Here's a couple of pics from a book I have called "Seed to Seed, by Suzanne Ashworth. It's quite an impressive and in-depth book that covers much more than just saving your average garden seed. Well worth the price!

If the pics aren't clear enough, drop me an email and I can email larger images, though on my screen, these pics read fullscreen!


Tomato seeds are pretty much indestructible. Local septage hauler leases a plot from me each summer to dispose of his
"black gold". Not uncommon to find tomato plants growing in that field thanks for seed in the septic pumpings.
This is his wife. To save them you need to ferment them. Put them in water for about three days. When they have mold on top of the water then they are ready. Pour them into a fine mesh strainer and run water over them until just the seeds are in the strainer. Then put them on a coffee filter and let them sit for about two weeks until they are good and dry. Then you can put them in a baggy and keep in the freezer until about a week before you are ready to plant them.

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