Pearl Harbor-Uncle

big tee

Well-known Member
December 7 1941--The day to go down in infamy. My Uncle was at Pearl Harbor on that famous day. He was born in 1907 and joined the USN in 1927 so he was in for 14 yrs and was on the USS Raleigh CL-7 when the bombs fell. His ship was on the opposite side of Ford's island from the newer battleships. They were tied up where the aircraft carriers were supposed to be. The Raleigh took a torpedo on the forward port side and was in danger of capsizing, according to the XO's log my uncle and an ensign were given credit for counter flooding the ship and keeping it afloat. The target battleship Utah was moored right behind the Raleigh and it took 3 torpedoes and capsized almost immediately. According to the book-A Day In Infamy- My uncle took his cutting torch and cut a hole in the upside down Utah to get a trapped sailor out who was tapping with a wrench. The Japanese were back for a second attack and were strafing while he was cutting. He received the Bronze Star for this action. He was a good guy but did not come back to Iowa very often. He retired from the Navy in 1957 at the rank of Captain. I asked him why he joined the Navy--He said he didn't want to push a plow all of his life. Lived in Florida-died in 89. My middle name is Raymond-our son's first name is Raymond so his legacy continues.-----God Bless America--Tee



Yes, thanks for a great story. I am sure that there were many many more that no one will ever know about too. On this day when we remember Pearl Harbor, and all the men and women who have fought and died for our freedom, we must also remember that this country needs to keep a strong military and maintain a strong presence in the world to keep evil in check. The easiest way to peace is to be so strong and formidable that no one will dare attack you. Someone, I don't remember who, said "All that is necessary for evil to to triumph is for good to do nothing". The United States is the only country that can be powerful enough to do it. There are other good countries but we are the main one that stands in the way of evil.
Great story!

Talk about being able to think under pressure!

And putting others lives ahead of his own, that's a real hero!

Thanks for sharing!
What a neat history and he served/survived with honor. Watched a piece on PBS last night about the USS Oklahoma with 2 or 3 survivors describing their experience. We owe a lot to the generation that fought in WWII!!
I have read that many guys suffocated when they used tourches to try and get them out. Started cutting a small hole and shoving an air hose in. Then cut. It was a mess!
Thanks to all you-It stands to reason, the fuel tanks and bilges are on the bottom-don't know how thick the steel is on the bottom- the amour plating is on the sides off the ships. It showed on one of the videos of a sailor using some kind of air drill/chipping hammer to make holes. Uncle Ray on leave, I am the littlest one. WAR IS HELL!!!!---Tee
I just read a similar comment recently re suffocating because of using a cutting torch...I don"t get it- the torch does not use atmospheric air- how would it cause suffocation?
My Dad was there a well. Told me he was eating piece of toast and drinking a cup of black coffee standing on a concrete pier when all hell broke loose. He told me that one torpedo bomber came in so low he could see the pilot giving him the finger and released the weapon, fortunately missed the pier. Dad went in 1940 out 1946 so he had traveled the world before the war broke out, and other than this story he never would talk about the war. All I know is served all over the Pacific. The guns made near deaf he could if you spoke loud and clear. He hated fireworks as it reminded of being in battle. I know he was a CPO and worked engine room and pipe fitting on the ships. Other that he could not bring himself to talk about it. Sure was proud of him and all the others that gave up so much for the rest of us. Chuck

in the photo you see the USS Shaw blowing up. you also see the aft turrets of the USS Nevada as she tries to make it to open sea. she was beached to keep from blocking the channel.
Seems like it's something I saw, and don't know how true it is, but it was how cutting a hole backfired because it let off pressure and let water in so guys drowned.

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