Rooster Video


Well-known Member
Finally some old vhs tape of the fighting rooster that inspired my channel name. This was shot in the late 1990s right here in the yard. That bird fought hard and tore up my boots with his spurs sometimes. Unfortunately there is no video of me catching him in the air as he attacked.


Attack Rooster
My daughter had an old red rooster when she was little. His feet were deformed, so she called him Cripple Creek. One day we were out in the backyard and he flew at her face with his claws. His diet was immediately changed to #4 bird shot.
Yes they are quite dangerous for little kids as they can jump right up in their face. And those spurs are long and sharp. I've felt them before I learned how to handle him.
both my mother & mother in law experienced such aggressive roosters.......both ended up on the dinner table! mom's would wait until your back was turned and hit you from behind.... until the last time!
The folks were feeding up a goose to be dinner at Christmas. I was about 4, and it attacked me in the yard. Dad came roaring out of the house, grabbed the goose by the neck and ran it into the woodshed. Whack! and presto- Thanksgiving goose instead.
I had several roosters that roamed the farm when I was a kid. The big one would charge you and get your attention while the others would hit you from behind. I had a blue healer that would come to my rescue, one time I was changing a wagon tire and one got me I screamed and the dog killed it. Once dad was loading cow and one flew out of the loft and spurred him on the shoulder that was the end of him. Grandma would walk over in the evenings and work in the garden and they came after her and she killed them with the hoe. We had chicken salad for lunch a few days later.
Daddy raised GAME chickens for a man in VA.who would go to chicken fights you could drag your feet and smack your legs and you better be ready to run i would do this he said we raised the meanest roosters he ever fought.
When I was a kid we sold hatching eggs, so you needed roosters. One rooster would attack me on my bike. I could walk around the chicken house all day but when I rode my bike near the chicken house he came after me.
(quoted from post at 07:35:17 03/24/20) When I was a kid we sold hatching eggs, so you needed roosters. One rooster would attack me on my bike. I could walk around the chicken house all day but when I rode my bike near the chicken house he came after me.
I can believe it. This one actually flew at my dad on the riding mower more than once.
My buddy had a hobby farm, a few sows, half dozen cows and some chickens. I was there one day helping castrate pigs. When we left the barn , this little red rooster was waiting for us, about 30 feet from the door, crowing his head off. My buddy says, now watch that silly rooster, he will attack you. There was a empty 5 gallon pail beside the door, and I picked it up. When the deranged rooster ran at me, I slipped the pail over him. Then after he calmed down some in the darkness of the inside of the pail, I was able to scoop him up in the pail, and i windmilled the pail with the rooster around and around over my head about a dozen spins, then gently dumped him out on the ground. The rooster was so dizzy, all he could do was stagger around, and we walked away unharmed. Few minutes later, rooster had regained his composure, and let out a few crows. Buddy told me after that, if he saw you coming toward him with a bucket, he would avoid you.
My grandma killed a big Leghorn that had me cornered against a building and a rock pile. One masterful stroke with the gramdpa sharpened shovel neatly removed the head about 1 inch above the body. I was 4yrs old. Jim
(quoted from post at 11:27:21 03/24/20) Last photo of you and Roosty is great!
In that photo you can see at least one of his spurs. As he aged they got longer and more curved. I'd catch him in mid attack flight as he came at me as long as I was wearing gloves. Preferably welding gloves. Once I had ahold of him and held his wings tight he did not try to fight anymore.
Leghorns get mean but we had a barred rock that was the worse. He would chase cows out of the manger so he could eat. He died of lead poisoning.

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