For those of you with knee replacement.

This past winter I had both knees replaced and knew I would not be able to kneel afterwards. Bought a motorcycle lift on ebay and adapted it to my creeper. Pics speak for themselves and only lost 1" of height on the creeper and raised height is 18". Impact wrench is my buddy and have a spare battery within arms reach.




I had a new knee installed last October, the only way to go if you dedicate yourself to do the exercises etc to get strength and range of motion back. When I was in the hospital, the nurses there said that it is not uncommon to have both done at the same time if they are both chronic, apparently it is easier to get back on your feet doing it that way, not sure why. Hope your surgery went well and you are feeling good, not like 40 years ago but certainly better than a year ago.
That is neat. We all have to make adjustments for aging bodies. Once you get past the year mark you will find that eventually you will be able to kneel in a somewhat modified fashion. Keep pushing the limits of the flexibility of those knees. As they wear in, the flexibility will increase somewhat.
Don, since I am a long way from a knee replacement, please give me some insight to some stupid questions. So, if you try to kneel, is it just extremely painful, or does the new joint just not flex enough to allow it? Can you damage the joint by trying to kneel?

I've got a BIL who's in the HVAC business, wore both knees out at different times and had them replaced. He was able to regain full range of motion eventually (was in mid-late 40's at first replacement). In Nov. of '14, came down with an infection related to the knee being a 'foreign object' in his body, been having trouble ever since. Don't let this scare you though.
Four years post operation I cannot kneel comfortably but use of knee pads helps. You have to do therapy to get the full range of motion. All in all it has been a great decision. Did both as I knew I would not have returned for the second operation.
I have had both replaced . one in 2010, the 2nd in 2014. Was out driving tractor 8 days after surgery both times. Therapist scolded me but then added he thought the surgeon thought it was a good idea to be as active as possible, but had to officially tell me to take it easy. I have good range of motion and can kneel ok but is abit painful on a hard surface. bought a bunch of old pillows and cushions at garage sales and have them all over the shop. Makes kneeling on concrete easier.
My wife had her first knee replaced in November and she was in rehab for 3 weeks and then home. She had been living in pain for several years had had rooster comb injections and had it scoped out but it finally got to where she had to have surgery.
She went back for the other knee replacement surgery the first week of this month and this time the doctor used a robot to make the incisions. There was a huge bruise on her upper thigh and calf where the machine clamp to her leg but that was the only negative effects of the robot. This time she stayed in rehab for 10 days instead of 3 weeks is using a lot less pain medication and doing very well. The doctor said that the robot can cause up to 30% less pain and 30% faster healing than conventional surgery. You might want to look into finding a doctor that uses the robot if you're going to have surgery done on your knees. The doctor said this was cutting edge technology (no pun intended) and they had just gotten the robot in February of this year.
The part about infections is correct, she can't go to a dentist for the next 6 months and when she does go she has to be on antibiotics before a routine cleaning
While I was typing the earlier post I was trying to member the name of the implant and it just came to me. It's a STRYKER implant and robotic.
I thought you had made a cordless creeper with your 18v battery.

When I was 42 my knees were grinding, I couldn't kneel without being in pain. While at the Dr, I read the arthritis foundation recommended Osteo Bioflex to rebuild joints.

Some can't take it if they are allergic to fish.

I'm 68 and take a generic pill every day. I can kneel on concrete with no knee pads and it doesn't hurt. My knees no longer make a grinding sound. BIL is also a believer in it.

It may not do some of you any good if your joints are totally shot. May want to read side effects too.
link to osteo
Just a guess here but rehab on both would be easier as you would not favor one or the other like you would with just one.
The replacement joint does not have quite the range of motion that a real knee has. However, with a bit of time you can come very close to a real knee. I can kneel on the bionic knee as well as the real knee without any problems. I can also squat and come very close to touching my butt on my heel on the bionic knee side and get uo with a good tug on the truck tailgate or something solid. Or just go to a kneel and get up from there. If you push the knee beyond it's design there will be enough pain to tell you it's time to stop. It's no big deal, though. The real problem with kneeling is that the knee cap has a wear plate installed in the inside to prevent the steel joint from wearing the knee cap through. This makes the knee cap on the bionic knee stick out a bit higher. You kneel down on a hard surface like concrete or tile and it is not pleasant without a knee pad. On a carpet or on dirt you don't notice it at all. You CAN kneel on hard surfaces without a knee pad, but it is not fun. My sister has had both knees replaced and it has been enough years since they were done she can squat and get up from that position also. My knee was done 7 years ago and I do not know if the technology has changed any since. Different people have different results, of course. Basically, those who do what the doctor told em to do are happy with the results, and those who don't do what the Doc told em, have much longer recoveries.
The side effects are what scare me.After my stroke they had me on some meds that almost killed me. Zocor was the main one another did more damage than it helped. My neighbor was put on Zocor he had the same reaction. But he got a ride to the hospital in the van with the flashing lights.
I have had 2 friends die in the last 3 years from complications after knee surgery, it scares me. Mine bother me a little, but I can live with it.
If you try to kneel you are pinching your skin under metal and kneeling is out . There is just no give between your knees and the floor .

I have had partials done on both. I did the therapy and everything went well. I can kneel but getting back up is a little awkward. I have better range of motion and can kneel better than I could before the surgery.I do 10 deep knee bends each morning to build the muscles up so that I can get back up better. You lose the ability kneel before the surgery, not after.
I'm glad I can take it. Better than a knee replacement.

My late wife had a hip replacement shortly after my daughter was born. Had to have the replacement replaced. It was no fun for her. She was in pain most of the time after getting a new hip.

A man who was a prison guard at state prison got a knee replacement. Dr said he couldn't climb stairs. He couldn't return to his old job. They gave him a job with lesser pay that he could do. He quit and retired on less pension. Now he's living in the poor house.

Glad I don't have any replacement parts. Feel sorry for anyone who does.
I know many who died from blood clots after surgery. Some died from blood clots after heart surgery, server burns, accidents. A friend died 10 days after breaking his leg, blood clots.

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