Big surprise!


Dog was going nuts. Walked outside to check things out, nothing out of place. Figured while out here might as well take a leak. Something catches my eye. Big, and I mean big, black bear walking across front yard not 20 ft from the house! Looked like a 55 gallon drum on legs! Went in and told wife, by the time she got out with flashlight all she could see were the eyes through the brush when it stopped and looked back.

They ALL look big when they surprise you. Overgrown raccoons IMO, but easier to get along with. Keep your garbage picked up, don't encourage them to hang around by feeding them and never, ever think, "He can't bust that _______ open to get at that food." because he can and will.
"Leak" ? You were marking your territory. Even a dumb bear knows better than to mess with you. Now go out and pea a little more!

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