Friday "Extra" Pic


Well-known Member
NW Minnesota
EXTRA, EXTRA! Yet another donated pic from another member here. Old-9 seems to like this Ford 8n with Dearborn grader attachment. Can't say I blame him -- that's one SUPER-FINE machine!! I actually posted this tractor as the Friday Tractor Pic, May 28, 2018. At that time, it was just another cool pic I found on the net. Then Old-9 spoke up and let me know it was his. ...And he wasn't even upset about it! *lol* Yessir, a mighty fine tractor, indeed!

The first pic is the newer one. Second pic was posted back in May. I think it's only suiting that both pics be presented here together for all to see. Hope you enjoy -- I know I am!!



Old-9, thanks again for donating a pic. It's still fairly easy to find tractor pics online, but none are any finer than pics of tractors belonging to the YT folks.

Anyone who wishes to can email me photos they'd like to share, hopefully with a little background info to go with them. My email is open in Modern View, but you can always ask me to make first contact. Would be my pleasure.
There is one of these sitting on a trailer at a training facility for harness racing horses. It's on N. Territorial at Curtis road in Salem twp. MI. Since they have or are closing Northville Downs, ( a harness racing track), they seem to be abandoning this facility. We could really use one for our private road.
Mighty Fine!
So is this one of those where you look for the differences between the two pictures?
The front wheels are bigger, the rear wheels are smaller, the blade has seen some use (hate to let things just sit around after all).
There must be as many attachments for that era Ford Tractor as there were for the
Model T Ford. Quite an adaptable machine, a credit to the engineers of the day.
Sorry, , You miss read my email, the two tractors I sent arn't mine. Photos were taken at the Valpraiso show in 2003. This road maintainer belonged to Steve Parker.
The Valpo Show is this weekend, wife and I are driving up this morning.
Valpo show
My mistake. Seems I'm making quite a lot of mistakes lately. ....Actually, it's almost a mistake if I "don't" make a mistake! *lol*

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