Hows your firewood supply doing?


Well-known Member
This is only the third year I have heated the shop mainly with wood. Not knowing my needs for sure we cut and split plenty. The mild winter is going to leave me with a good start for next winter.
Still plenty in the barn and some trees we just never got around to cutting up are pulled in a pile in back of the field.
Low. This was my first year burning wood in years. I've been cutting kind of as I go. I don't want to end up with too much in the lean to beacaue I still need to wire and insulate it.
North of you I have the same. Burned a lot less than we did in '13,14. I'm not as fortunate to have a heap of Ash like you do.
Got just a little over half left. Gonna be a little easier cutting wood this year. Won't need quite so much to fill everything back up again.
I also use wagons along with 2 sheds to store wood. Usually go through 4-5 loads, but so far only on second one. Have been cutting as I use it as we have not had that much snow. I have 2 outside wood boilers, 1 for basement of the house and garage and 1 for the shop-40X40 I usually use 10 to 12 cords a year. Not even half that this year.

Same story here about burning less wood and I went in to cold weather behind on wood but my sil helped a guy build a house and the guy had cut some trees down for the new place and he said that it was his if he wanted it. I went there when they were framing and my buddy and I cut,split and took a 1 ton load and also my pickup and also loaded up my sil's pickup. We had to cut shorter wood for him because of his stove. There was a little pile that we didn't get to but he got that out later.
I have such a over abundance of wood that I would like to sell a few cords, but no interest, even offered to deliver small quantities. After spending 3 months down south we don't burn much ourselves, and I like to cut wood. Last summer I took out 7 big hybrid poplar/cottonwoods here at the house and we have been burning that since we got home, and saving the better wood to sell, but no calls. The hybrid burns just fine, very dry, so no creosote and little ashes, just have to put it in more often. I think with gas and oil being so cheap there is less interest in burning wood.
wood pile should be about gone end of March. Will put up a shed a few feet away from the patio for next years supply. Dropped the next years supply last summer, will get it cut up and stored away during the coming spring, summer or fall.
Still have plenty, was going out and cutting in the wood up through the holidays. Started using from storage in January. Having so much dead ash to cut made it hard to stop. Normally I do all my cutting during the fair weather months, April and October are favorites. First year for the wood shed.


Boy ,I sure wish I was set up to burn wood. I like cutting wood and could use some extra exercise.Would be cheaper than gas.
Used a little less than normal, got a lot cut so I'm ahead for next year. I don't know what we'll burn when all this ash is burned up or rotted. For most of us in the Midwest we've been burning dead ash for the last 4-5 years but most of it is already dead by now.
I took this pic a day ago. My consunption is way down also. The shed was crammed to the rafters when I lit the boiler Nov 11th. The vacated cavity in the woodshed represents 6.88 cord
(128cu ft) each. of wood that I have burned this year. With the execption of a couple days, the boiler has run non stop all winter, but I haven't had to keep it on the govenor full time like last year. Last year when I finally shut the boiler down, I had burned 14.5 cord of wood. Currently there is roughly 13 cord left in the shed that you see in the left of the pic. It may take a couple more cord before the seasion is over?????
Not nearly as much as the last few years. I too have plenty of ash. There's so much dying around here that I have been cutting and splitting an abundance. Might not have to do as much next year.
I know you turn out a lot of work out of your shop but my experience has been that a person spends too much time screwing around with a wood stove which takes away from productive time.My shop has lp radiant heat and the house has a corn stove with a fuel oil furnace for a backup heat source.
Hi, I have used far less wood this year than normal.
We love the heat you get from a wood stove. We have electric baseboard back up but don't need it. We just get our wood off the mountain. Take my saw when I go hunting etc. Lots cut up and ready in wood shed.
Ed Will Oliver BC
2 nights burning left & week of bad weather to look forward to. So many things to do; this is the first year I have ever ran completely out, as I did last week. I hate the sound of a heat pump running!

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