Kindey or bladder infection.


Working on a tractor last week, started getting these lower right back pains.Went to the Dr. yesterday did the urine test and she said I had kindey infection--she hoped that is what it is.Put me on some heavy antibiotics and will wait and see what happens.Any one have this before? I know the pain is still there big time.
could be kidney stones a cat scan will show if you have one and the size. most pain I have ever been in, in my entire life
I fought one of them for year or so. couldn't get cleared up. Finally sent me to uroglist. Went in with camera took look found tumer. Took out told me it was big. Been year now with no problems.
If it's an infection, you'll probably need to drink lots of water and take the antibiotics. But if it's a stone (or several), go to Amazon and rush order a $25 bottle of Renalon and start taking about 4-6 capsules a day with lots of water. I did, and my stone pain disappeared almost immediately. It's a blend of herbs that really works for me. Then cut out tea, iced tea, chocolate, and rhubarb from your diet. These foods cause kidney due to their high oxalate content. I've been free of stones and pain for several years now. taking 1-2 Renalon per day. There's not much pain worse than kidney stone pain. Hope you feel better soon.
I assume your 'doctor' is a urologist and you have been to a GP doctor already. If the GP made this diagnosis, they should also be referring you to a urologist next. If you still have back pain from your kidney, I would go see a 2nd doctor immediately and make sure you are getting the right diagnosis. Internal organ issues can be very serious and normally require urine plus blood tests as well as MRI scans to diagnose. In looking up Kidney infection, Web says it starts as a bladder infection and works upwards. Did that happen to you? Good luck.
I've been going thru similar this summer. right now they still aren't sure whats up. but I want to give you a heads up on one antibiotic,nnalert. It is on FDA black box list, which is like the warning label on cigarettes.
Can cause muscle and tendon tearing in some people. You have to decide.
About three years ago I thought I was on the way to the funeral home if something didn't change. It started out with having a little problem getting "started", like a prostate problem. Didn't think much about it, everything else was fine. It got worse, then I couldn't empty my bladder, and it got worse. All of this happened in about a week. I started having the back pain, as you describe. After a visit to the doctor, I found I had blood in the urine and a hefty infection from somewhere. Gave me nnalert for two weeks and I was taking AZO during that time as well. That stuff really helped with the discomfort. The doctor also gave me something to reduce swelling in the prostate. I have never had any, not any, issues with my prostate before.

After just one day of meds I was peeing good (discolored due to the AZO, nobody told me it turned the urine bright orange!!!) And, after two weeks worth of taking medicine, drinking water, laced with cranberry juice (real juice, not the cocktail stuff), I got to feeling a lot better.

After the fact I found I had a really good bladder infection that traveled up and got both of my kidneys infected as well. My liquid habits have changed, no carbonated soft drinks other than an occasional Sprite, I have a gallon of Cranberry juice about every two weeks, mix it with water to cut the sour taste. I can go like a horse again.

I have had kidney stones in the past. I named every one of them. The statement that it's like giving birth is no joke!

Yes, nnalert is bad stuff, but it got me out of a bind, and really quick too.
I'm in a similar situation, and now you have me wondering. My lower back has been bothering me for the last several weeks.

The VA has me rated 30% disabled for a service connected back injury, so every time I have a sore back the doctors, VA and private, simply assume it's from the back injury and treat it as such. I have an appointment with a physical therapist on Monday, but I think I'll bring up the possibility of a kidney infection.
Hope you get feeling better real soon!

Just and FYI for those reading this post...

My mom had a bladder infection with no pain whatsoever (in her mid-70's). But she was becoming very confused (as in almost Alzheimers-like).

A friend of my sister worked with geriatric patients and told my sister that bladder infections can cause confusion, especially in the elderly... and that we should get mom to the doctor ASAP.

Turned out that gal was right - so if you know someone who suddenly seems confused... a bladder infection could be the cause of it.

Antibiotics cleared it up and mom's thinking abilities returned to normal. (Weird, but true.)
Kidney stone....WHOA... my best description,
Take a golf ball, coat it in glue, roll it around in CRUSHED glass, let dry,
then push it thru a garden hose.
Cather removal after kidney stone removal, nurse grabbed the end of the cather and gave it
yank like she was cranking a snapper rider mower. Another great ...WHOA....!
I Have made changes to eliminate this from my life.
Good luck, J

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