Cold morning here today!!!

JD Seller

Well-known Member
Well we are getting our first real cold spell this morning. It is -6 with strong winds, putting the wind chill at -26. We had a few waterers freeze and one line in the one rental freeze. We have that all fixed now. There will not be much going on out side today for sure. The furnace in this old house is going full bore and it is 65 inside. I will light a heater in the basement that will insure the water lines do not freeze and it will help warm the house up too.
So be safe if your getting this cold weather.
Some will have it colder, I'm at -12F, wind chill is the bad deal, been in the -30s since yesterday afternoon.

I'll be watching the Vikings game from the living room! Hear they are having a hard time scalping tickets, that temporary college stadium they are using is a wind tunnel.......

Same here JD.

I am heading back to Oklahoma panhandle Tuesday with a return on Saturday, anyone heard the forecast?
its plus 9f here in central alberta. we have been very lucky this winter to date as we have not had the - 25 to - 40 stuff as we do get here. even notice the days are getting longer already.
-9 in central Iowa, woke up to a cold house. Furnace not running, checked all the obvious. Googled my service code 31 on a Carrier furnace. Took the drain hose off the inducer unit and got 1/2 gallon of water out. Furnace now up and running. Need to take the drain assembly off after the house warms up and backflush it.
Heat wave in NEKS - 4 this morning. It was 7 just now when I came in. I didn't have the chore tractor plugged in. She needed some time to sit and run at high idle before she was happy to go! I was worried about the 9 year old batteries in it for sure!
Weather Channel has been talking about a lot of earthquakes in Oklahoma. I'm not exactly sure where and just small ones.
41F here at noon today, with heavy rain all morning. Seems I had things to do outside this morning and I got soaked. Warm now but, a change is a coming. We will be getting your deep cold here some time tomorrow , or the next day with snow in the forecast. Glad this was rain so far or boy would we have a pile of snow. Going out after lunch and put the snow blower on , first time this year. Bruce
Cold front passed yesterday just as I was loading up some equipment. Temps went from high 60s to low 40s with high humidity. At noon today it is 40 degrees, 34% humidity, 10 mph out of north, with bright sunny skies. Cold for East Texas but nice day. I knew winter had to come eventually but warm weather is only two month away. Not sure the Bermuda is even dormant yet. Looks like a good football day for the Vikings vs Seahawks...should be advantage for Vikings.
I don't miss the IA and MN weather. They are a good place to be from. In the early 60s, I was in Goldfield, IA and saw -32 and 83" of snow. I kept a lot of antifreeze in me in those days.
Two days of rain, one day of cloudy weather and a hard freeze last night. Its he!! feeding cattle with them frozen ruts.

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