India is the World's largest exporter of beef


I liked Larry's thread about the price of beef. That's very cheap compared to beef prices here in Northern Canada. But many of us, myself included, rarely buy meat. I live in the "Serengeti of the North", and almost all the meat I consume is game meat, Moose, Elk, Bison. People do eat deer here, but not as much.

As I was reading Larry's thread, I seemed to recall hearing that India was the World's largest supplier of beef. Is that true?

Seems kinda odd, but I suppose many of them do not eat it. I would have thought they would have something against slaughtering it though, no?

Article about beef from India on CNN

Bye for now,

When I was a kid, there was an article in a farm magazine (Successful Farmer, Farm Joyrnal, The Farmer?) on a Jewish hog farmer.

I read the article, and they kinda glossed over the real deal on that story, just followed how he risked hogs without mentioning the religious

Remember the light bulb came on in my head as I was paging through other articles......

I understand that there are Holy Cows" and also just plain cows in India. We had a fellow from India that worked for ADOT for awhile; he would eat beef but not pork.
India has many large religious populations, including nnalert and Christians. I recall hearing that butchers in India are almost exclusively nnalert. Of course Christians, Sikhs and Buddists have no problems slaughtering livestock, either. But only nnalert butchers can produce halal meat for consumption by other nnalert, so that's no doubt the reason most Indian butchers are nnalert.
Religious populations of India
There is a local family that I believe are Friends (quakers) that farm and own a grain elevator. They never work on Sundays, drink or smoke but raise a lot of tobacco and sell a lot of corn to the distilleries in Kentucky.
If i remember stalin tried to show the world
Russia could export wheat unfortunately for
a lot of people it was a famine year. I read
in a article that the flowers Europe imports
comes from Somalia the parts next to the
refugee camps. Then look at the opium trade
. It boils down to money you don't have to
respect others beliefs or wants if it
interferes with your right to make a profit.
You are correct.
Their meat has to come from an animal with cloven hooves that chews it's cud.
No animals with paws and no exoskeletal animals - shellfish, etc.
I still think that it would be a good idea to round up all the wild hogs in the various U.S. states and ship them over to the middle east and turn them loose to flood the country. That would keep them busy trying to eradicate the wild hogs instead of fighting whoever they choose to fight.
> I still think that it would be a good idea to round up all the wild hogs in the various U.S. states and ship them over to the middle east and turn them loose to flood the country.

If you think there are no pigs in the Middle East today, obviously you've never traveled there.
Egyptian pig farms
I'm a birthright Quaker, but not in a strict sense like some of us. A friend of mine knew someone
with a Middle Eastern foreign exchange student that wondered why the host Mama served him turkey
bacon instead of pork bacon! She explained about the religous beliefs and the kid asked to try the
pork bacon. That's all he ate until he went back home!!
I just watched a special on the Amish people. They were harvesting what I figured was tobacco. I sure didn't figure they smoked it so I googled it. Sure enough they grow.
(quoted from post at 12:26:37 01/27/17) I just watched a special on the Amish people. They were harvesting what I figured was tobacco. I sure didn't figure they smoked it so I googled it. Sure enough they grow.

They smoke it. Usually pipes, occasionally the little cigars. Never seen them smoke a cigarette.
I had four Amish guys putting up my polebarn in Pa. They had to stop building for four days to go bring in the tobacco crop. They all had a smoke hanging from there mouth while working.
My grandmothers people were very strict methodists. Almost 200 years ago one of my ancestors retired from being a circuit riding preacher and made his fortune growing hops for Labbatts brewery.
Why would any of us question the motives of others when we are so pliable? Money seems to compromise all ethics, and all the gods you care to name.

Re the non drinking moonshiner, one here in W SC advised his nephew that the stuff was for selling, not drinking.


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