Good Friend

pat sublett

Well-known Member
A good friend died, he was 93. lived a good life. He graduated from high scool in 1941 and went to work at Convair aircraft, in Ft, Worth. We called it the Bomber Plant, It was one of the factories that produced B24s, He joined the Army or was drafted in 1942. He became a pilot on the B24, flew 22 bombing raids over Germany. Got out of the military as a Lt. Colonel. He went to school on the GI bill and got a Phd. Taught meterology at UTA. After retiring he spent his time experimenting with pecans. He descovered a pecan in a fellow perfessor back yard that he experinented with. He called it the Podsednick. they were almost 3 inches long and hulled 2 or 3 weeks before any other pecan. He grafted a couple trees for me but the bores killed them. Not an ordinary man. A son of Imigrants that worked in the mines.
Sounds like he lived a good and interesting life, thanks for sharing. It's too bad we've lost almost all the WW II vets.
I believe that plant or at least part of it is still being used. I worked on the generator at the fire pump station. Had two big pumps that supplied water from Lake Worth to the sprinkler system. For the plant.
About ten years ago while I was doing the insurance inspections, I rang a doorbell in Lincoln, NE. I could hear a shuffling inside. The door was opened by an old fellow walking with a walker. Turned out he was a retired Air Force Colonel, and had been a pilot in the South Pacific in WWII.

He may have been walking with a walker, but he was sharp as the proverbial tack mentally. He had to have been around 90+. With me having been in aviation in the Marine Corps, we just naturally got the hangar doors open. He said he lost a lot of good Marine friends in the war. He also said he was appalled at the attrition rate of bomber crews before the Allies got a fighter plane with the range to escort bombers all the way to the target.

We must have gabbed for a half hour. It made my day.

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