Self driving car


Well-known Member
Seen on tthe telly box this morning ,a self driving car crashed in russia.
Technology is getting a tad too advanced and slowly being forced down our throats.
Self driving trucks tractors cars.they cant comprehend people as bystanders and what they do
Self driving technology will improve. Can't say humans will improve. Over 100 people die everyday die on US highways. Some are caused distractions like cell phones, some don't wear seat belts, some are speeders and some are drunk.

Are there 100 people a day dying form self driving cars and tractors?
The transition from human drivers to computer drivers will be interesting.

We humans make a lot of errors, but we are able to assess and adjust to many situations quickly. Computers don?t yet have the sensors nor the experience to compare on the ?what now? level of driving.

At the very least, computers and humans drive differently on a basic level. Putting both on the same road will be - interesting.

My car isn't self driving. However it alerts me when some is in my blind spot. It buzzes my butt and flashes red LEDs on window when it thinks I'm about to rear end someone. When backing up, it buzzes my butt and flashes on back up display that someone is coming from the side where my mirrors can't see. I don't have auto braking, but I can see the advantage of self braking

I embrace new technology. It makes me a safer driver. Not sure I'll ever turn over driving to a computer. A self driving car won't get drunk, be distracted with texts, weave in and out of traffic, won't tailgate. I'm sure bugs will need to be worked out.
Paul, you make an interesting comment about self driving cars don't have the experience that human drivers do. I doubt that is true at this point but even if it is true it won't be true for long. Every human has to learn to drive and gain experience. Self driving cars take the latest program and start from there. The software continues to get smarter and smarter and doesn't have to start over for every car. It can be duplicated.
(quoted from post at 03:14:19 08/12/19) Self driving technology will improve. Can't say humans will improve. Over 100 people die everyday die on US highways. Some are caused distractions like cell phones, some don't wear seat belts, some are speeders and some are drunk.

Are there 100 people a day dying form self driving cars and tractors?

Not yet, but soon, very soon.
I think Traditional Farmer see the future in self driving cars. Just look at Boeing 737 right now.

My grandkids live in Chandler, Az. and they see self driving cars come thru the school zones.
I think a self driving train would be very workable. They have a defined track, sensors can easily test the condions of that track, trains have the right of way. When in doubt stopping on the track works.

On a road with wildlife, debris, pedestrians, potholes, unpredictable human drivers, weather changes, ice, snow, etc....

There is a lot for our early stages of sensors to recognize, digest, and react to.

Talk to the cattle guys out west about the auto brakes and rear sensors. Drive through a pasture of grass and try to back up in the grass.... ha.

Heck, the auto traction crap they put in the 4wd vehicles now, what moron thinks we want to disable the 4wd we bought and need here in snow and ice and mud country? The computer is told to degrade and idle any time we actually need 4wd.


When driving in winter, aim to put 2 wheels on dry pavement and you can stop. No more tho, the auto traction now only allows the weakest least traction wheel to do any braking, I just slide through intersections, it don?t brake on the hard surface. Foolish.

It?s not all bad, lots of good too, and yes things will advance.

But they react and drive very different, sometimes in worse ways.

It?s not all roses.

Headline news when one self-driving car gets in an accident. Meanwhile on the same day, thousands upon thousands of car accidents on the same day and not one is worth mentioning. Not saying I would have one or trust one but their safety record might not be as bad as we think.
Danng gasoline powered horseless carriages
electronic maps telling me which way to turn
phones that never leave your side calling you day and night
wrist TV communicators
jet cars
space ships
and new fangled beer
There's always the possibility of hackers, like computers. If it happens, like computers virus programs will follow.

It will be a short term problem.
At least self-driving cars won?t be texting instead of keeping their eyes on the road. It won?t have a hair too much to drink. It won?t be putting lipstick on going 75 miles an hour on the Freeway.
And it will always signal before changing lanes.
Now you know how it was when the cars and truck were invented put them with horses didn't work so well. Just get over it everything will be ok
Traditional Farmer,
Hacking is already being done to cars with no keys. So what is the point of hacking into the navigation system of a self driving car unless you want to kill someone and make it look like it was a self driving car's fault?

LEXINGTON, Ky. (WKYT) - Key fobs are meant to make life easier for drivers. Most cars have them to unlock the vehicle. Some even go a step farther and start the car. If your car starts with a key fob, you may be in danger of having a thief steal the car.

"In the last couple of years, we began to see more evidence of not only breaking in, but people able to start the car and drive off," explained Roger Morris with the National Insurance Crime Bureau. Morris explains that "you used to be able to hotwire cars but that doesn't happen anymore with today's technology."

Morris told WKYT thieves are using something called a 'relay attack device' to intercept the signal coming from a key fob.

"A car is basically a computer on wheels," said Morris. "So once they figure out what that communication is between the fob and the computer on the car, then they've got access to the vehicle."

To see how effective the relay attack devices can be, the National Insurance Crime Bureau bought the device. They tested 35 different makes and models of cars made between 2010 and 2017. The relay attack device was able to unlock and start eighteen of the cars tested. "This device only works on cars that have a keyless remote and push-button start. It talks electronically to the vehicle. It says, 'I?m your fob.'"

Stuff like this makes really glad to be 68 years old. I will most likely be gone before any of it becomes common place. Knowing what my grand kids and future great grand kids will be dealing with just makes me sad.
Can't wait until it matures. So many old people have to leave rural areas once they loose their license or aren't comfortable driving. With the assistance of self driving car many could stay in their family home much longer instead of moving to towns. Its not like 30 years ago with at least one kid staying at home to look after their parents.
(quoted from post at 03:14:19 08/12/19) Self driving technology will improve. Can't say humans will improve. Over 100 people die everyday die on US highways. Some are caused distractions like cell phones, some don't wear seat belts, some are speeders and some are drunk.

Are there 100 people a day dying form self driving cars and tractors?
Along with the technology of self driving cars comes the loss of FREEDOM to go where you want, when you want. I wouldn't be hard to control where you can go with a computer driven car...

No thanks, I'll keep my Red Barchetta....

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