Speaking of bugs. . .


Well-known Member
Had kind of an "invasion" of these last summer in western Washington- hundreds, rather than thousands. Didn't seem to do anything, kind of hung around well into the winter, then apparently marched off and I haven't seen any since. Photo isn't real clear, but there's a symmetrical pattern of red lines on their backs. Kind of pretty, actually. Anybody know what it is?


Boxelder bugs. Not harmful, that I know of, just annoying.. In large numbers, they can get into everything.
Thanks, Greg, for the quick and helpful response. Have already Googled them, and if they come back, I will have my Dawn detergent at the ready!

Not much of a problem outdoors, but if they decide to move into your house, you will want to get rid of them. They're just a nuisance.
Also know as D*emocrat bugs, as they only come out in the fall.

To keep it tractor oriented, they really like my machine shed doors that are warm on the southern exposure here in Iowa.
Boxelder bugs-there a nuisance,come out when it's hot outside. I took boxelder trees down in my lawn, but still get them.
When I bought his house in the fall of 2000, and a warm day occurred, the entire south side of the house was covered with Box Elder bugs just like the pictured ones. millions and millions of them. And they were getting into the house. I found water and Palmolive, (probably Dawn also)dish washing liquid kills them, a good squirt into a gallon of water. Covers their air breathing holes in their abdomen and suffocates them. I have been fighting them every spring and fall ever since, and seem to be gaining on them. Did some research a coupla years ago, and they are attracted to the female Box Elder tree, the one with the spinners like helicopters that have a seed in them. We had a nature nazi living next store, and she would not cut ANY trees, but they moved last early summer, and the new people are normal. The new guy cut down 13 female box elder trees on his 2 acres last early fall, and gave me all the wood I wanted.I also cut down 3 females, and this year (fall), we have both seen a massive reduction in the bugs.
I use "DEMON". I spray outer walls and around doors and windows on my house and shed. Last for a couple months. Kills any bugs and spiders.
had them all over my shop last night. looks like they are headed north from Toledo. better get ready for them coshoo haha
If you have them now kill them as best you can. Last spring I had them coming in the house like crazy. I had to buy a dust buster just to pick them up. Filled iy every three days, until it got warm enough out for them to stay there
A long time ago, I had a small farm with a lot of box elder trees (SE PA). Box elder trees are in the Maple family with little or no ornamental or commercial value. Beginning in early October, the Box Elder bugs would gather in very large numbers on the sunny side of the house. Could have hundreds under each window shutter (very old farm house had real shutters with hinges). Difficult to keep them from getting inside the house.
We had them every fall when I grew up in South Dakota....still better than the stink bugs we have now in eastern Washington :cry:
Boxelder bugs. In WI, they show up in the fall when it starts to get cold. Similar to the Asian Lady Beetles (look like lady bugs but more orangish). Just looking for a warm place to stay.

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