jon f mn

Well-known Member
What I want you to do see, is, I want you drive the wrong way down this busy street, and back up this steep, slippery, curving driveway


Around this too tight turn


And pull this frose down container out of this snow pile they've been pushing against it all winter.


And I want you to do it without hitting this truck full of tools and supplies


Or this Cady


Or this "stuff" stacked against the back side.


And don't leave any scratches from sliding the container or tire marks on the blacktop as is company policy. Also, don't drive over or damage any of the stuff burried under the snow and leaning against the container. And most of all, take pictures of EVERYTHING, both coming and going, because we've been fighting this guy in court for 2 years to get our container.


Ok boss, what ever you want. Lol. One of the more challenging pulls so far.
I remember something like this happened with
harvestore silos. I think it was sold on a
financial deal but when the farmer didn't
pay they couldn't remove the silo because
they had no easement or right of way onto
the farm .
Good thing you're documenting all these adventures. Will come in handy come your next pay raise review! *lol*

Your boss sure did deal a winning hand by hiring you! Too bad you're getting all the nasty jobs that none of the other employees will take.
Do you ever look at the comics in the Pioneer press? Brevity was very good yesterday. I think you would have really enjoyed it.
Good job Jon, sort of makes you feel good
to be trusted by your boss to sort out the
tough jobs with your own skill and
judgement. Today I was sent out with our
tree crew to make the tough cuts on tall,
leaner cottonwoods on a DOT clear vision we
were clear cutting. The corner of 2 very
busy roads that couldn't be closed due to
the amount of traffic. I'd notch 4 or 5 how
I wanted them to swing them over the road
back into the clearing we were working in.
No bucket truck, no cabling. Have the guys
hold the cars just long enough for the
trees to swing over the road and hit the
ground. Couldn't fell them on the road.
Sort of gives you some pride that your
experience allows you to do things others
are afraid of or can't/won't do. Nice job

Reminds me of a portable sceening plant I moved once. Had been in the
gravel bank for many years. first removed the screen into the back of the
truck then hook on about 40 foot conveyor lowered to lowest position and
get moving. Well the twisted driveway was grown up so truck had to be in
the brush to make the swing around one turn, then can't make the swing
onto the road, go the wrong way around some back roads to get going right,
don't hit any traffic lights with the conveyor. I made it no problem, the
next time it was moved the driver managed to tip it over.
Not long, most 20' are loaded and back on the road in less than 15 minutes. This one probly took 20-25. 40' take 20-40 minutes usually.

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