
found some tree stands on the farm so I put up some cameras, took about three days and wife's phone goes off about 6 am tracked a truck to the north woods, never seen anybody, looked in the truck and the deer stands. left and finished doing chores came back in a couple of hours and truck was gone. put some nail stripes down at east gate where truck came in so now we weight.....also the trapper is back some people cant take no for a answer, will shoot his tires again
I have a woods that sorta a swamp but on 2 sides of me its leased to hunters. I spray and keep a trail around my woods and all the hunters put there stands on the line facing me because the deer travel the clear trails. I have rode by on my ranger and got yelled out for disturbing their hunting( the only way they can shoot with the brush is on me!) A few years back I got into with a hunter(on my land). I went home and placed tannerite close to theirs stands but well on my side, set a few off and not had a problem with them any more.
looks like you have some donated traps and stands to collect.
Check with your DNR conservation officer as to legalities.
I would be careful shooting tires with the hunter in or around the truck. The hunter could say about anything, like he was shooting at me, and missed and hit the tire. Stan
I sure envy you guys -- here in canada (manitoba) I cant do anything at all. I have begged the game warden to come around for the last 20 years or so and he does occasionally . In those 20 years the only one that got fined and charged was a hunter that I caught my self. First I found his truck so got the licence number then after phoning the 1800 tip line 3 or 4 times without any body answering finally got through and gave him the licence number . Later I found the hunter walking back to his truck laden down with a amplifier, speakers and a rifle on his back. I demanded to see his drivers licence and when he bent over to set every thing on the ground the muzzle of the rifle was pointed directly at my head as I was sitting in my truck. I grabed it and shoved it out over the windshield and held it there . He took it off his back and when he set it down on the ground it went off just missing my back tire-- so obsuly the safety wasent on. He said it was my fault for getting him nervous. I gave the game warden all the information and after 6 months of an "investigation" he lost his hunting licence for a year and fined almost $500 . Hardly worth almost getting my head blown off.
Found another guy with a bait station set up 600 feet from a re-purposed ice fishing shack . I sent the game warden a email with a google map with the location pinpointed -- after a couple of days he came around and no charges were laid as the hunter didnt know the pile of grain was there .The only thing that has really change over 20 years is the taxes have skyrocketed and the vandalisum in the yard has gotten much worse. I would love to shoot out tiers or set off some some thing but I would get arrested .
(quoted from post at 12:34:52 11/13/19) I would be careful shooting tires with the hunter in or around the truck. The hunter could say about anything, like he was shooting at me, and missed and hit the tire. Stan

Even if he was not around right then he could claim that he was and that he was nearly hit. Up to you to prove different. Shooting is a bad idea.
I don't know what to think of you guys????? Shooting Tannerite, nail stripes, shooting tires????? Here we try to get along the best we can. Talk it over 1st.
In my case the conversations are me getting yelled at on my own property "mind your own buseness" "what do you think -- you OWN the deer????" add to this the endless vandalism every year at the beginning of the hunting season I just dont talk to them any more.
Your property, your choice.

But setting traps, shooting at vehicles...

Good way to be raked through the courts until there is nothing left to protect.

Game warden, LEO ruins their tires, you'll have some 'splanin to do!

Remember, trespassers, especially hunters and poachers, they're armed too!
I do not know the laws in your area but what your doing could land you in jail where I am. I'm in Missouri and have called the conservation dept and have signed paper so I find some on my land trespassing I can call them and they will be arrest and charged with a few different things depending on what all there doing
What are they trapping? With fur prices so low I can't get any trappers to trap my place and I have offered to pay them extra for every fox.Coon and Coyote they catch.
I've seen it happen here so it might work for you. Call the sheriff and tell him you got a trespasser and you're having his truck towed and then do just that. Don't know if you would be able to stick the truck owner with the tow bill after he walked back to town but at least he'd hafta answer to somebody to get his truck back. Kinda backs him into a corner. Don't sound like you'd get much help from your sheriff. Good luck with it
How many deer or trappings do you feel they pull from your property? I?m not condoning trespassing but is it worth legal action for maybe a firearm infraction? Slippery slope!
Not the first time he's talked of shooting at vehicles here. Laying spike strips on a driveway?? Afraid it would not end well as that shows premeditation to cause damage.
Wouldn't "shooting" some photos of the incident be more effective and far less risk for the landowner? Some photos of: trespassing vehicle; enough back ground photos to prove it is on your property and the location; the license plate; tire tracks; and maybe the VIN number would not be out of line.
DO NOT shoot anyone's tires. Take a valve stem remover and remove at least two valve stems, almost nobody carries two spare tires. And not shooting doesn't give them any reason to think that you're shooting at them. Take your cell phone, take pics and call your sheriff as well.
Last vehicle I found on us I took his plates off and threw em in the river . I also caught a jeep with spike strips once , kinda funny . They tore up a new seeding the day before , decided to come back the second night . 4 flats and the cops got em.
As others have said, shooting tires, and intentionally causing damage is not a good thing, and could get you in trouble.

So, why not do what a friend of mine has been doing for years when he finds an unoccupied stand on his land, or his parents land, which abuts his, and he watches over. By that I mean, take the stands, and sell them on Craigslist, or where ever.

He's been doing it for years, and often gets two, or more, per year. Give the price of some of these stands, even selling them cheap, you could easily make a hundred, or two, and maybe more, per season, for your troubles.

Usually what he does is to hang on to the stand for about a month, and see if anyone has the guts to come looking for it. In the 12 years I've known him, no one has ever come looking. Maybe it's the same guys coming back year after year, who knows. Regardless, if someone wants to spend $100 plus on a stand, and leave it in the woods, on someone else's property, that's their problem.

Good luck, and please don't get yourself in trouble doing the things you have discussed thus's just not worth it.
Posted the same situation last years hunting season about shooting tires. Had plenty of time to address the issue with local authorities. Sounds like he wants to be judge and jury on his own. Lucky he?s not wearing jail clothes.
bmack518n, this has been going on for 20+ years after a couple years with almost no help you get tired of having your cattle shot at,goats and sheep. goats, sheep and dogs have been caught in traps.. chains on gates cut, gates pulled open and broke, fence cut, mud run in the water ways and creeks. all the lanes coming on my property are gated and locked with posted sighns everywhere. if you are on my property you cut or broke something to get seen the sign that said private property stay out you cut the lock on my gate you drove in on my its my turn. most of these cars and trucks are out of county tags
I'd keep a 5 lb bag of sugar in my truck and put it in their gas tank. They couldn't prove where that came from and I bet they wouldn't come back. If they did it would be with a new engine and that's a lot more than any trespassing fine they may get!
Stonerock i am with you seems like everyone is giving advice but it's not their property that is getting invaded.
Many yrs ago my uncle had a issue with a trespasser. He told the guy over and over to stay off his property. Finally got to the point he told the guy if he caught him one more time there was going to be he// to pay. Few days later, there he was again. Uncle Nick sweet talked him till he got close enough to grab him & then beat the living crap out of him. Long story short, Uncle Nick went to jail, paid a fee, lost his hunting rights for 3 yrs. Uncle Nice was a little ruff around the edges & actually liked to fight so this was not really unexpected from the rest of the family.....trespasser never came back!
These days, with all the unsavory characters running around loose, I could see some possible consequences if his tires get flattened. He would obviously know or guess who did that (ie. the property owner) so a few flat tires could very well result in some pretty nasty stuff coming back at you. Close your eyes and think of all the stupid things a guy like that might do. And there are others involved here too in addition to yourself, like your family, etc. Not sure I would advise going that route to deal with the problem.
We've been dealing with similar problems for over 40 years on one farm. The neighboring people got used to putting things over on the old man who had the place before us and decided since we lived on the next road over they would keep up with their nonsense. Respect is a long gone concept with nearly all of them.
Trespassers are a serious problem and should be dealt with seriously. Deal with them harshly, especially the repeat offenders. Just make sure whatever you do wont get you in legal trouble. As far as shooting tires or anything goes, I would avoid it especially since this world has gone anti-gun crazy. I'm pretty sure putting spikey objects on your own road is fine, just make double sure there isn't any county easement that they are on. Around here folks put up trail cams on their property and the sheriff's department will charge trespassers if they know who they are- try to get license plates in pictures and whatnot.
If people like the ones he's dealing with think you're Chicken S**t that is when they are dangerous,better to meet them head on unless of course you are Chicken S**t then they will just do whatever they want and your only recourse will be to come to YT and cry about it.I would not be posting on the internet about the things I've done to
discourage that type of activity though.
Well TF .... not everybody is a Rambo, I guess you categorize yourself as being one. The graveyards are full of those who took on those unsavory characters but forgot that they can be as mean and nasty as they are. I still stand by my original reply and your comments about being chickensh**t are laughable. Bravery has nothing to do with it but common sense does. Just my two cents. And yes, good idea to keep the things you have done a secrete.
Not necessarily bravery just that the type people he's dealing with need to understand they'll get back worse than they hand out.Apparently you have never dealt with those types.Tucking tail and run like you suggest will only bring you more trouble and problems.
Tucking tail and running ..... not sure what's what I said TF. Meanwhile, I'll let Sylvester Stallone be the only Rambo in my life .... LOL !!!
Here's some more free advise.....
Shooting anything could get your gun ownership taken away.
I like the valve stem idea.
Why don't you call a wrecker and have them towed off. Tell them its an abandon vehicle with flat tires.....
Guys it depends on where you live. Here in MN if you set a trap that damages someones property, like say a tires on a vehicle you are liable. If they should stop short of a nail strip and step on a nail you are now not only subject to litigation but also criminal action. And don't even think about shooting someones tires out. Has a local smart aZZ kid was always trespassing to hunt here there and everywhere. A neighbor shot his tires out. He called the cops, land owner was arrested, all firearms confiscated and criminal charges filed. In the mean time the kids has mismatched tires on and ruins the rear end. Mechanic signed an affidavit stating that he thought the mechanical damage was due to the mismatched tires. So the guy lost his guns, spent a few days in jail, paid a fine and to avoid being sued paid for the repairs and a new set of tires. And cause they never actually caught the kid on the property he never got a ticket or charged.

Are you or anyone else trapping or hunting the property? If no one is, that may be what makes your property so attractive to trespassers - it's loaded with game and is easy pickings. Try allowing some people that you trust to hunt and trap your land to reduce the attraction for the trespassers.

My buddy was having problems with 4 wheeler guys riding the powerline and pulling his fence down to go around mud. One day he heard them going through when he was standing in his yard. He jumped in his truck and went to the road crossing and headed them off. He got out of his truck with his rifle and stood there and waited for them with the gun just cradled in his arm. When they rode up to him and of course stopped, he smiled and told them that he owned the land and the fence that they had torn down and asked how much each they would like to donate towards repairing the damage? He collected a pretty good amount. He said some paid to make up for what some others didn't have.

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