Alabama pipeline break

Moved to Glasgow in 1971 with TVA working at the electrical substation in Summer Shade. Lived there from Sept 1971 to July 1972. Nice town. Great story about a store owner in EightyEight I could tell you. Gas in NW AL jumped 20 cent a gallon but no shortages.
You all need to live in the great lakes region where Speedway runs everything. Weekly 30 cent gas spikes are the norm. Speedway actually has a name for this. It's called "price cycling". So are perpetual refinery "maintenace" and pipeline "issues". Last summer there was an issue at the BP Whiting refinery. The gas prices in our little town jumped 90 cents/gal in less than 24 hours. In fact our prices went up 25 cents this week for no reason at all or maybe it was because of the Alabama pipeline break.
If they do not get it fixed in a few days you will not care what the price is as you will not be able to find any gasoline from Mississippi to New York.

Sometime when you are bored, pull up a grid map of pipelines in the US. You will be totally amazed. I have a 10 and 13" across the back of my property. Were there when I bought the place in '78 and never been touched. Regular topside maintenance. Emergency call number and line location plackard on boundary fences. I haven't looked in your area but I'm going to bet you there are probably a couple dozen lines paralleling that line. No one line is going to supply that large of an area.

Next crisis.................................

You folks who are in favor of that "Dakota access" crude oil pipeline that will disect Iowa, LISTEN UP and PAY ATTENTION.

Not to start a war.. but pipelines are statistically safer than all other methods of moving petroleum. They have proven over history to be the safest and most reliable for amount of petro moved. Nothing comes anywhere close.

Let those, who do not use anything made, eat anything, or wear anything or live in anything or transported, or powered by petro complain. Otherwise you have no argument.

Kind of like our murder rate... If you listen to the press, we are going to heck in a hand basket and fast. However our murder rate is lower than is was in `1960, the first year the FBI started keeping nation wide statistics and back then, not all agencies reported all crimes....

What has happened, is... the new world, reports all bad facts from everywhere, instantaneous. We are bombarded with bad news ALL the time. Our internet has made us connected world wide and good or bad, we get ALL of news now.

Sorry to hear about the pipeline problem. The press will probably make pipelines the new sensation of the end of the world.
I agree, they are statistically safer.

My wife will not fly because she believes a car is safer than plane, logic does not outweigh emotion.
(quoted from post at 15:28:35 09/17/16)
Not to start a war.. but pipelines are statistically safer than all other methods of moving petroleum. They have proven over history to be the safest and most reliable for amount of petro moved. Nothing comes anywhere close.

Let those, who do not use anything made, eat anything, or wear anything or live in anything or transported, or powered by petro complain. Otherwise you have no argument.

Kind of like our murder rate... If you listen to the press, we are going to heck in a hand basket and fast. However our murder rate is lower than is was in `1960, the first year the FBI started keeping nation wide statistics and back then, not all agencies reported all crimes....

What has happened, is... the new world, reports all bad facts from everywhere, instantaneous. We are bombarded with bad news ALL the time. Our internet has made us connected world wide and good or bad, we get ALL of news now.

Sorry to hear about the pipeline problem. The press will probably

make pipelines the new sensation of the end of the world.

I work in the oil & gas. THANK YOU....
Now thats the truth. never has been a shortage. they will just stall it from getting to your area and call it a shortage so they can raise the price. Actually the word Shortage should mean Price Hike..
There were some articles a while back quoting the statistics... railroad and trucking are much more subject to accidents and leaks than a pipe line.

People protesting a pipeline from Canada when we have ships coming from the other side of the world.. bringing in crude every day at a much higher risk. Again,, statistics vrs emotions.

Sorry if this is a bit political.. But I would go with the statistics and not the emotions.

Now get into to moving EXTREMELY hazardous material like radioactive waste and we really get interesting. Even though most of it is medical waste.
(quoted from post at 07:30:20 09/17/16) I agree, they are statistically safer.

My wife will not fly because she believes a car is safer than plane, logic does not outweigh emotion.

David, how likely is it that your car will get hi-jacked?

Your chances of surviving a crash in your car, with air bags and seat belts, is far greater than surviving a crash when the airplanes engines quit at 10,000 feet.
(quoted from post at 07:28:35 09/17/16)
Not to start a war.. but pipelines are statistically safer than all other methods of moving petroleum. They have proven over history to be the safest and most reliable for amount of petro moved. Nothing comes anywhere close.

Let those, who do not use anything made, eat anything, or wear anything or live in anything or transported, or powered by petro complain. Otherwise you have no argument.

Kind of like our murder rate... If you listen to the press, we are going to heck in a hand basket and fast. However our murder rate is lower than is was in `1960, the first year the FBI started keeping nation wide statistics and back then, not all agencies reported all crimes....

What has happened, is... the new world, reports all bad facts from everywhere, instantaneous. We are bombarded with bad news ALL the time. Our internet has made us connected world wide and good or bad, we get ALL of news now.

Sorry to hear about the pipeline problem. The press will probably make pipelines the new sensation of the end of the world.

If a gasoline transport truck crashes, the spill is confined to a realatively small area. Likewise if a train transporting crude oil derails, the spill is confined. If an underground pipeline ruptures, how much groundwater will be contaminated before anyone notices?
When fuel quits flowing they'll know right away - usually within 10-15 minutes. Ask these people about that "contained" small area when a train springs a leak.
We have almost 42,000 miles of pipeline now in operation and the country needs the oil that will be going thru when done in spite of the protests 50%is already installed. Wealso generate 30% of our elect from windmills and more are being built every day. Did you know if all the food produced in IOWA was destroyed there would be famine rite here in the USA.

YES... but there are many many many many many more gas truck crashes and train derailments than there are pipeline leaks.

MORE gallons on oil due to truck crashes than pipeline leaks..

just as airplanes transport more people, more miles, safer than cars... with many many many less deaths... The state of texas has over 2000 deaths a year from car accidents, more than the whole world does on aircraft related deaths.

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