
does anybody paint there post purple this is my 2-3 year of doing this and I don't think this helps any,cheeper then all the sighns
I see them a lot here. Either posts or trees in the fence line painted purple.

I would bet most people doesn?t know what that means.

That is apparently a law in some states.....North Carolina and more recently Pennsylvania are two I found by googling.
I like the idea, but........I've seen lots of land trespassed on that have No Trespassing signs all over the property lines.
Some people have no respect for other peoples just can't change that!
In Iowa, no need to paint your posts purple, or even put up signs, because if you do not have the permission of the owner, lessee or person in lawful control, YOU ARE TRESPASSING. There is no such thing as "abandoned properties and buildings" someone owns them and if you do not have permission to be there, you are a TRESPASSER and can be charged. I am sure this topic has been hammered out several times on this forum. gobble
Marking your property is more to protect you than to keep people out.

If you do NOT mark your property, anyone on your property with or without your permission is NOT trespassing. They stub their toe, get tangled up in the barbed wire fence and cut themselves to ribbons, etc., it's YOUR fault.

Obviously purple paint on a post/tree is not an impenetrable physical barrier, and less-than-reputable people are just going to walk on past. Probably the same people who go to church on Sunday and consider themselves "honest, upstanding citizens." Why, they're not causing any trouble; they're just hunting!
I would hang up bullseye targets with the centers shot out. I bet they will know what that means ! lol.
BarnyardEng, not true in Iowa, with out permission, you are trespassing. Now some might think since their brother in laws cousin
twice removed has permission, it is by family ties permission for him also. No does not work thatta way. Also a sign just gives you
a bit more leverage in the trial, but again it is not required. gobble
?if you're not on your own property, you must be on somebody else's?

That is the way Louisiana is but we do also have the purple paint rule.

Only exception is navigable water. If a piece of navigable water crosses your property such as in the swamp you can not stop boat traffic sign or no sign.
I have found people here in Oho, where if you do not have permission to be on the property, you are trespassing, do not understand the law until they pay a fine.
That is something I ve never heard of.The law here used to be if the fence was woven wire and you crossed it you were trespassing.They changed that back in the seventies.
(quoted from post at 10:53:22 01/28/20) I would hang up bullseye targets with the centers shot out. I bet they will know what that means ! lol.

Sorry but I might think that means there is a range back there someplace where I could shoot. An ambiguous sign is worse than no sign at all which means the purple post is not sufficient, either. Not enough people know what it means.
I'd recommend seeing what the laws state for this in your location.

For example, from memory, in NYS the owner has reasonable expectation that people will stay out, if the boundaries are posted conspicuously, with the No Trespassing signs. They state the spacing of them, but I forget if the law also describes the language that is on the sign, but they do seem very typical in that regard.

So if the owner has done this, someone does trespass, the owner has implemented the measures necessary to then in fact make it a crime or violation, whatever lame @ss thing it does for a landowner, which is not much.

If were me, I'd want to meet the legal criteria and establish that it is done according to the laws on it.

In reality, people simply ignore the signs here, I catch every one of them, very quickly or at some point. I try not to escalate things, but also have no intention to cater to what they are doing just the same. Most if not all of the time, I simply tell them it's private land, it is my wishes to keep it that way and it is appreciated that you just stay out.

In the last year, I caught a group of teenagers, or early twenty somethings carrying on like jerks, drinking and tearing up the paths and trails, they got by me a couple of times, but when I caught them, one certainly wanted to be a jerk about it. I held my tongue and just said the previous, they did not come back. Later this year, interrupted while home for lunch, cornered 2 on atv's with my truck, had a civil and friendly conversation with them, escorted them out, politely and I have to say they were also polite about it too. Prior to this, had been a few years with no incidents, but the last one I was threatened physically by 2 teens. That was an awakening in regards to not putting myself in danger, and realize, I will for no one, back down for any reason at all, but try at all costs to avoid that situation. I don't care for the infringement of privacy, given the rent paid for land taxes and or school taxes, people who ignore the signs do not appreciate that, they just barge in like they own it.
Not in Ohio, here it would just mean somebody had some paint he wanted to get rid of and too much time on his hand. Here it has to be posted with signs.
That has been the approved marking for "No hunting without written permission". It also allows law enforcement to check hunters for written permission without the landowner being involved and citing them if they don't have the written permission on their person. This is just my interpretation and not how the law is written but it is common here in Kansas. I have noticed lots more property posted this way in the past year. I have one piece posted with the purple but allow a couple of guys to hunt waterfowl each year and they always come to me for the written hunting permission.
The Iowa law reads very similar to the law here in Kansas in that it takes more than simply being on someone else's property without their permission for it to be considered trespassing. In general it requires either some sort of criminal intent, disobeying a request not to be there (verbal or posted), or hunting/fishing without permission. In the states that recognize them (Kansas being one of them) the purple-painted fence posts are interpreted the same as a posted "no trespassing" notice.

Here's the link to Iowa's law - the definition of trespass starts at the bottom of page 3.
Iowa trespass laws
(quoted from post at 18:47:25 01/28/20) Not in Ohio, here it would just mean somebody had some paint he wanted to get rid of and too much time on his hand. Here it has to be posted with signs.
Actually, it doesn't matter if the land is posted or not in Ohio. Without written permission it's trespassing if you're on someone else's land.
YT is the only place I heard about purple fence posts replacing No Trespassing signs. Are those purple fence posts recognized by any states and is that published in the state hunting rules handbooks? Seems like a meaningless gesture if no hunters are aware of their meaning. Most hunters can read and will obey signs, but few can read minds.
For the relatively few states that have this in their laws (including my state of Kansas) the purple paint rules are mentioned in the hunting regulations and explained in hunter safety classes. Here it means "no hunting or fishing without written permission". A game warden or other LEO can write you up for a violation on the spot without the landowner getting involved. Without the paint or posted signs the landowner would need to be contacted before a citation could be handed out.
This purple post deal must be a regional thing. I have never even seen a purple fence post before it knew of its meaning. Here posted or not if you are on private land you are trespassing- YOU should know where you are!
Yep, Iffn you don't leave you is trespassing, can't just enter and wander aimlessly around, snooping and casing the place, when told to scram you better git or be charged with "trespassing. but you maybe correct, may not be able to charge for just being there the first time but after a verbal get out stay out, lock em up. Maybe BarnyardEng had the best advice, put up signs, all states do not recognize of do the purple post thing. thanks for the link, I'm link challenged. gobble
Only a handful of states use the purple post rule, but it's becoming more common. It was proposed in Ohio a couple years ago, but for whatever reason it didn't pass. I think people don't understand what it means, because I've seen people adamant that it shouldn't pass. There's literally no down side to the law. All it does is allow the purple paint to be used in place of signs. Paint is cheaper and easier to apply than signs.

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