Some ditch work in the kingdom

jon f mn

Well-known Member
Started cleaning out the ditches this weekend, altho it's still too wet in some spots. But the old dependable DC did it's job well.





After it drains for a few days and dries some I'll go back and Finnish so it all looks like the good part. Wish I could have done this last fall, would have gained a few acres and some would have been dryer. Oh well, guess you can't do it all at once.
Its working

Yea, yea you can do it all at once if you ain't a I'm a slacker! :lol:

Looks good.

I'm a slacker too, must have
spent 4 or 5 hours in my
favorite chair on the deck
this weekend. Total waste of
time. Lol
No gaters in MN, but a big old Northern or sturgeon would out the fear into most. Lol.
But it is YOUR time to waste, recover, rethink, and RELAX. Now that they have tiled out about 60 acres upgrade from me my occasionally wet water way is a swamp, I'll need to ditch it or pattern tile, bee really really bad this year. gobble
There is, now that you mention it. Guess I'll get a lot higher resale value when I sell it then.
Is the DC new enough for foot clutch and live power? My DC4 is and my old DC3 was. It was a combination of a 51 motor on a 53 rearend, I think. Been a long time since I sold it. My DC4, Grandpa bought new in 55. Amazing tractors.
What a waste of gas-This is how we drain water in Iowa!---Tee

Taken in the 80's. Dad in 4630--Me in 8630
You are not the first idiot from an I state to try to tell us how to farm here, all that tried ended up loosing everything and working in a factory or something. Why you would try to put tile where the whole thing is below the water table is a real mystery. But even if you were stupid enough to try, you don't have enough John Deeres on that to pull it on my farm. I think it's best if you stay where farming is easy.
(quoted from post at 10:03:25 06/04/19) You are not the first idiot from an I state to try to tell us how to farm here, all that tried ended up loosing everything and working in a factory or something. Why you would try to put tile where the whole thing is below the water table is a real mystery. But even if you were stupid enough to try, you don't have enough John Deeres on that to pull it on my farm. I think it's best if you stay where farming is easy.
Jon, Sounds like you need to set for a while and chill out
Idiot-Wow---Coming from someone who can't keep a job for more than a few months! How many different jobs have you had in the last couple of years? Last fall you plowed up and down the hill for the water to run--you should be in jail for that. Leave the farming to people that know what they are doing and go back to town!!!!!!!!!!!
Before this job I had the same one for 12 years. And the drainage I did last fall was just fixing existing drainage that was damaged by former farmers, likely no smarter than you. And open ditching is the norm here because there is not enough drop to create erosion, and the water table is so high that tile doesn't work. You should limit your advice to things you actually know about and not try to give advice above your abilities.
Tired of him and a couple
others poking at me for the
last year. Why don't you
scolded him for poking at me
over and over? If he would
just leave me alone I would
too. This is on my post, I didn't go to him and poke at him. But he's still mad about
a years old grudge that was
his own doing.
Did you get fired from your last jobs because your always on here posting instead of working and got caught or did the bank get your truck?
I did not know that you OWNED this site!! Oh boo hoo--everybody is always picking on me boo-hoo-GROW UP!

My leaving dart was well documented here for all to see. Speaking of jobs, you ever had one? Or you still living in mom's basement riding out daddy's money til it's gone?
I am weird, might be the first true and accurate thing you've said. I did notice you didn't address your employment status, figured you wouldn't want to talk about that.
(quoted from post at 13:13:50 06/05/19) Little Funny Guy/Nancy--Do you want my tax records too?
e know your good at name calling, and avoiding anything you don't like. Hipocracy is a way of life for you.
Beautiful job. I could never do that nice a job. I really enjoy your farming pictures and I love you todays funnies. Keep up the good work!

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