Athletes foot


Athletes foot does anybody know of a good ointment to use? has anybody delt with it in the military what did they use? I'm thinking amputation or 60 grit sand paper.
When taking a shower plug the drain and pour a pint/quart of apple cider vinegar in the water. Pour it over your privates also if you have a little heat rash. Works great. chris

the medics gave us jock itch spray to use; both of these nasty critters are caused be the same fungus family or that's what our medic platoon sgt told me.

USA (ret)
Athletes foot is a fungus that requires warmth, moisture, and alkaline conditions to grow. Take away any one of the three, and it will go away.
Pouring lemon juice, vinegar, etc.(acid) will remove the alkaline balance,(and may burn like crazy).
I use foot spray that has Tinactin as an active ingredient. There is also Lotramin, good stuff, rather expensive.
My military boots in Vietnam had vents to help keep the feet dry. Helped a lot.
I haven't found anything that totally gets rid of it but Vicks Vapor Rub holds it at bay. It helps if you have three pairs of shoes and wear a different pair every day.
Doctor prescribed Lamasil pills for my toe nail fungus. It cured that plus athletes feet, jock itch and dandruff. Funny thing, when the order came, it noted that my doctor prescribed this for my vaginal yeast infection.
If all the sprays and oinments aren't working you have to soak the feet in Domeboro solution. Stays in the boots too sometimes you need new boots.
My feet sweat too much. When I go on vacation and do a lot of walking my socks get wet, bottom o feet start burning and I go lame, can't walk. Ruins a vacation. I discovered these shoes on amazon. The seller is great. I got a pair that was too small, seller sent me the right size and didn't want me to return the pair that was too small.

Last vacation, same story, started walking, feet started burning. Put on a pair of these shoes and feet stopped burning. Also nice shoes if you plan to go swimming in ocean or a stream where you may cut your feet.

I wouldn't want to drop something on my feet, but I wear them all summer. Don't care if some dirt gets in my shoes. I think they are the greatest thing. My feet stay dry.

Just try them and see if you agree.
mesh shoes.
There are several over the counter remedies available now. They used to be prescription.

Read the label, if it says "cures" that's the good stuff.
They used to sell Zinc undecyclenate for this as the old Desenex. It is pretty simple. Now there are a whole range of topical antifungals. The generic work just as well as the name brands.

chlotrimazole: medication of choice for tinea pedis and cruris.





and others

warning: some of the sprays if used in delicate areas will cause you to jump up and down on the floor, or bath tub and turn somersaults without the use of a spring board and yell like Tarzan. This effect lasts for about a minute so enjoy the exercise. No extra points if you stick the landing.

I just finished using clotrimazole to treat a spot of ringworm on one of our cats. It worked very well.
Jerry, do you spell your name Jerry or Jerri?

Just curious.

Glad I was drinking ice tea instead of a Coke (soda) at the time!


Good one Jerry!

After I took a shower and washed my feet well with Ivory soap, I would soak my funky feet in a bucket with a half bottle of rubbing alcohol and cool water, dried them well, powder them well with baby powder, and put on a pair of clean white cotton socks. And keep them as cool as you can. Leather boots that have been "sweat up" are not your friends! Boots with the nylon uppers are better.

Good luck Jerry!

Some of us are cursed with it. Wear sandals without socks as much as possible. Ya you'll look like a hippie but fungus does not like sunlight and open air. In the summer I wear sandals without socks whenever I go to town and I'm barefoot around the house. It has pretty much taken care of my toe nail fungus, in fact I'm not ashamed of my toenails anymore. The athletes foot is gone too.

Jerry, I just reread your post and I'm really curious now!

How can you have jock itch and a vaginal yeast infection at the same time??

Inquiring minds want to know!!


Take good care of yourself and have a good evening,, ah, Ma'am!

Thanks for making us all giggle!!!

soak a few minutes in some fresh cow aunt had problems for years with her sunday her husband drove cattle truck for friend.when he got back she went in barefoot to help him clean trailer.few days her feet were healed.also heard pi--ing on feet in shower works.
I don't think you ever get rid of it. Seems I have had it my whole life. Use the powder or sprays as suggested, I also use medicated body powder. Make sure you get between your toes. Ventilated shoes will help. Soon as you can get out of the sweaty work shoes and into something else or go barefoot.
Household bleach will cure a lot of foot fungus problems. Soaking foot in a container with warm water to cover foot and a couple ounces (more or less according to tolerance) of bleach cured a nasty foot for me. My old boss put me onto it about 55 years go. I soak my dentures using household bleach also. Works much better than any fancy denture cleaners. Can't use it if you have a lining on dentures though, I don't, wife does.
Lotrimine(sp?) spray works pretty good.

When I was in HS I got a bad case of athlete's foot on the other end of my legs. It was embarrassing because I wanted to scratch all the time and the girls laughed. One night I decided I was going to cure it and looked in the medicine cabinet and found the Dr. Tichenor's. I thought that since it killed germs it should do fine so I splashed about a half of a bottle on and it ran into every crevice. It felt pretty good for about 1 second. I was told that everyone within 2 miles heard a blood curdling scream and dad found me laying back on the bed with a box fan blowing on my crotch. I don't remember if it helped the itch but it made me forget about it for a while.
I wash my feet with anti bacterial soap and dry. Soak in peroxide and use Lotrimin cream. Works for me.

Bleach works well on poison ivy. Never tried it on athletes foot.

Good Luck.
I will never forget in high school had it bad itch and burning. My grandfather went out to the med. cabinet in the barn and came in with some horse linament and made a foot tub of water and mixed in this horse linament and the next day he did the same thing and it was gone just like that. I have never had it bad like that again.
I use the Tinactin liquid spray. I've had recurring bouts for years because I'm on my feet, and wear steel toed boots 7 days a week. I've tried other brands without the desired results, but the Tinactin works great.
In high school our son had never-ending athlete's foot.

Dr. told him to apply one of the cream medications of choice... doc said the cream works better than the sprays.

The other thing the doc stressed is to have 2 or 3 pairs of shoes - so your shoes can dry out thoroughly before wearing them again.

And to run around the house in socks whenever possible to help keep your feet dry.
Try Astyptodine. It is hard to find in stores now, but google it and you can,order online. It is good for tick and other bug bites, sore gums, cuts and scratches and just about everything else. External use only but if you can stand the taste, it will cure a sore gum or fever blister. Put it on with a cotton swab and spit and rinse out good. Tommy
(quoted from post at 13:40:55 08/11/16) soak a few minutes in some fresh cow aunt had problems for years with her sunday her husband drove cattle truck for friend.when he got back she went in barefoot to help him clean trailer.few days her feet were healed.also heard pi--ing on feet in shower works.
My wife was watching the Dr Oz show one day and he said pi--ing on your feet in the shower works
Jerry, I hope you and everyone else here has seen "Worlds Fastest Indian" at least once!

There is scene in the movie, Burt Munro went to the Dr. for chest pains.

Dr. tells him it's "angina".

Burt replies "Angina? Thanks for telling me that doc, never knew I had one of those!" LOL

Best movie ever made!
After shave lotion. Something that stings when you put it on a freshly shaven face.

If your wife buys Avon they have a good spray for athletes foot called foot works. It works. Also wear white socks and have two pair of boots and wear a different pair everyday.

If your wife buys Avon they have a good spray for athletes foot called foot works. It works. Also wear white socks and have two pair of boots and wear a different pair everyday.
I got a bad case while I was driving truck. Picked up a pair of Velcro shoes and drove barefoot, probably did more than anything.

Walmart has a little 5 or so inch fan for 6 or 7 bucks. Tip your boots over and set the fan to blow air into them. Dry shoes by morning.
My parents and grandparents used Iodine. So when I had athlete's foot I got some Lugols Iodine (contains Potassium Iodide as well as Iodine). It's been around since 1824 but is getting hard to find. A pharmacy that does compounding will have Lugols. It only took one or two applications and the athlete's foot was gone.
Athletes foot, jock itch, ringworm are all the same fungus. Household bleach will kill it fast. Use it as strong as you can stand it.
Tried all the home remedies and even most of the off the shelf stufff. Biggest thing I did was talk to my doctor he gave me some pills called diflucan. Took em one week a month for six months. Killed it dead cleaned up my toe nails and it has not been back. I think a boot dryer sure helped but I'm not sure I could have been rid of athletes foot on my own.
I have found that any product containing tolnaftate works. Tinactin is one brand that contains tolnaftate, but most stores carry cheaper generic brands that work just fine. In my experience, it only takes a couple of days for it to kill my athlete's foot.

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