rrlund, others in central Michigan


Well-known Member
Just checked my supply of generator gas and other weather related supplies. Talking as much as 3/4" inch of ice outta the storm over the next day or two. That probably will lead to some trees down and power failures. May get to try out that new chainsaw I got at the 4-H benefit auction last Saturday. Not supposed to run a saw with my pacemaker but have had no ill effects in limited trials so far. The Drs also told me I couldn't run heavy equipment. Told thenm that was part of my job description. What do they think farmers do anyway?
Been watching channel 8? lol

The only forecast I've heard called for maybe a tenth of an inch of ice here. So far they've been way off. Was supposed to start between 6 and 8 am,didn't even start sprinkling until after noon. Gonna have to get a lot more serious than this to even make me glad I got the manure out this morning. Sure been another non event so far.
Nothing but rain down this way. Watch that chainsaw. Pure coincidence I surmise (make that hope!), but I have ended up in the ER twice after using a chainsaw the past couple years.
Went in for my yearly physical yesterday. My Doctor, who drives by my house everyday, told me to keep on doing what I'm doing. Its the best thing for me. She said she's glad to see me out doing something every day. Much better than sitting in the lazyboy like some of her patients. The last four year I've dealt with a bout of cancer, got a knee replaced, and had the cataracts removed from eyes. I just keep on keeping on and try to get back at it as soon as I can. Although I do have to get a colonoscopy next week, I'm looking forward to that.

We've just had a few drops of rain where I'm at. Its looking like the brunt of the storm is going North of me. I'm right on the edge. I always keep the generators ready and plenty of gas for them just in case.
Ground is white and snowing good right now, still above freezing but supposed to drop below 32 tonight, wait and see what happens.
Got an inch of wet white on ground right now (3:45) and coming down pretty heavily. (Mt Pleasant) Just got back from Jansons Equip. on 46 and just wet ground down there.
I am on the eastern edge of central Mich, between I94 and I96 and not even rain here yet! Just cloudy and dreary...
Just got home from work. Put ice sand leading to all blacktop stops in my territory to help hold them overnight if we get more ice. Going to bed now, will get called at 11 tonight to work on state highways until 6 tomorrow morning, when I'll head to my territory and see what needs to be done there.

Snowing hard here in northern Bay county. Got about 2 1/2 in already. 5-8 tonight with wind picking up during the night so blowing and drifting.
Still just raining in Ionia. Hope it stays that way. We're right on the forecasted line of rain and frozen stuff.
About 3" of real heavy wet snow, now rain is freezing on the windows, sure hope it doesn't get too bad, the wind is blowing pretty good. I'm not exactly looking forward to an ice storm.
Dusting of snow 10 miles North of Ionia but mostly rain so far.
I've got to get gas tomorrow anyway, so planned on getting extra.
Hopefully there won't be too much ice on my way to work. :roll:
After my neighbor slipped on a branch and cut his knee open, and almost bled out, I got serious about safety.

Chaps, helmet set, ear protection, and gloves. I work by myself a lot, and it makes my cautious
Sorry that I am not at home to give you a report but I am working on the bucket list in southern Arizona right now. The corn and cotton are both up and the alfalfa gets cut every thirty days. Everything looks just perfect. I have not seen a cloud in the sky all month and it looks like the last time it rained here Roosevelt was in office. I went by a dairy set up today that l have no idea how many thousand cows they had but I drove over two miles of nothing but solid milk cows under cover.I will post some pictures when I get home and have my desk top computer. Think about putting the hay up when it is always 75 to 90 degrees out 35 percent humidity, no chance of rain, table top flat fields and not a weed in the section. All of this because of our engineering fore fathers knew enough to harness the water from the Colorado river to supply us with the aqueduct and power system.
I have a hard time sleeping in the daylight and when I'm not tired, so I woke up a bit ago and was checking the forums again. Went outside to check things out. The temp came up a couple degrees and the rain/ice is now melting before it hits the road, so hopefully I will get to sleep a couple more hours tonight. However, the wind has picked up, and the rain is sticking to the trees in the hard and freezing on. I think the wind is helping it freeze out in the open, as we sit right at 32?. Seems like a decent amount of ice stuck to the trees already.

My oldest drove home form Ferris last night, said the first hour or so was pretty tough road conditions until it warmed up around GR. We've had enough moisture to make 6 inches of snow, but not enough cold, so it has all been rain down here by the border

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