Big problem!!! Not!! LOL

JD Seller

Well-known Member
Daughter-in-law called early this morning. Seems they are going to have a full family pot luck supper in the Grand daughter's new hay barn. She wanted to do this while the floor is clean/new. So they are going to have it this evening. it is raining here so not many had any other plans. All the women are in full cooking mode. My wife has made six pies and now is working on a couple of cakes. My Son is going after tables right now.

My problem??? I KNOW I will be faced with more delicious food than I could or should eat, So what am I to do???? LOL I guess I will just have to struggle through and try to eat my fair share. LOL

I will think about you fellow Yters when I am suffering my fate this evening. LOL
I just bet you will think of us. LOL

I sure enjoy your stories, tell your family they have something very special!

Too bad we can't bottle the magic that happens on your farms.

All the best, Larry
Larry is right. Don't eat all the food all by yourself. Instead, eat a bite for everyone of your YT friends and, when you're done, you can honestly say that "[i:92da56e03c]you[/i:92da56e03c]" ate only a fraction of what you thought you would. *lol*
I just found out (wife's doings, I was asleep watching football) we are having ten people here tonight at 5:30 for Pizza and Beer and other goodies n desserts. I have my orders to be at Pizza Hut at 5:15 to pick up the order and there's plenty of cold ones in the fridge so I may be out of commission rest of the evening.

John T
EAT DESERTS FIRST make sure there is pie n cake room.cant let great deserts get away because delicious nutricious ham,beef,fish,taters,corn,maters ,green beans fill you up first
JD if you could have told about this sooner , just maybe a BIg ,Big bunch of us could have shown up so you wouldn t have to eat so much .

Your AZ Friend
There is a song with the line something about a "Shindig" in the barn. Don't know the exact meaning, but your gathering probably fits the mold. Enjoy the food and camaraderie.
I just finished canning 44 jars of applesauce from my trees. Took a couple of bushels of apples and I'm too darn tired to do anything but have a cocktail and watch the news. Enjoy your gathering, they don't come often enough.
Great idea, JDSeller. We host the family reunion here at the farm for my Dad's maternal side, and held the whole thing inside our last new pole building erected in 1998. It [u:2f7dfce195]was[/u:2f7dfce195] nice to have it in a clean barn, even if the "Country Aroma" of the cow barn next to it does make it's way over. I remember the year, since Grandpa was still with us to celebrate that gathering inside his new barn, and was gone before the next.

We have since bought one of the pipe/tarp tents to set up in the yard a little farther away from the cows, but I'm hoping to have another new barn up for our next reunion in 2021!

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