Barn gymnastics

Just in case anyone was having a difficult day, this may give you a smile and remind you everything wasn't that bad today.

I was running the tractor out front of the house by the road and had a hydraulic explosion in the battery box between my knees. Oil soaked I made my third trip to the barn to get the "correct" tool to pull the batteries and identify which power steering hose blew up. After a quick turn at the tool Box and a speedy exit to the overhead door I found myself performing two perfect cartwheels and sprawled on the floor. Glasses missing and both Shin's screaming in pain. Guess without the tractor parked inside the door I have no recollection of where the tongue of the disc was located. It's bad enough to have slammed one shin into the 4" box tubing, in my attempt to make a perfect flip I managed to slam the second shin into the tongue in nearly the same spot as the first. I found my glasses, they has slid under the table saw undamaged. I am having crow for dinner tonight, my wife witnessed the entire event. Glad I'm old enough to know I'm not the only person to pull this kind of stunt.

I wear shorts most of the spring summer and fall. This afternoon I was changing shoes and noticed that one shin is all skinned up and I don't even have the recollection of the pain that went with it.
Reminds me of the day I was in a hurry carrying a box through the barn and misjudged the length of stub axle sticking out of the side of the wheel on the loader tractor. Caught it mid-thigh in full stride. Went to the ER on the third day as the pain had not subsided. Not broken, just bruised.
Think you could do it again for
video??? That way we can all rate your
skills and see if you should be on
dancing with the Stars.
It's a shame we can't have a judging crew watching our stunts, and holding up the score cards; 9.8. 8.8, 9.4, 7,9,.... but a perfect 10.0 for humor, and only 7.3 for style!!!
And then there was the time I was walking across a low stack of lumber to get something- lost my balance and stepped in a box of apples. That certainly didn't end well (think large ball bearings).
Reminiscent of a painful awakening I had a few years ago. I always turn the kitchen night light on before going to bed and always go to bed an hour or so before my wife and if I get up in the night I never turn a light on, night lights good enough. So I get up, make it to the bathroom, head for kitchen sink for a drink, night light isn't on for some reason, something takes both legs out from under me, stick my right hand in the sink to brake my fall. Turned light on , dishwasher door was open, ripped the screws out holding washer to countertop, pulled the countertop off the wall. That hurt, I still get pizzed thinking about it.

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