From Mud To Dust


Well-known Member
This piece of ground used to be either under water or too muddy to work for years. Now I can make a little dust on it after two dry years and another dry spring. Burned off all the 6 foot tall bulrushes last year and disked it down several times. So we are gradually getting back some of the land flooded out in the 2010-2016 wet spell.
Picture from this afternoon's work.

This was today in SJ. Wind was blowing hard enough that chickens faced the wrong way around could lay the same egg three times. Field was plowed a couple of days ago. You can see the white truck, but a bit over 1/4 mile it just disappeared. Wind is blowing out of the west. Left to right of picture


Great to see how you have been right on the job, and reclaimed that slough. If things stay dry, it could be your best piece of crop land this year. Some other places, knolls and such will probably suffer, but you have been wise, and put the effort in to claim back a wet spot. But don?t get too attached to it, I am sure you know better than anyone else, it could be a small lake again in a few years. You are a true Prairie farmer
(quoted from post at 11:59:01 04/28/19) Looks like some pretty significant acreage, but camera views can distort some.
I didn't do a calculation but there is an acre or two reclaimed for sure. This drone photo I modified to show how big the cat tail patch was in 2017 (in the red circle). What is left too wet now is in the yellow circle. As you can see we don't get to work many straight lines here in the wet years.

This so much reminds me of how we worked the land where I grew up in Towner County, North Dakota. Many wet spots (sloughs) there too.
My geography "nut" is at work again. I see your farm yard in the lower left and for those who know where to look your threshing machine on the hill is visible. So your farm yard is approximately "in the middle" of a section (640 acres)?

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