In like a lion?

jon f mn

Well-known Member
Guess there is no question
March is coming in like a
lion, we have snow coming
today then below zero again
tomorrow and Sunday. How will
it go out? Hopefully like a
way down here we have one day in the 80's followed by one in the low 40's followed by 2 in the 70's followed by 3 in the 30's etc, etc. lots of clouds, drizzle and wind too
I dunno Jon, the weather is a lot more mild right now than it was all during Feb.

...But then, we've gotten a lot less snow than most any other areas around us, including up in Canada. Been fairly cold/windy, but is milder now as well.

I'd say March (for us) is coming in like normal -- in between lion and lamb.
The problem is at -15? it's a bit chilly to work on it in the uninsulated shop. Getting worried about getting it, the planter, and 830 ready along with all the small stuff.
four more days here of the real COLD they say,,

Coming in like a lamb here. Currently 35 degrees and bright sunshine. Still doesn't feel very nice because of 3 feet of snow on the ground.
The sun is shining so bright today, almost need a welding helmet on just to cut the glare off of the snow. Water is dripping off of buildings with metal roofs. Beautiful day, even if it did start out at 1 Fahrenheit. I think it?s a lamb
Jon I have found you will always be behind on something. I don't get as upset as I used too about it. Occasionally you will get ahead on some stuff. Other thing that gets me is rebuilding some thing I already did back when or replacing some thing I bought new back when.
Don't know how to call it in N. Ill., might be the best day in two months. Sun came out bright about noon, about 30 degrees, ice slowly melting on drive way, supposed to be a high of 5 on Monday.
We've had sunshine and high 20s yesterday and more today with temps around 40. And NO SNOW!!! This is supposed to be the snow belt. Spent both afternoons outside.
I have removed some of Mother Natures white blanket now it is her turn to remove the rest..
t was 52 and foggy. went to Fredericksburg, it was 64 and cloudy. on the way home Johnson City was 66 and PC. got home and it was 53 and foggy. I'm tired of the winter

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