did you ever have a job that just went badly?


Well it happened to me..at work i started to do a job and it seemed to just go badly from the beginning. Not sure why this is so but perhaps the alignment of planets had something to do with it?
Boss asked me one day Larry did you make a
mistake? I looked him right in the eyes
and told him only if you can prove it!!
That's the bad part of farming on your own
no coworkers no wife and no kids nobody to
blame but me.
I've heard the best job is an undertaker
you can bury your mistakes.
Got a call to replace some bathroom vanity
fixtures at my wife's boss' house. When I
took the first old one down I found that the
electrician who hung it had cut the hole for
the box off center the first time and the
new light wouldn't cover it. So I told his
wife about it and recommended a person to
patch the drywall. I went to the next
bathroom and took down another light and had
the same problem but the hole was closer. I
felt so bad at this point that I decided to
try the last light before I broke the news
to her. When I took down the last light I
found that the electrician had trouble
finding the wire so he cut another hole
12"over. I had to tell her that the only
light that would cover a hole would be 1"off
center. Fortunately she said just hang the
one that is close and we'll have someone
patch the other holes. Of course it would
happen in a situation like that.
Had a job once and the customers like dealing with me. Another company bought out and got a new boss who upset customers and they would not go to him and only talk with me. I got fired and they went out of business within a year. One of the customers hired me. ALL WAS WELL. You might say my Job in Vietnam didn't go well either.
My mother had just given birth to me. My father and the doctor were standing together when my father asked the doctor, "Did you ever have a job that just went bad", and then all three of them turned and looked at me. I'm not certain when my inferiority complex began but I have a pretty good idea.

Yep, every once in a while have a job that doesn't go well. I tell the customer that it makes up for all the jobs that go good. Two jobs right now held up a week each waiting for parts from two different parts yards.
My mom started on doctors order smoking her hair turned white she also was in the hospital on her birthday and also missed Sunday mass . Yes I got the blame for all that but thinking about that was it really my fault after all I wasn't the one that started it
Hi I got one or 2 customers I can guarantee if I got their stuff in the shop it will go south before the end of the job. It will either be a parts
screw up from the supplier , way more wrong with their machine than the job started out with . or like one day I finished a job not related to the
cooling system but decided to check the coolant and oils, as this guy forgets!.

The rad was low so topped it up then found the leak at 11.30 pm the night before he wanted to pick it up at 7.30 the next morning. out comes a self
tapping screw to fit the hole and JB weld for a temporary fix to get him going. That temp fix looks permanent he never brought it back to do it right.
either it don't leak or he hasn't checked the coolant level since L.O.L.
Regards Robert
Been in construction for 30 years . I tell all the hotshot youngsters you don't find out
how good you are until a job goes bad , whether your own fault or not. A couple old
timers taught me don't be afraid to put the shovel down and figure it out . And if you
screwed up own it.
Seems like when one thing goes wrong with a job, it compounds itself and everything goes wrong.

One employment situation I always have to laugh about. Once upon a time I had my own auto body shop and used car lot, but the building wasn't big enough to get a decent amount of workflow through it. So I reluctantly made the decision to close it down.

As it happened, I'd occasionally farmed a complete paint job out to a local Maaco shop and the guys at Maaco kept bugging me to come to work for them. So-when I decided to close my own shop, I talked to the manager at Maaco and made a deal to work there. He was all optimism, talking about expanding the shop, etc. I told him it would take me a couple of weeks to close down my shop and I'd call him in about ten days to set a date when I'd start.

About ten days later, I tried calling the place and got a recording that the telephone had been removed or was not in service. I drove over to the place and it was deserted with paper taped inside all the windows. They'd gone out of business within that ten days.

But the local Ford dealer, whom I knew since we were teenagers, was advertising for a salesman so I went to work there, and a couple of weeks later fell into being Service Manager through no effort of my own, so I can laugh about the Maaco deal. Might not have been so funny if I hadn't had the backup with Ford.
As a trim carpenter, I always say 'the difference between the pro and homeowner is the pro knows he screwed up sooner'. Of course, the sooner you know, the better your chances of recovery!
I was totally unfamiliar (different area) with an automated gantry in the factory where I work.

Boss said it's not running, need it fixed, production is halted.

So of course I immediately managed to wreck it...with my boss, his boss and his bosses boss watching.

They're all looking at me, only thing I could think to say was "probably isn't the last thing
I'll tear up before I retire". Did eventually get it running

We laughed about it much later.

I have been fired from two jobs in my life.
Drove OTR for about 1 1/2 years in the mid
80s. Never wrecked anything or missed
schedules, etc. Just didn't like it. I guess
it showed.
Omahagreg I have a similar outlook. The difference in a pro and amateur is the pro knows when it is going wrong and how to fix it. Some days it is just better to leave it be. I have started days breaking band saw blades, welders, drill bits etc. That is usually the first signal. Seems some people or their homes are jinxed.
Same thing happened to me once. I was a salesman at a GM dealership when a consultant talked the dealer into creating a new position of Assistant Service Manager. I went for it. As it happened, the Service Manager had run his own show for so long he wasn't ready to share it with anyone else.

On top of that, at that point I already been a Ford Service Manager and had had my own body shop, so I had my own following around town. The Service Manager wasn't really that well liked around town, and people would come into the service department, walk right past him, and deal with me. That irritated the hell out of him.

After three months, it became obvious the entire situation wasn't going anywhere, so I said to hell with it.
yeah, when you are all done with electrical work, standing there with the customer and sayind"lets give it the smmoke test" and when you close the breaker, BAM AND SMOKE COMES OUT OF THE NEWLY INSTALLED machine. Unbelievable!!!!!
Pa used to say " I'm glad that went wrong because now absolutely everything that can go wrong has, so it should be smooth sailing from here on"
I can say In my life time I've made a allot of MISTAKES! As I was told if you break a tool!! TELL SOMEBODY !
Don't hide it!! It was my dad that told me that A long , time ago!!!! I have this still today in the work field ( Hide It) and don't understand people?? Are The people Scarred??? OF WHAT???
As I always say. What's going to happen?? As the Carpenter said above, you make a mistake you fix it! He know's if the foundation is not level!!! It will haunt you to all way to the roof!!! Very true!
Refer Man and I worked on allot of different Machines.
we used to pump them down and blow the refrigerant to the atmosphere ( 100 Lbs.R-12 PER. Unit). A NO NO Now. you probably don't know back in 1987, DuPont lost their Patent to Manuf. R-12. ( They came up with, 134, 134,1, 134,B Before 134 A) That's when P.A.G.Oil was introrduced.
Just A heads Up, It took them a few years to come up with 134-A
Now it was a Temp. Patent for 10 years and is going expire!
They didn't want any third world county's to be able to make it.
So the E.P.A. get's involved. Now it's the OZONE Hole as we know. It's Still there!
Dumb jobs I got one, Have you ever pulled the Emergency brake got out? Then the brake cable broke and the Vehicle rolled?? That was bad! Tried to stop it.(Wrong),
Younger then, I guess You can figure what happen's then.

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