Too Much Water


Well-known Member
Nothing new to see lots of slough full of water on our land but after a pretty dry winter I thought we might be getting a break in the wet years. Starting to think not as it rained most of today and we weren't dry from Friday night's rain. Or the snow from a week ago. I took a little flight this evening at sundown after the rain looking down on the land and those sloughs look pretty high again. Not to the point of running over yet. Looks like it will be a late start to seeding again this year. We are used to it after 7 years of high precipitation.
Same here in Quebec, it barely was starting to get dry. Some farmers in my area were able to get in their field last Friday but for most of us we are wondering if we will be able to sow/plant anything before the end of May. Way too much rain and none of my fields are drained, so i hope that we will get a nice hot weather week soon.
Way too kuch around us too! But looks like a few days of good weather coming up, so some might get in on the sandy soils. We also looked like an earlynspring earlier, but now we are on the verge of late instead.
You and your drone take some beautiful photos....keep them coming.
That land looks like it would be challenge to farm.
(quoted from post at 07:49:54 05/02/17) You and your drone take some beautiful photos....keep them coming.
That land looks like it would be challenge to farm.

I don't think I could handle working in those wide open fields where you drive in a straight line for half a mile. I'd fall asleep for sure. Most of my work here is done a gradual curve or circle.
(quoted from post at 09:31:12 05/02/17) Nice video. It amazes me how stable those little craft are in the wind. What's the max winds you'll send it up in?

I don't know, I just sort of play it by ear. If I'm walking around the yard and it seems too windy, I won't take it up. I think the drone is pretty stable in wind. The catch is that if you let it get too far away and have to fly back against the wind it might be a slow process taking longer than the battery can handle. I hope I don't have to find out the hard way.
With MUCH of the winds around here, I think it'd be like letting go of a kite string or a balloon. It'd just keep getting [size=18:f9312991b1]smaller[/size:f9312991b1], [size=9:f9312991b1]and smaller[/size:f9312991b1], [size=7:f9312991b1]and smaller[/size:f9312991b1].........

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