Chicken fence

Good question.

A long time ago I tried to confine some young roosters to a large fenced in area. Clipped both wings and they still flew over a 5 foot chain link fence.

I have some hens in the mix now, I don't know what breed, that can fly from the ground onto the roof at will.
I was planning on clipping one wing.
When they try to fly it causes them to turn uncontrollably making them crash.

I'm thinking they could still get over a 4 foot fence but 6 feet may keep them in.
But wanting some advise from those that already fence chickens.
A lot has to do with what breed you have,something like White Rocks can't hardly fly but Old English Game hens can fly almost like wild birds.Leghorns are in the middle but would probably need a 5 or 6 ft tall fence
Not sure about clipped wing(s) height but I built an 8 foot (a pair of 4 foot stacked) fence out of "Goat"wire. Never had a chicken top the fence. I spaced treated 4 X 4 every 8 feet with a rail road tie between them on the ground so Id have something to staple the bottom of the fence to. We have a coyote problem so, I wanted something stronger than chicken wire and the rail road ties have kept the coyotes from crawling under the fence.
Around here, it's not about keeping the chickens in...We spend more time/effort to protect them from the Hawks.

An open top would be a feast for hawks.
We started off clipping one wing as that was what we had read. Didn't seem to faze them. These were younger and lighter birds.

6 foot should work for typical heavier breeds. The full grown production reds and barreds (?) were stopped by the 5 foot fence.
We kept some in with an electric fence about 2 inches off of the ground. One wing clipped.

Around here, the chicken folks (small flocks) stretch monofilament fishing line over the chicken pens to keep flying predators from harassing the flock. I haven't tried that idea, but they say it works great. . .

Keeping predators out is the big problem in this area.
I think mom has a 48" high fence. What the others say it is not so much a problem if the chickens get out but what gets in ! Mom has lost a lot to hawks and foxes.
And in Ohio the insurance companies want to raise your rates for having chickens !
I made one out of panels from a round wire corn crib along side of my barn. I think it 5 foot high. My Bared Rocks don't fly much. I was more worried about keeping predators out. I have had no problems.
Our pen has 5 foot wire. We have a few white leghorns and some Rhode Island Red crosses. We don't have their wings clipped and there is only one of the Rhode Island crosses that will get out. That particular little stinker can make about 4 feet in the air from a standing jump before she hardly even spreads her wings. Have a Wyandotte rooster and so far he has stayed put.
I have a 5 foot fence around my garden, wood posts and goat type wire. We have around 40 chickens here and have never seen one in the garden yet.
Ours is 4 feet and if there wings are clipped no problem as long as you keep then from finding holes to get out under the fence but as soon as the get feather they're gone!
I've got a few leghorns and we used to have to climb the cherry tree to put them in the pen every night because they would fly up there. don't really know how they would do with a 4 foot fence because 3 years ago we got tired of clipping wings and fixing fence holes so if we open the hen house door they go anywhere and everywhere.
Growing up, we had a lot of chickens and sold the eggs to the local feed store/hatchery. We had a large flyway/pen. probably 12x20 Build with 10' high poles and had stringers across the top. Totally enclosed with chicken wire. Had 2x12's around the bottom dug in so critters wouldn't dig under.
I've had chickens for 25 plus years now and I use the 2X4 by 4 foot tall and have little or no problems with keeping most of them in. Ya once in a while you have one get out but not often. The plan this year is to move where I have the pen up to where maybe floods will never be a problem again
5 ft is high enough to keep them in the wire on top is usually to keep predetors out. Getting 35 more chicks tomorrow.

If you are going to put a wire cover over it for predator protection the height is simple, make it high enough so you can walk under it. I built a chicken pen for daughter using 5 foot dog pen wire, plus dog pen wire on top, with the edges wired together. Put boards at the bottom. Nothing but snakes got in, but a coon dug under the fence enough to get one paw under the fence, then wiggled his fingers so a stupid chicken would come investigate. Coon grabbed chicken, got both paws through the hole, pulled pieces of the chicken out.

Snakes get eggs. If you have a method of keeping snakes out, please share.

(quoted from post at 01:21:20 02/23/16) Want to build a bigger chicken yard.
Large enough it would make it impracticable to cover the top.

How tall of a fence would you need to keep a chicken in with a cut wing?

I have 6 foot kennel panels, with one wing clipped they stay in pretty well, maybe 1 or 2 a year get out. With both wings clipped, about 10 times that fly out.

Hawks only get 1 or 2 a year, I dont think they like dropping in 6 feet of chainlink, same with owls. Free ranging in yard or pasture, they will get cleaned up.

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