Donald Lehman

Well-known Member
Just as I was headed out to pick up TMR today I heard fire sirens going off. As I get closer to my destination I see a huge plume of smoke and am thinking "awful close to Han's place". Well is WAS Han's farm. From my vantage point, it looked like the dairy barns are okay. Looked like the main repair shop is a total loss. Looks like our cows might get fed hay today. At the very least it will 4-5 hours before I can pick up TMR, But I'm betting late afternoon,if at all.
Wouldn't that unplug you coffee pot?

When we were racing stock cars, a buddy of mine and his wife were headed to a particular shop to pick up a new 454 Chevy racing engine for his stock car. When they drove down the street, all they could see was flashing red lights and fire trucks. The shop was burning down.

Butch told his wife, "I need a drink".

Turned out his engine wasn't damaged, it just took a day or two longer to get it.
Years ago we had a family get together at my Grandma's house, which was across the field and behind our place.

Somebody showed up late and mentioned the column of smoke they could see as they were coming down the road.

Everyone got up and walked out in the field so they could see the smoke over the tree line. Turned out the top floor/attic on our house and my room, was fully engulfed in flames.

Fortunately the local VFD was having a family day so everyone was at the station when the alarm went off, otherwise we wouldn't have had anything left.

Since my room was the upstairs I lost everything I owned that day. Believe me when I say that's a horrible feeling even for a 14 year old.

That said, sorry for your friends loss. Insurance is nice, but it'll never replace what's really lost.
My wife inherited an old organ that had been brought over from "the old country" (Sweden) by her grandmother's family. It needed a total restoration (all the leathers that control the air being pumped through were shot)- we found an old guy who wanted to do it. He called about 6 months later- his shop had burned to the ground, our organ included. He offered to replace it, but we declined- we didn't really want an organ, just wanted to preserve a family heirloom.

Wonder how much family history gets lost because of that kind of thing? My dad's toy truck from the 1920's was destroyed shortly after he gave it to me- I left it in the driveway and it got backed over. Grandma had most of the old family pictures stored in a box in her back laundry porch- right under where a leak developed in the roof, and all were lost. And so it goes.

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