about that same thing from a few different sources so I know it is true, but I doubt that Bill Gates has anything to do with it. I may be wrong.
Thanks for the info George, I wasn't aware.....I did see where he (a computer expert and billionaire, NOT elected to any govt position) is pushing for us to all eat artificial fake beef then heard he is a huge investor in some of the firms that produce fake meat hmmmmmmmmmmm lol

Oh well he has the right to speak his mind same as any of us, but just because someone not elected to anything is an expert in computers and software does NOT mean I (you can if you wish) have to do what he says.

I will make my choices and respect others who choose to what some rich dude says

God Bless America

John T God Family Country are my priorities NOT what Mr Gates says lol
co-founder Bill Gates tried to build an experimental nuclear reactor in China, his plan was thwarted by U.S. foreign investment restrictions. At Bloombergs New Economy Forum ...
It's a fairly obvious fact that if we're going to wean ourselves off fossil fuels, nukes will have to be part of the solution. Not necessarily long-term, but for a few decades.
For a minute there,,,,I Thought you were talking about Terrormites




Terramite was bought out. Not sure if new owners will continue to make the backhoe. So you better get one NOW.

In the future they may be TERRA POWERED.
Its an interesting concept. Its too bad Bill Gates is involved because now every conservative will have to fall in line to oppose it! As always, its not the generation of energy that's the problem. Its the long-lived radioactive waste.

Figuring out how to store the deadly byproduct material safely for 100+ generations or dispose of it (off-planet?) is the key to Nuclear Power.

Oh, and dealing with floods, earthquakes, terrorists and just plain human error in the control room...
TROLL (LOL) I can't resist either!!
If the Carbon Free people get their way by 2050 I think Neuclar will return in some form.

A small TerraPower reactor may be what Island countries ravaged by Hurricans needs. Small local powerstations.

I'm not going to live that long, 72, to see 300 hp tractor replaced with TerraPowered electric tractor that drive it's self.

I want a flux capacitor powered tractor that can go 88 mph.

Do some internet research on Bill & Melinda Gates. That picture ain't pretty. The vaccines produced by their Moderna pharmaceutical company have some very unpleasant and unwanted consequences which have resulted in law suits by African nations and India. Bill & Melinda Gates are committed to reducing the world population by 10 - 15%. Gates now owns a majority of farmland in the US and is advocating that people eat fake meat. Care to guess how he's going to force that one on people?
"Gates now owns a majority of farmland in the US and is advocating that people eat fake meat. Care to guess how he's going to force that one on people?"

Geeeeee Whiz Nancy, you mean you aren't going to obey what some rich non elected computer expert says IM SHOCKED LOL (giggle)

Sounds like your priorities are similar to mine God Family Country and NOT Bill Gates, sorry Bill

God Bless

John T
Why am I hanging around?
Too cold to do anything outside.
I should be fishing in Florida hanging a line over a boat, collecting vitamin D, and pulling in Crappie only to eat later.
C'mon Nancy, more conspiracy theories? If you do some research yourself on Pfizer Oor other) nnalert "issues", you will read exactly the same stuff with the brand names reversed. I understand why people are so jealous of Gates and everything he is associated with but I think some of this stuff is pure nonsense. For example, if a person is the "largest owner of farmland" in the USA, that does NOT mean he owns the "majority" of farmland. And even then, what is the definition of farmland I'm wondering?
Bill Gates figured out at a very young age how to manipulate an 8 bit register so he made a large fortune. But he needs to stay in his lane. If he needs a project he could make Windoze work reliably.
Nancy, I too have read these things. I'm not going to say everything I read on the internet is true... but if these things are then the Gates family is a scary bunch!
Bingo, CH.

Though Gates may be the largest single owner of farm land in the US, his holdings certainly do not approach a majority of such land.

(quoted from post at 10:22:48 02/18/21) Do some internet research on Bill & Melinda Gates. That picture ain't pretty. The vaccines produced by their Moderna pharmaceutical company have some very unpleasant and unwanted consequences which have resulted in law suits by African nations and India. Bill & Melinda Gates are committed to reducing the world population by 10 - 15%. Gates now owns a majority of farmland in the US and is advocating that people eat fake meat. Care to guess how he's going to force that one on people?
would highly recommend that you take your own advice and do some legitimate research into how stupid your statement actually is.
Small modular reactors are all the rage at the moment. There's a dozen or so competing designs out there. Russians have some already mounted on barges powering northern activities, I think mining towns if I recall.
Dean ..... and if in his wisdom he is hoarding it to leave "as is" or to keep it from say unwanted foreign ownership (reasons which might be a possibility), I certainly have no problem with that. Unfortunately, we seem to have evolved into a conspiracy phobia society. There are countless books, papers, and thesis published on the topic. One below here in the link but you could read up on it forever and not get through the research ....
Untitled URL Link
(quoted from post at 11:52:03 02/18/21) John
How did my post go sideways?
Kim is going to wear out the POOF button.

It went side ways the moment you posted it. And you know it full well.
You failed by starting this in TRACTOR TALK vs Tractor TALES.
You rock Nancy, hang in there God Bless, don't let any Trolls get you down pray for them instead

John T
Oh, oh. Now I might have to question my own position!

I really shouldn't have generalized, even though everyone else does...
John, with all due respect, I take some exception with your description of Bill Gates.

As far as I have been able to determine, Bill is NOT a computer expert. Probably has never written a single line of code. His expertise began with being in the right place at the right time and putting together a once in a lifetime deal between IBM and a piece of software. Bill is an expert in MARKETING. He HIRES the REAL experts to do the computer expertise.

He bought a piece of software under development, sold it to IBM, and made millions on the deal without doing much more than getting lucky. Lucky that he was able to buy that software, lucky that he was able to sell it, and lucky that the whole deal did not fall apart before it was completed.

I have been to a live lecture given by Bill. He just isn't all that smart in terms of computers. He sure didn't impress me as being much more than a businessman. Business smart. Computer wise, barely literate.
Sorry, Nancy, but I gotta add my fact-checks to the previous ones. I don't know where on the 'net you're going for your research, but I suggest you look elsewhere because they have you thinking some things that just aren't true.

I can find no evidence that Gates or his foundation own stock in Moderna. What I find is the opposite: they own no stock in Moderna, or what they own is so small that it's not reported publicly. But the Gates Foundation DOES own stock in two of Moderna's competitors, Pfizer and BioNTech.
<a href=""></a>

As for the reported side effects of the Moderna nnalert and its competitors, I'll take whatever nnalert I can get. I'd much rather take a chance on the rare side effects of a very effective nnalert than with getting the actual infection, which if it doesn't kill you is now known to have lasting and life-altering consequences for many folks.

I've found no evidence that Gates wants to reduce world population by "10 - 15%". What he actually said is he wants to reduce population GROWTH by ten to fifteen percent, which is totally different. That means the population will still grow, just by slightly less. And I think we can all agree that a lower rate of population growth is a good thing.
<a href=""></a>

As other have pointed out, neither Gates nor his foundation own "a majority of farmland in the US". The Gates Foundation owns about a quarter of a million acres of farmland, which is really a drop in the bucket. By comparison, the King Ranch (ranchland, not farmland) alone is over 800 thousand acres. The idea that Gates can somehow leverage his farmland holdings to control what we choose to eat is preposterous.
<a href=""></a>

I find it interesting that nobody seems to have a problem with how Bill Gates made his money. Just to refresh your memory, Gates spent decades behaving like a textbook monopolist, crushing his rivals with anti-competitive practices and forcing his mediocre software on the rest of us. Everybody seems to be just fine with that. But now that Gates has decided to put his considerable fortune to use solving the world's most pressing problems, folks are up in arms. It seems y'all don't like it when someone acts charitably, perhaps even Christian.
You might be glad I've returned. Read post above the unhappy Trolls are back. I guess it's ok to post questions about Solar and Wind energy on tractor talk, but I shouldn't mention neucler. Possible the only carbon free energy source that is capable of meeting your future energy needs.
Perhaps I need a lawyer to Argue my defense.
Please help fight off the Trolls.
Nancy: I don't know about the vaccines but Bill Gates acquisition of US farmland is pretty well covered by eric O'Keefe in his 1/15/2021 article in Successful Farming magazine and it does involve a lot of previous suspicious activity be convicted Canadian swindler Bernie Ebbers of Edmonton and the eventual super secret sale to Bill Gates by the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board. Interesting.

Geo. It sure didn't take you long, what three days? to get shifted into high gear. Honest scientifically based facts are so dull. Despite a recent meme about the facts are the facts, nothing could be further from the truth. Ever since fake news was invented five years ago followed soon by "alternative" facts, we need an ever increasing array of conspiracy theories to fall back on. Everyone here needs to turn up their creative imagination to increase the conspiracy theory output, before members start abandoning ship in droves and joining those already writing for the Russians, the Chinese and the Iranians.
RB ..... well if "Bill Gates" snuck up on you in the discussion thread, that would be one thing. But his name is right there in the title of the post, did you notice that? So you open it up and read it, and then tell us your blood is boiling. You must enjoy boiled blood. If I were you, I'd skip the conversation altogether and keep my blood at normal body temperature, it's much healthier and MUCH more comfortable.
Bill ..... your comment "super secret sale to Bill Gates by the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board" makes no sense. What did our CPP sell to Bill? Or did Bill sell something to our CPP? I await your reply ....
> Bill ..... your comment "super secret sale to Bill Gates by the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board" makes no sense.

It's a Super Secret! Of course he can't tell you.
> So, if the abundant media fact checks it, that makes it factual. HMM

If you have alternate sources with "alternate facts", feel free to share them.
Facts.... and research..... that means yall spent a bunch of time reading on the internet. Nowadays everyone is a political expert because they read "stuff" on the internet. No, not one person on here is privy to special political information that the rest of us commoners are not. You do not have a special insight. I use the example of politics because the conspiracies and half truths are exactly the same in climate change or alternative energy sources. Sitting at a computer and reading things that others have wrote or said (and god knows how accurate that info is) does not make you a researcher. Now take for example, tractors... tractors are awesome. Tractors are what this place is about. Especially on TRACTOR TALK!
I gave you the source in my post above which you imply that you read but probably skimmed. Look it up yourself.
That's what I figured Bill. You don't really know the answer to my simple question. Why not simply fess up and say that then? Well, we're both in the same boat ..... clueless !!
C H i won't say anything more. 99.9% chance i'd be kicked off this great site and thread would go poof. RB
Read this.
Jealous? Now that's a conspiracy theory!! Read this:
(quoted from post at 22:04:26 02/18/21) Jealous? Now that's a conspiracy theory!! Read this:

Now there is a clue. The word "literally".
OK, you could have posted a link. Here's your article.

Despite its sinister tone, the article doesn't expose anything remotely nefarious, let alone illegal. And its author undercuts his own credibility by drawing a very tenuous connection between disgraced WorldCom executive Bernie Ebbers and the Gates Foundation. Yes, Ebbers did at one time own a parcel within the Foundation's considerable holdings. That doesn't implicate Bill and Melinda Gates in anything.
Successful Farming article
BR .... you're right, and I was a bit smart a$$. Sorry about that ..... the original poster could have easily guessed that it would move towards some kind of political discussion, there are certain topics that just can't stop that happening.
> Read this.

RFK Jr. is a notorious conspiracy theorist and anti-vaxxer. He gets attention because of his famous family, not because he has any particular knowledge of vaccines or epidemiology. The article itself is full of falsehoods and half-truths. For example, it misquotes Gates as saying he wants to reduce the world's population, but later contradicts itself by correctly quoting Gates saying that he wants to reduce population GROWTH.

An example of a deliberate falsehood is the article's claim that multiple cures exist for the 'rona, which one year into the pandemic we know is not really true. It then goes on to tout the long-discredited drug hydroxychloroquine. This article has a dateline of November 21, 2020, long after hydroxychloroquine was rejected as a viable treatment.

As for the claims regarding Bill Gates and his support of the WHO's vaccination efforts, those have been debunked by various news organizations.

It's good to know the sources of your information. In the case of this website, it is impossible to know who's really behind it. There is nothing on the site that says who runs it or where they are located. And the author of your article is anonymous. They deceptively tacked the biography of a Peter Koenig to the end of the article, but it's apparent he didn't write it. He was only quoted in the article.

If you can find out who is behind the website, that might give you an idea of whether or not it's a reliable source of information. Since they've deliberated obscured this information, it's reasonably safe to assume they don't want you to know. As I said before, you need to be careful where you're getting your information. Legitimate news sites don't conceal their ownership. And they tend to stick to the truth because they can get sued if they don't.
I don't see how you could interpret anything I said in my above post to denigrate Bill Gates. I was referring to things that transpired prior to his acquisition of some farmland in the Colombia River basin.
(quoted from post at 05:53:51 02/19/21) OK, you could have posted a link. Here's your article.

Despite its sinister tone, the article doesn't expose anything remotely nefarious, let alone illegal. And its author undercuts his own credibility by drawing a very tenuous connection between disgraced WorldCom executive Bernie Ebbers and the Gates Foundation. Yes, Ebbers did at one time own a parcel within the Foundation's considerable holdings. That doesn't implicate Bill and Melinda Gates in anything.
Successful Farming article

Mark, watch for that word "literally" as I posted earlier. The use of the word means that the writer is at this point leaving actual facts and is switching over to his or her interpretation of those facts.
(quoted from post at 01:33:01 02/22/21) Who are these guys writing for the Russians? I have yet to met one on here.

Buckeye, in order to do their job they have to give the appearance that they are Americans, and that they are posting as Americans. You can identify them by their posts having a pattern of inciting agitation and extremism, whether for the left or right.

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