Shipping day


Well-known Member
Going to ship 500 calves off the range to the feedyard today
Ouch. I haven't been on a horse since I
was 6 or 7 years old. I'll take the 4
wheeler. A 4 wheeler doesn't have a mind
of its own and won't try to grind you into
a mud hole unless you do something stupid.
In which case you deserve it. A horse on
the other hand will drop you in the mud, do
a tap dance over the top of you and take
off running back to the barn. Rest assured
it'll be waiting on you to come limping
home all battered and bruised expecting to
be fed.
I would really like to help with a roundup like that someday before I get to chicken again. Haven't ridden in probably 5 years, Would
want someone younger to pre ride the two pasture pet mules. 99% sure they won't do a thing wrong but they look taller and the ground
looks harder, I'll ride second though. Good Luck with the roundup. Jim
I love working cattle with a good horse or mule. Couldn't beat old Derek. He was game till the day he died well into his 20s . I really miss that old friend.
Oh heck no. I have two of those hayburners right now that belong to my sister. Even though one hasn't been road in years and the other never has. I just buried a third a couple weeks ago. Biggest overgrown pets imaginable. Wouldn't be so bad if they were road and actually did something useful like your horse.
Can?t beat a good horse 🐎 for workin cattle I crossed a creek horse chest deep and steep banks id have made it about 3 minutes today without a horse
(quoted from post at 05:59:03 11/01/18) Going to ship 500 calves off the range to the feedyard today
maybe some more pictures there’s a great big bald eagle buy the guy on the buckskin



I have 4 great horses and I will put them up against
any other horses, but the last ranch I was on, the
only way to handle the cows was with a 4wheeler.
Never seen such spoiled critters.
My wife told me I am not allowed to use 4wheelers
much though. She says that something needs to
keep a brain when you get a stupid critter and mine
got to the point where it left about 10 minutes into
working those cattle.
Great pictures by the way.
Thanks .. a guy can do a lot of work on a four wheeler if he?s careful about it but boy a horse is the only way to go in the country and you?re right it?s easy to let things get out of hand and lose control when you start working cows with motorized vehicles I hate it
Love the Pics, would be great to herd cattle like that. Horses and I don't get along anymore. Had one go
over backwards and land on top of me, messed me up good. Bought another that was supposed to be good a
coupla years later. After riding him for about two months he was like a hard male member, you never knew
when he was going to go off. Got on him one day didn't even get my feet into the stirrups He went off.
Niece said it looked like a rodeo. finally after about 15 seconds long time lol. He went strait up on his
hind legs and came down with his front legs out in front of him. I landed flat on my back. Got up and
rode him for an hour, and that was it for me.
That stinks . It?s hard to find a good horse when you get a good one there?s nothing better to work cattle with

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