Time is flying by!!!! 9-11-2001

JD Seller

Well-known Member
It sure does not seem like it was 15 year ago today that the 9/11 attacks happened. Time had passed by pretty fast.

Are we any better off today than then???? I think very little has changed for the good or bad. The US is still hated in many places and I do not see anything changing that. When you have something everyone wants you will always be a target. Our freedom and prosperity are two things many dream of and many more make us the villains because of these two things.

It is easy to point fingers anywhere but at the real troubles in the world. Much of the world is living in poverty. The rich/powerful people in those places do not want the poor to look very hard at them. So they blame us for all of the poor's problems. Then you add in low education levels and general propaganda an you have what we have today.

I also think that the WEB had made this issue worse. It is much easier for one person to reach many today. So it is easier to stir up trouble/hate.

So I will close with this:

Pray for all the souls lost on this day 15 years ago!!!

" May they all be at peace. This includes the attackers too. Hate and envy are what cause this and only love and understanding will cure it. AMAN

As a 9/11 worker, I am angered when I see the lack of respect so many display regarding 9/11. maybe if they'd been there right after it happened they'd have a better appreciation of the event, but I imagine most are too distracted by sports, TV, jobs and family to realize how fortunate they are live here, much less to pay tribute to the fallen. Pretty sad IMO.
I definitely do not agree that the internet has contributed to the problem, just the opposite in reality, information is freedom, the Arab spring would not have taken place without the internet. Now more than ever people all over the world want to come to America because the internet has shown them that it is their corrupt leaders who are lying about the promise of America, now we are about to surrender control of the internet to that most corrupt of all world bodies, the United Nations.
LAA the internet is a two way street. There are many that see the good and want to work for that themselves but there are also many that write and promote total lies about this Country. The internet gives them an easy platform to do this. I think the good out weight the bad but it still makes the bad easier to spread. Many do not want educated about the truth they just want what we have because they are "owed" it.

What did the ARAB spring rally do?? It put more radical people in control of the countries involved.

In my opinion the UNITED NATIONS should be throw out of this country and not one single dollar should go to supporting it!!!!!

The turning over the Internet control is just another in a long procession of things that the RULING class has done to weaken this country. They think that it is a zero sum game. For the rest of the world to be stronger they think the US has to be weaker. The exact opposite is the reality. When the US was the strongest the world was a much safer place for everyone.
facebook tweeter who other than you when need a potty break.
look at the kids who have committed suicide because of the mean hateful lies people are saying about them.
step daughter has some really rotten stuff posted by her dads new wife.
this is in my earlier 911 post ,I think OUR country began its downward spiral nov .22nd , 1963 ,when the evil coup took over, this God Loving and Fearing People,, instead of winding down with workable solutions for the peoples of veitnam,it escalated out of control,. abortion became legal in 1973,,. thru the yrs more abundant and unethical judges were given seats on the supreme court by the wrong people in charge ,,.,, our education system continues to dum down our children and grandchildren ,teaching them it is alright to be fat dum and lazy ,, letgeorge do ikt ,, after all it is his fault or someone elese,,. we are not responsible for our actions , that others caused us to do ,..we have a EPA that in reality ,is clearly out of control . if Sherman Minton and others Great Chief Justices were alive today ,,.the dept of energy would be abolished because of mismanagement ,,. the dept of Education Would be URGED STRONGLY FOR COMPLTE OVERHAUL and get their house in order immediately ,. the EPA would go into a immediate lockdown and investigation by the FBI, consequently btw,,.,.. WOULD ALSO go under the Microscope for mismanagement and false and enept findings similar to the EPA in reference to injustice and falsifying reports and schewing the truth ,,..in a weeks time many would be indicted ,, some even for treason and crimes against the united states,. ,, I Pray that we get Judges LIKe that again,, that stand for liberty , justice and freedom . and most of all uphold the constitution that has served the USA and allowed us to thrive as a beacon of hope to all who seek freedom from injustice thruout the world
the truth I stated was , our country began its decline into evil on nov.22nd , 1963 , and I called out the headlines stuck in time as milestones along the way ,,.. it was far to close to the truth for the left coast to expose the ills of recent history

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