No Place Like Home!

big tee

Well-known Member
I bought a White 2-150 from the classified adds on YT and went to pick it up from a nice guy up by Alexander Minn. 2 wks. ago yesterday. Son got a new Ram dually and wanted to impress a Ford man so I let him drive. We left at 2:30 in the morning and made good time-went through Minneapolis on 94 and got there at 7:30. Nice guy out in the yard but he had coveralls on-when we got out I saw why. I have never seen mosquitos so bad! He lives by a lake and they were all hungry. We got the White loaded and got out of there-I would like to of shot the bull with him but he said he had never seen them this bad. On the way home we stopped for breakfast at one of my favorite places-BK. The closer we got to Minneapolis on the way home the worse the traffic got-holiday weekend and everybody wanted out of town. We were meeting bumper to bumper traffic going from 5 to 20mph. 1 out of 10 cars was a camper or had a boat behind it. I guess what I am trying to say that if you are lucky enough to live on a farm in the middle of nowhere you should consider yourself lucky! The pictures I got are from behind our house. Some looking from my chairs and some looking at my chairs. I can watch the traffic go by or my windmill go round and round or Old Glory on my flag pole. I have a good smooth blacktop in front of my house and Friday afternoon the cars and campers and boats go East and Sunday afternoon they go west. My old Navy buddy from Memphis was here 4 years ago and compared living here in NE. Iowa to the Truman Copody?? movie -In Cold Blood--No close neighbors. THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME!!!---Tee






Glad you guys had a successful journey! Nice looking White and truck you guys have there,very nice looking home you have too,it's always nice to get back home after a long trip. I live in the country too,wouldn't trade it for all the Starbucks and McDonald's or Walmarts in the world.
I can't quite read the sign in the 3rd pic. Is that the Elk River/Rogers exit? If so that area has horrible traffic eastbound in the morning and westbound at night. Much worse on Friday and Sunday nights.
Too bad you didn"t come through Clearwater, stopping at Nelson"s Truck Stop- where jon f likes to mingle! I am surprised you haven"t personalized your trailer by covering up that X with an E....
If you didn't like it in [i:657b640293]his [/i:657b640293]neck of the woods, you'd [b:657b640293]HATE[/b:657b640293] things up here!! As he said, the skeeters are worse this year than any other I remember. We'll get a somewhat cooler and breezier day now and then and it's not so bad, but the rest of the time, look out! :shock:

That grin you have in the 2nd pic, with the thumb wouldn't have that grin for long up here. Not without your mouth filling up with these blasted bloodsuckers!

Glad to hear you made it home safe.

So how is the Dodge? My new Duramax is getting about 3 mpg less than my 04 Cummins doing the same job. Was told by a couple of Dodge mechanics to stay away from the newer Dodges due to emissions sensor issues....
I bought a MFWD axel for a 4840 from a guy in Minnesota and after a 15 hour drive I was greeted with skeeters that could carry off a small child! So what a Deere guy going to do with a White?
There is not a single mosquito in the whole state of MN. Everyone of them is married and has a big family. I was told that they are the MN state bird. LOL Tom
It is a dually so it is a truck-not a pickup so it rides a lot better when it is loaded. As far as mileage he didn't say for sure-when we pulled in for fuel I would give him my Visa card and when he was done he would give it back. As for power it was good-he put the big exhaust on it and other improvements and it had no trouble pulling the tractor and trailer. The shipping weight of the 150 is over 16000 pounds. We should of maybe had the 150 a foot or two back but we had to pull it to start it and we wanted to leave room for the duals on the beaver tail-makes his truck squat a little.---Tee
Is that a turbo motor in the white ???? Too late now but I hope you had a rag shoved down that exost
pipe. We made a device so you wouldn't need to clime up on a tractor up on a trailer -- it was a long stick with a section of inner tube on the end . The inner tube section was closed on the one end and the idea was to slip it over the end of the muffler (rain hat included ) ---- the stick stays in place and can be ductaped to some thing to secure it .

No turbo-when we haul our pulling tractors on a open trailer we always have the stack cover on and the intake plugged also, keeps the turbo from spinning with no oil pressure--good eyes Ron.---Tee
Wouldn't hurt anything anyways, the muffler would catch any dirt / rocks that happened to land in the stack, straight pipe that stuff could end up in the vanes. It won't spin a turbo, thats an old wives tale.
That isnt a old wives tale-- turbos will wear out being transported if the exost isnt covered . How much depends on speed and distance --- simple fact . If you are worried about stones going down your muffler then you better cover your windshield ! No easy job for any body to climb up there and plug the exost -- I understand -- if you cant then at least leave the tractor running for the trip.
I run all Deere in the field but have a few other breeds in the barn. I would really like an Oliver in the 1850 -1950 size range. They are hard to find around here though.

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