What is going on with these Craigslist nuts?

Dave H (MI)

Well-known Member
Been buying furniture for the second house. The last three were nuts.

Queen headboard. Person cancelled three times. Finally admitted they were afraid to have us come to house.

Another headboard. I always give my name in email. Person told me they had "checked me out", even knew how I earned a living. Would only meet in a public place.

Chair. Person will not provide location. I have to call one hour before pickup time to get address.

People are getting really paranoid!
Maybe it's a scam? Or do they really own the house? We have a couple here in Washington DC that moves into a house that's for sale tells the owner it's their ancestral home and to leave. Owner called the cops who arrested the couple, judge released the couple telling them to come in for trial the couple just move on to a different house.
yea,..i'm one of those paranoid people, but for another reason, bugs!!! i'd never buy a used piece of furniture from CL.
Bed bugs! We had a rental house that got bed bugs. The tenants twenty year old daughter, had her boyfriend move in, he brought a mattress from somewhere with him. The mattress had bed bugs in it. The house was less than eight years old, they had lived in it for over a year, when they called with the problem. We ended up paying for the exterminator. Lotsa fun.
So what's wrong with meeting at a public place? Personally I think it's a good idea,mybe I'm also paranoid.
A lot of parinoia out ther but lots of criminals too.

There Have Been At Least 45 ‘Craigslist Killings’ Since 2009 according to nationwide police reports.
Local law enforcement encourages people to meet up in their parking lot.

If you ask for location, they should at least let you know what side of what town they are in.
Many things I buy are dependent on how far I have to drive.
I live less than a mile from the sheriff's department. Generally meet people there or the Wal-Mart parking lot (Busiest place in town) if possible. Have even met people there with equipment. One day I was going to look at a chisel plow and the guy gave me his address the first time I drove right by the place (on accident didn't see the mailbox intime) But when I drove back by I noticed the house had no windows and was really run down and looked like there was nothing close by to resemble farm equipment. I drove by on purpose went down to the next cross roads and pulled the address up on my phone and decided there was no farm equipment there and decided to go home. Tried to call the number attached to the ad a few times with no answer. Called from another phone got an answer and asked if they still had the chisel plow, guy said he had no idea what a chisel plow was... Not sure what went on that day or what I did or did not avoid but I think people have a right to be leary.
I got a good one. I've been wanting a roll top desk for some time. Furniture store says its custom order. About 4-6 weeks for delivery. Well I found one on CL . Price was about right. Guy was an hour away. So get to his address he says he running late. Well long story short stands me and the wife up for two hours. He finaly pulls in the driveway. Runs right in the house. Guy with him stay outside. Well not a minute later the local P.D. pulls up behind my truck. Says the guy that lives here is wanted. I showed him my ID said I was here for a CL ad. Told the officer who I was talking to and showed him txt messages. Well obviously he wasnt looking for me so let me go. I told him F#### this and left. So yeah plenty of reasons to be cautious on Craigslist. It sure opened my eyes.
It's like I asked on the other CL post,what's the difference between CL ads and print ads in the paper? Why are the print ads safer for the buyer and seller than the print ads? Is it just because of the paranoid media warnings?
I am with #3. Most of what I sell sits outside (tractors and equipment). Due to the layout of my place the barn is nearer the road than the house. On several occasions I've agreed times for people to see things and I've arrived back at my place (at a time other than agreed) to find them rooting through my building trying to find what I have for sale. I'll give out my general location but not my address any more. Some people are great. Others not so much. Sam
Been buying and selling on Craigslist for years with no problems..When selling or
wanting to buy I never give a phone number...I let them email me first and then a
phone number is given..We have been to many peoples homes and we have had
people come to our farm with no problems..Some want to meet at a public place
which is fine with me..We even delivered one item to a guys place of employment
60 miles away as we were going to be in that town...Everyone we have met have
been real nice..I recently bought some tractor tires 80 miles away and when the deal
was done at his farm he invited me in a shed to see his classic vehicles..

Craigslist is no riskier than dealing with someone from a classified ad in the local
newspaper,a local trader magazine,or a call in radio program.....Now if someone
wants to meet me at midnight in certain areas of Kansas City with me having a bunch
of cash in my pocket its not going to happen..
our local Sheriff station has a pair of reserved parking places up near the door with video surveillance just for private sales.
If you don't put your phone number in the ad, it limits who can buy from you. My computer won't recognize craigslist addresses. I have seen things I really wanted and couldn't contact them without a number. I sell things a lot on craigslist and always have my number in the ad. I have never had any problems. I don't really know how you would get in trouble with just a phone number.
Over here in southern Ontario we had two deadbeats Dellen Millard and Arron Schmits take a man out to test drive his Dodge truck, man and truck disappeared. Eventually they were caught. Truck had been repainted and the owner of the truck was cremated in an animal incinerator. Both got life, didn't bring the guy back. Incidentally both are on trial again for killing Millard's girlfriend and burning her in the same incinerator. Meeting in a public place or at a police station is becoming the norm. I didn't have any problem with my last three purchases, went to the sellers home, arranged to come, one was at night the other two were daytime..police station is maybe a good idea
We used to put a phone number in and all most wanted to do was call and visit..
We went to just emails and that got us the serious buyers...Lots of times we only
got 1-2 emails but we always sold the item...Neither I nor my wife are much for
talking on the phone...Lately I've done several facebook deals strictly by PM...
It has become a completely different world from even 10 years ago. Anyone would do well to be careful when answering Craigslist ads. Too many stoners, methheads, and heroin addicts around. A little paranoia tends to keep one's hide free of knife wounds and bullet holes.
County next to mine the sheriff's office provides a place in the parking for people to meet to buy and sell it has a couple cameras going so its about as safe as it gets plus the cops are there 24/7.I've never had a problem with anyone off CL but I usually only deal with farm related stuff too.
The cops caught a guy in Page County that sold a bunch of farm equipment off a farm while the owner was on a 2 week vacation couple years ago I read about in the Harrisonburg paper.
Guess it depends on what fellow buys and sells on CL because I have had exactly zero bad experiences and only one "weird" experience in all my years of buying and selling BUT I primarily wheel and deal in farm antiques and lawn and garden equipment. Ya, I have had my share of low ballers but they are easy to take care of, NO! when in person, or DELETE when emailed or text.
That being said a friend tried to sell his music equipment and vinyl on CL and had nothing but wierdos answering his ads.
CL tends to be a magnet for a-holes of all sorts. Just Look at all the forums they list on there like '*athiest*', 'kink', 'philos', 'psych', '*queer*', 'vegan' ... :)
I think most of the bad things that happen on CL is that people sell/buy with texting or email.
I sell a lot of chainsaws on CL and one requirement is that they come to my home and test on wood.
My greatest requirement is that I have direct conversation by phone.
You wouldn't believe how many people I have eliminated over a conversation.
Within a few minutes of a phone conversation, you can usually judge the character of a person.
I have bought or sold by meeting at a public place when possible and this is a great idea.
I might add that when someone comes to my home, I [b:7820b97e8c]NEVER[/b:7820b97e8c] let the person enter my home or shop and I don't leave them outside alone.
I have a lot of tools and equipment but [b:7820b97e8c]NOTHING[/b:7820b97e8c] is left outside in clear view.
Or you can be like I was one time went to look at a tractor right at dark about 20 miles from my place when I got there about 5 or 6 fellows came out from behind a building,I hand my wife
my pistol and said if I come back running and yelling you start shooting.(LOL)Anyway things went fine and I bought a tractor turns out these fellows were relatives and
always worked together on things knew them for years after that finally told them what I first thought we all had a good laugh.
(quoted from post at 16:45:09 12/07/17) I am with #3. Most of what I sell sits outside (tractors and equipment). Due to the layout of my place the barn is nearer the road than the house. On several occasions I've agreed times for people to see things and I've arrived back at my place (at a time other than agreed) to find them rooting through my building trying to find what I have for sale. I'll give out my general location but not my address any more. Some people are great. Others not so much. Sam

Yup, don't give location out until I know I will be there. Don't need anyone snooping around.
(quoted from post at 15:22:56 12/07/17) yea,..i'm one of those paranoid people, but for another reason, bugs!!! i'd never buy a used piece of furniture from CL.

I am the same way. Depends on what it is. If it is a table or wood chair I probably would. Anything with fabric, no.

Someone bought a used mattress here and got upset it had bed bugs.
(quoted from post at 17:02:50 12/07/17)

Craigslist is no riskier than dealing with someone from a classified ad in the local
newspaper,a local trader magazine,or a call in radio program.....Now if someone
wants to meet me at midnight in certain areas of Kansas City with me having a bunch
of cash in my pocket its not going to happen..

Except for the ease of creating a CL account and email account anonymously tends to attract scammers and criminals.

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